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Arthur Little
6th May 2014, 19:35
At my time of life :olddude: ... one starts to become increasingly conscious of one's own mortality. And so it was that ... :anerikke: ... out of a sense of morbid curiosity - rather than finding myself assailed with impending doom - I came across the above-mentioned website claiming to be able to predict the date on which an individual would be most likely to "kick the bucket". :laugher:

Here's mine ... based on the following criteria:-

Gender: .................. Male
Date of birth: .......... 19 September, 1944
Height:.................... 6ft
Build: ..................... Medium
Weight: ................. 14st 7lb
Body Mass Index: ..... 27
Smoking History: ...... Moderate

This is the message I received:

"Your time has expired! :yikes:! Have a good day.":omg:!

6th May 2014, 20:19

6th May 2014, 20:47
I must be a medium cos I sense Arthur Little coming through...:laugher::laugher::laugher:

Arthur Little
6th May 2014, 22:21
I must be a medium cos I sense Arthur Little coming through...:laugher::laugher::laugher:

:gost: ... there's nowt like a happy medium, Mark!

Doc Alan
6th May 2014, 22:38
Stay positive and keep your sense of humour, Arthur :biggrin: !

Nobody knows their exact life expectancy, probably just as well :xxgrinning--00xx3:. All we know is the AVERAGE life expectancies for different countries, and areas within those countries.

There are various “ risk calculators “ based on factors such as those in the “ Death Clock “ site (http://www.deathclock.com/ ). For cardiovascular risk ( heart attacks, stroke ) try “ QRISK “ ( http://qrisk.org/ ). An individual may also have their genetic profile, which might show genes which could predispose to various illnesses (http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Genetics/Pages/genetic-testing-and-counselling.aspx ).

We know AVERAGE life expectancy at birth in the UK is 79 years for males and 83 years for females. If you reach 65, further life expectancy is 18 for men and 21 for women. It varies according to location – at birth in Scotland it’s 77 and 81 ; for Glasgow 73 and 79.

In the Philippines, life expectancy at birth is 65 and 72 ; for those reaching 60 ( both sexes ), a further 18 - with a range, according to location.

We know much about ageing of cells – which depends on cell type ; telomeres at the ends of chromosomes ; and genetic control, which is lost in cancer cells.

We also know about ageing of whole individuals – but not everything :NoNo: ! Individuals age at different rates - depending on genetic makeup ( how long their parents live ), and environment ( lifestyle / work factors ). Calorie restriction ( and perhaps blood transfusion ) increases lifespans of rodents - obesity has risks for humans. Giant tortoises live many years, with a sedentary lifestyle - risky for humans !

Most people know the increased risks of illnesses brought about by smoking, drinking alcohol to excess, obesity, lack of exercise, and stress - which apply wherever they live. Conversely they may have a relatively healthy lifestyle in Glasgow or Manila :smile: ! Regular health check ups and screening – such as cervical smears, blood pressure and diabetes checks – may prevent illnesses, or at least detect them early, improving chances of a healthy old age.

Provided you are aware of the risks, then good luck with your chosen lifestyle, and try not to worry about factors you can’t control or change :xxgrinning--00xx3: !

6th May 2014, 23:07
:gost: ... there's nowt like a happy medium, Mark!

Too True Arthur...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
7th May 2014, 07:03
Brilliant topic Arthur! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th May 2014, 09:42
Ha, tried it, apart from not knowing my BMI a guess at it gives me 4 years, so I will borrow money for a holiday with a plan that starts repayments in 5 years. :xxgrinning--00xx3: :smile:

Michael Parnham
7th May 2014, 11:14
30 November 2024, I'll try and beat that because it doesn't know my wife is 29! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th May 2014, 01:30
That is absolutely hilarious. HAHA :laughitupsmilie: Well, as long as you are here in the morning. :cwm25: