View Full Version : Lying Judge Convicted

1st May 2014, 16:22
Barrister Constance Briscoe has been found guilty of lying to police probing former cabinet minister Chris Huhne's speeding points case.


Jail her and strip her of the gold plated state funded pension

1st May 2014, 18:00
I just read that. Maybe she needs to get a job at the Met, she can help them with the shredding of evidence. :xxparty-smiley-004:

1st May 2014, 18:09
:icon_lol: her next job will be peeling spuds at HMP Bronzefield

1st May 2014, 18:51
...Thought of you Dedworth, as I was listening to this on the news this afty. :biggrin:

1st May 2014, 18:57
Maybe Dianne Abbot can put in a good word for her :biggrin:

1st May 2014, 18:58
...Thought of you Dedworth, as I was listening to this on the news this afty. :biggrin:

You know me Graham always like to see wrongdoers get their comeuppance particularly mealy mouthed members of the establishment. Problem is, as per usual we can expect a slap on the wrist sentence of 90 days rather that a deterrent 5 years hard labour

1st May 2014, 18:59
You know I'm not going to argue with that. :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

1st May 2014, 20:05
You know I'm not going to argue with that. :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

Me neither :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st May 2014, 23:00
Me neither :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Nor I...:cwm25:

Arthur Little
2nd May 2014, 00:18
Problem is, as per usual we can expect a slap on the wrist sentence of 90 days rather that a deterrent 5 years hard labour

According to the BBC's 10 o'clock news ... she's likely to be facing a custodial *sentence; but as to *its duration ... well ... :anerikke: ... time ('scuse pun!) will tell.

:cwm24: ... wonder if she'll be taking her punishment "lying" down! :laugher:

2nd May 2014, 05:35
:icon_lol: her next job will be peeling spuds at HMP Bronzefield

Slightly off topic, I applied for a job as a Prison officer there when it first opened. Obviously I didn't get it as I had no experience at that time.

2nd May 2014, 13:58
16 months - still a slap on the wrist

2nd May 2014, 16:58
She has family troubles too.

Looks like they'll be pursuing their court case against her.

Has to do with accusing her mother of child abuse, which mother and siblings deny.

Didn't she write a book on it ? Certainly appeared on daytime TV publicising her (alleged) 'years of deprivation and abuse' as a child. :cwm25:

Ah...here it is:

