View Full Version : Expect to hear about this waste of space lard having a heart attack v soon!

11th May 2014, 18:57
The picture of remorse: Ex-bank boss Paul Flowers is caught on video snorting drugs until 8am just days before he told a court he is ‘remorseful and dealing with this issue’, so what WILL the judge who let him off with a puny £400 fine think when he sees this?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2625176/The-picture-remorse-Ex-bank-boss-Paul-Flowers-caught-video-snorting-drugs-8am-just-days-told-court-remorseful-dealing-issue.html#ixzz31QmHFuYX

Repulsive individual - big mate of Ed Balls :mad:

11th May 2014, 19:52
has he been on holiday with Cameron :cwm25:

11th May 2014, 23:37
Yuk...and I used to feel dirty just smoking a cig ...WITH my shoes on.

Arthur Little
12th May 2014, 00:50
Yuk...and I used to feel dirty just smoking a cig ...WITH my shoes on.

WHY Graham? Why feel "dirty" ... in the moral sense ... for simply :Smokin:?

Ok ... :anerikke: ... it might not be the healthiest of habits. But, unlike taking hard drugs, tobacco indulgence isn't illegal ...yet, thank God! And if it's enjoyed in moderation ... within the privacy of one's own home (or wherever) - without affecting others - then it should remain a matter of personal choice. There should be no room for "guilt". :NoNo:

12th May 2014, 04:01
I have now joined the ranks of self-righteous ex-smokers Arthur. :biggrin: