View Full Version : Happiness and great Love.

8th May 2014, 02:01
It's really just an observation more than anything, nothing to do with being envious.:cwm25:, jealous :cwm25: wishing it was me. Oh no, nothing like that :NoNo: But when I looked at photos that are on here showing the Love that everyone I see pictures of has for their other half, it is really lovely. And a situation that hopefully one day I will be in myself. Simple as that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th May 2014, 12:11
It isn't what it's always cracked up to be :NoNo: Best to first find happiness within yourself before seeking it from others :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th May 2014, 12:18
My friend, life itself is what you are capable of making it. Observation of people in love is a precious thing to see. No partnership is ever perfect all the time, but while it is you enjoy it to your fullest as a couple and appreciate it when others have the same as you.

8th May 2014, 19:16
My friend, life itself is what you are capable of making it. That's what I implied...Happiness is within all of us..:xxgrinning--00xx3: