View Full Version : Euro elections

10th May 2014, 01:37
This is not a lie, I've had 2 leaflets addressed to me thru the door, one from Labour and one from the Tories :laugher:, I don't know why they bother, they have no chance here :NoNo: I wonder where they got my name from? :cwm25:

Anyway my misses had one up to now, not from Labour or even the Tories.. but addressed to her from the BNP :yikes::laugher:, and I'm not joking, misses wasn't happy thou :cwm24::icon_lol:

10th May 2014, 08:38
Everyone is getting them. We've had one from UKIP, in fact that was the first to arrive. It's a pity the paper is a bit smooth to use as toilet paper. :cwm25:

I've already voted by post. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th May 2014, 09:31
My wife received a Tory one personally addressed.

I didn't receive anything so far :bigcry:

10th May 2014, 09:53
C'mon UKIP :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
10th May 2014, 10:47
I normally vote by post, but received a poll card for some reason, my past experience using poll card is that you have to vote for a named person and it doesn't tell you what party they represent, so that's me out this time! :Erm:

10th May 2014, 10:50
C'mon UKIP:xxgrinning--00xx3:

lol UKIP are gonna whitewash them all away thats why they ( the other parties ) are running scared they don,t know how to combat ukip.everybody I know are talking about ukip now like never before .they are switching over in droves.

10th May 2014, 10:51
Yes it's what's needed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th May 2014, 11:00
well as posted we've had 3 here, and the BNP one made me laugh :icon_lol:


Arthur Little
10th May 2014, 12:43
Yes it's what's needed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:iagree: ... UKIP for me!

10th May 2014, 13:52
I watch question time the other night and our Nigel was on the panel, he came across very well again, he says it just like it is i feel, while others try to skirt around the questions he was straight to the point, i do hope they will do well

10th May 2014, 16:44
UKIP this time, for the General Election it is between UKIP or LAB.... it all depends who looks best in a nurses outfit :yikes:

Arthur Little
10th May 2014, 17:40
UKIP this time, for the General Election it is between UKIP or LAB.... it all depends who looks best in a nurses outfit :yikes:

Well ... :anerikke: ... not the :biggrin: Shadow "Chancer"!

:yeahthat:'s for sure! :nono-1-1: ... his surname's the wrong gender if nothing else. :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
10th May 2014, 18:10
Besides ... :anerikke: ... the only way he "gets off" (his mark!) is by "banging" another person's :transam-front-ramai!

Arthur Little
10th May 2014, 18:35
Now, his boss ... the other Ed ... :anerikke: ... he's halfway there already - given his [startling!] resemblance :biggrin: to a tailor's dummy. :wink:

Arthur Little
10th May 2014, 18:50
Btw, folks ... Myrna's got herself a job as an enumerator at the Euro Elections. :smile:

10th May 2014, 19:03
Btw, folks ... Myrna's got herself a job as an enumerator at the Euro Elections. :smile:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: well done to your misses Arthur :wink:

Arthur Little
10th May 2014, 19:17
:xxgrinning--00xx3: well done to your misses Arthur :wink:

Thanks, Joe ... it's a start! Hopefully, it will, in turn, lead to further appointments :olddude: ... just as I began as a Polling Clerk in 1982 and finished up being a Presiding Officer for the next three decades.

10th May 2014, 19:32
well hopefully your wife will be called on this time next year to, if not before :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
10th May 2014, 19:47
well hopefully your wife will be called on this time next year to, if not before :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yup ... the thing is, ALL teachers in the *Phils are recruited for those tasks at *their Elections. So she's had bags of experience at it.

It would be good if this were to be a stepping stone to taking part at the forthcoming Scottish Independence Referendum in September.

Here's hoping! :pray: