View Full Version : Do You Trust The Police In The UK?

2nd May 2014, 14:08
Yer right :icon_lol:

I was convicted of something in the early 90's due to a copper lying in court :NoNo:. I also know the same thing happening to a number of other people I've known over the years. So what happened at Hillsborough, Plebgate, and many, many other cases is no surprise.

2nd May 2014, 19:47
I guess some are not trustworthy but probably the Majority are.

2nd May 2014, 21:22
I guess some are not trustworthy but probably the Majority are.
We would like to think that when we go to our warm cosy beds at night. ...wouldn't we :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I wouldn't trust them anywhere :NoNo:

2nd May 2014, 21:39
I guess some are not trustworthy but probably the Majority are.

:yikes: something we both agree on :icon_lol:

2nd May 2014, 21:51
My brother-in-law and nephew are both cops. I'd trust them. :smile:

Thank goodness I decided not to join the force, after being accepted when I was 19.

I would have been an absolute horrible :censored: :biggrin:.

2nd May 2014, 21:56
I still want to be a motorway car chase cop!

2nd May 2014, 22:04
I thought you had an Xbox or a PS3 ! :smile:

Not got Grand Theft Auto or similar ?:drivingx:

2nd May 2014, 23:10
Ps4 :Rasp:

2nd May 2014, 23:16
I've stuck with the Xbox 360, as it plays my favourite games, like Forza 4. :smile:


3rd May 2014, 00:19
Need for Speed is my fav car game, but not much out still for ps4 but some top car racing games on the way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd May 2014, 00:30
I put a 500bhp motor in a GMC van, and took it round Laguna Seca...with predictable results. :icon_lol:



3rd May 2014, 00:37
My super little Escort MK2 RS1800 is a real weapon though. :biggrin:


3rd May 2014, 01:02
There are a lot of good cops out there..Just a shame many of them are made to hide behind trees with speed guns etc...
Self employed Tax collectors IMO.

3rd May 2014, 08:49
I put a 500bhp motor in a GMC van, and took it round Laguna Seca...with predictable results. :icon_lol:



:icon_lol: Yes Forza is good but not available for ps4 but we have some good ones coming up.I know it's not everything but Graphically the new games look stunning.
I prefer scenery than race tracks.

3rd May 2014, 08:55
You may like this one too - it's coming to xboxone too

3rd May 2014, 09:03
It is such a pity that all cops come from the average population of the country in which they serve, and some bring the same level of honesty which society in general adheres to. That is often a lower standard than many seem to expect.

Of course those found to transgress get sacked, or prosecuted.

This may come as a surprise to those of you who have had the occasionall brush with the law and the officers lied, but almost all the guys I came into contact with who had been arrested lied too. But I know that does mean that everyone is a liar.

3rd May 2014, 09:15
But I know that does mean that everyone is a liar.

I think you'll find every single human on the planet lies, and bends the truth in one way or another. Most do it knowingly, while others do it because of the way the brain works (you only need to compare witness statements for the same event to see that). Yes, even priests, nuns, etc lie. :smile:

3rd May 2014, 09:25
I think you'll find every single human on the planet lies, and bends the truth in one way or another. Most do it knowingly, while others do it because of the way the brain works (you only need to compare witness statements for the same event to see that). Yes, even priests, nuns, etc lie. :smile:

100% agreed and anyone who disagrees is a liar :biggrin:

3rd May 2014, 09:32
You may like this one too - it's coming to xboxone too

Thanks Les...will look out for them. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Incidentally, the graphics on Forza4 are brilliant, as are NFS Shift2, but uploading my movies to youtube completely ruins them (and the actual smooth movement of the vehicles).