View Full Version : Hello, I need help for the right form for online fiance visa. Thank you

13th May 2014, 15:18
Hello, I am new here. Can anyone help me about the right form for online fiancee visa?

Because me and my fiancee starting to apply fiancee visa but we can't find the right form for it.

Can anyone can send me the right form for Fiancee Visa? Thank you :smile:

13th May 2014, 16:09
You need to do your application online.. https://www.gov.uk/apply-uk-visa

If you want a sample form that you can review before applying online, you can download it from here.. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/application-for-uk-visa-for-family-settlement-form-vaf4a (download forms VAF4A, Appendix 2 of VAF4A and the guide to supporting documents).

13th May 2014, 16:40
Hi Raynaputi, I already register in that Visa4UK too, but I don't know how to do Sign Declaration? I try to signature on it by typing but no entry on it or they don't accept it?

What should I do? Thank you.:smile: :wink:

13th May 2014, 16:53
Hi Raynaputi..Thank you ..You help me alot..Can I do income form online? :smile: :wink:

13th May 2014, 16:58
Hello i am new here. Can anyone help me about the right form for online fiancee visa?

Because me and my fiancee starting to apply fiancee visa but we can't find the right form for it. anyone

Can anyone send me the right form for Fiancee visa? Thank you :smile:

Hi Rick,

I already provided all the information and explanations you need together with the links.

I also provided links to download the forms for review prior to completing the online form.

What was it that you didn't understand??

Did you actually click on those links I provided??

Here's my previous reply to you.....

The application needs to be made online.

You'll follow a step by step approach making selections from the drop down menu's

The Main Page for the online application is here at Welcome to Visa4UK (https://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/)

If you've already registered for an account then just log-in. Otherwise hit the 'Register an Account' button.

The 'Personal Details' Form VAF4A is a generic 'one-size-fits-all' form which all applicants complete.

If you'd like to review the 'paper version' forms (highly recommended) then follow these links:-

Personal Details Form (VAF4A) - Family Settlement Application Form (https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/274029/VAF4A.pdf)

APPENDIX 2 (VAF 4A JULY 2012) - Financial Requirement Form (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/visas/vaf4a2.pdf)

Guidance Notes (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/visas/vaf2-8b-guidance.pdf)

Please try not to duplicate posts

13th May 2014, 17:17
Hi Terpe. I read your reply late. I didn't see it, that's why I TRY to post new one today. I'M SORRY...Because my last post is 2 days ago. Anyway thank you for your reply.I READ IT NOW. Here's my other question ..

Can I do income form online?

Thank you lots.

13th May 2014, 17:23
..Can i do income form online?

Thank you lots.

Appendix 2 (Financial Requirement) needs to be completed by hand and submitted with all the other supporting documents at the Application Centre during your appointment.

Do you already have the TB certificate and English Language certificate (TOEIC not allowed)?

13th May 2014, 17:31
Yes, I already have my ENGLISH language certificate. I take my exam last March 15 2014. I'm just waiting my TB certificate. Thank you :smile:

13th May 2014, 19:09
Yes i already have my ENGLISH language certificate. I take my exam last March 15 2014. I'm just waiting my TB certificate. Thank you :smile:

So all good then :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th May 2014, 19:33
Hello, is it ok to send my fiance's original passport from the UK to Phils?

13th May 2014, 20:54
Hello, is it ok to send my fiance's original passport from the UK to Phils?

No Rick, please don't do that.

It's perfectly normal to send only a photocopy of the main bio photo page.

Also copy any other pages you need to show visits to Philippines if that is part of your submission.

Don't send original passport......it's not required

14th May 2014, 16:28
Hi again :Wave: Terpe thank you ..you helping me alot.I just want to ask if i need to get capacity here in philippines?or what is my another requirements except nbi and passport?Im Gina Rick's fiancee.Im not working now.And i dont have bank statement or bank acct. since i left my job.. :smile:

14th May 2014, 19:50
You don't actually need to supply any proof that you have money, properties, etc. Your fiance will be the one to show documents for that, that he can provide for you and accommodate you here in the UK financially. You also don't need to submit NBI, it's not needed. What you need to submit are your passport, birth certificate and Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) to prove that you are free to marry your fiance.

Also, take into consideration that you need to prove that you have a subsisting relationship, so you need to submit documents such as photos of you together (and with family and friends), chat or call logs, gifts/cards from each other if you have, photo of engagement ring if you have, flights and hotel bookings whenever your fiance visits you, etc. These are not requirements stated in the application form but it will be helpful to prove the relationship. What I also find helpful is having proof that you are planning to get married in the UK, like showing some letters/emails/receipts of booking for the wedding, reception, and other things needed.

14th May 2014, 21:23
Hi Raynaputi. Thank you for some info..I just want to clarify this. Because I already sign in that Visa4UK but I don't know how to do this it says:

Sign Declaration

* Mandatory information
Signature *
Date Signed

Online, I try to sign it by typing but they don't have 'Enter' for it. When I click Enter to my keyboard, they don't accept it. How can i do it online? I can't get out in that Sign Declaration.

Thank you so much

14th May 2014, 23:10
Gina, If I'm not mistaken, you will sign it after you printed it? I'm not really sure (my fiancee visa application was on 2011 and they've changed a lot in the form after that) and maybe others can help you with it.

15th May 2014, 16:53
Ok Raynaputi im still waiting for the others reply maybe they can help me for this online application.
I hope anyone can help me or can answer my question.Thank you lots.


15th May 2014, 18:06
Hi guys. Can I apply for Leave to Remain as soon as me and my fiance get married or if I have to wait a bit? :smile:

Thank you very much for this forum you help me a lot.


16th May 2014, 08:03
Hi Raynaputi thank you for some info..I just want to clarify this.Because i already sign in that Visa4UK but i dont know how to do this its says

Sign Declaration

* Mandatory information
Signature *
Date Signed

online i try to sign it by typing but they dont have enter for it.When i click enter to my keyboard they dont accept it.How can i do it online?I cant get out in that Sign Declaration.?

Thank you so much

Print off your online submission.
Sign it and date it. (must be your handwritten signature - not typed)
Submit at the application centre together with completed appendix 2 (Financial Requirement) and all your supporting documentation.

Please remember that pay slips and bank statements must be dated less than 28 days prior to the date of application (online visa payment)

16th May 2014, 08:06
Hi guys,Can i apply for leave to remain as soon as me and my fiancee get married or if i have to wait a bit? :smile:

Thank you very much for this forum you help me alot.


Your fiancee visa will be valid for maximum 6 months stay in UK
As soon as you are married you should submit an application for Further Leave to Remain on form FLR(M).

16th May 2014, 09:40
Hi Raynaputi. Thank you for some info..I just want to clarify this.Because I already sign in that Visa4UK but I don't know how to do this it says:

Sign Declaration

* Mandatory information
Signature *
Date Signed

Online, I try to sign it by typing but they don't have 'Enter' for it. When I click enter to my keyboard they don't accept it. How can I do it online? I can't get out in that Sign Declaration.

Thank you so much

You just have to keep trying as the website is still on BETA.

Just type your name and date it..if the form is complete, it will turn green and it will let you print the application form which you will bring to the VFS Global PH.

17th May 2014, 22:47
You just have to keep trying as the website is still on BETA.

Just type your name and date it..if the form is complete, it will turn green and it will let you print the application form which you will bring to the VFS Global PH.

Try using a different browser, ie. chrome, internet explorer or Firefox. Sometimes the browser can create issues with the fill boxes.

Arthur Little
18th May 2014, 01:04
Try using a different browser, ie. chrome, internet explorer or Firefox. Sometimes the browser can create issues with the fill boxes.

:smile: I know very little about the technical intricacies of computers, Dave ... but must say it's nice to see you back posting here again! :xxgrinning--00xx3: