View Full Version : Grayling to ban legal aid for foreigners who sue MoD

7th May 2014, 09:40
Grayling to ban legal aid for foreigners who sue MoD: Justice Secretary takes action after group of Iraqis accused soldiers of executing prisoners

MP says no other country would 'pay lawyers to sue our own Army'
David Mowat cited Public Interest Lawyers and Leigh Day as the firms
He added 'millions' had been spent by the MoD in defending the cases
But Leigh Day defended its work, saying the figures are 'nonsense'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2621672/War-crimes-lawyers-specialise-suing-serving-soliders-received-10MILLION-legal-aid-three-years.html#ixzz3117SZBlM

A disgrace that this situation has prevailed for so long lining the pockets of questionable lawyers

7th May 2014, 13:05
About time too !

Insane how things were. :NoNo:

7th May 2014, 19:44
legal aid is a joke, most people on here would never qualify for it :mad: