View Full Version : £30,000 of NHS weight-loss surgery wasted on obese nurse

22nd May 2014, 12:17
Obese nurse who had £30,000 of NHS weight-loss surgery after ballooning to 32-stone is so addicted to junk food he LIQUIDISES kebabs and deep-fried Mars bars to cheat his gastric band

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2631901/Obese-nurse-30-000-weight-loss-operations-addicted-junk-food-liquidises-kebabs.html#ixzz32RTKhuyJ

They should try putting the gastric band around his mouth

More taxpayers money down the drain

22nd May 2014, 14:42
They should try tackling the actual root cause of obesity. ..issues of the mind! !!

We got a guy at work who had an 18k gastric band fitted 5 years ago. He's fatter now than when he was back then. Even he said its nothing to do with hunger :doh

22nd May 2014, 17:05
They should try putting the gastric band around his mouth
Trouble is look at him, he is prepared to show us all what an idiot he is:doh

Arthur Little
22nd May 2014, 17:20
When I was a bit younger, I'd a reputation for having an appetite like a horse's ... I ate HUGE helpings of practically anything put on my plate, plus more - much more - besides. Indeed ... :anerikke: ... folk who knew me well would often comment on the fact by asking: "Arthur how come you're able to eat such a lot without getting fat?" And of course my reply was usually to the effect that I kept myself in trim by cycling nearly everywhere ... frequently upwards of 20 miles in one go after finishing my [substantial] evening meal - weather permitting!

Alas, in recent years I've gained a few pounds ... of the lb variety ... due to being diagnosed as having Type 2 diabetes in 2011.

:yeahthat: means taking a 500mg dose of 'Metformin' twice daily ... which, in turn, has suppressed my appetite considerably.

But while one might suppose being diabetic - in combination with the prescribed medication - would control my weight ... it hasn't!

So why not?

Unfortunately, the ravages of time have been less than kind as far as my hearing is concerned ... leading to my wife Myrna's fears that it's no longer safe for me to ride my bike. Disappointing as this is, I've agreed to her plea to stop using it rather than worry her unnecessarily. Hence my lack of the MAIN sort of physical exercise I'd undertaken since I was nine years old. :bigcry:

22nd May 2014, 17:26
Buy a good exercise bike Arthur - there is always a way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I use mine to keep my weight down and feel good.

22nd May 2014, 17:35
When I was a bit younger, I'd a reputation for having an appetite like a horse's ... I ate HUGE helpings of practically anything put on my plate, plus more - much more - besides. Indeed ... :anerikke: ... folk who knew me well would often comment on the fact by asking: "Arthur how come you can eat such a lot without getting fat?" And of course my reply was usually to the effect that I kept myself in trim by cycling nearly everywhere ... frequently upwards of 20 miles in one go after finishing my [substantial] evening meal - weather permitting!

Alas, in recent years I've gained a few pounds ... of the lb variety ... due to being diagnosed as having Type 2 diabetes in 2011.

:yeahthat: means taking 500mg dose of 'Metformin' twice daily ... which, in turn, has suppressed my appetite considerably.

But while one might suppose being diabetic - in combination with the prescribed medication - would control my weight ... it hasn't!

So why not?

Unfortunately, the ravages of time have been less than kind as far as my hearing is concerned ... leading to my wife Myrna's fears that it's no longer safe for me to use my bike. Disappointing as this is, I've agreed to her plea to stop using it rather than worry her unnecessarily. Hence my lack of the MAIN sort of physical exercise I'd undertaken since I was nine years old. :bigcry:

That is the sweetest post I have read, les_taxi is right that stationary bike is better than nothing. Hubby and I also agreed that he will only be keeping in cricket max of 2 seasons, including this season. He is turning 50 in 2 weeks time but he wakes up every Saturday morning like a kid during Christmas mornings! Boys eh? :cwm25:

Arthur Little
22nd May 2014, 18:04
Buy a good exercise bike Arthur - there is always a way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I use mine to keep my weight down and feel good.

Oh I did, Les ... I bought one from a second-hand shop several years ago. But I soon got bored with "going nowhere" as it were! :icon_rolleyes:

Now it's lying dormant in my garden shed! :biggrin:

Arthur Little
22nd May 2014, 18:32
That is the sweetest post I have read ...

Aww ... nice of you to say so. :thankyou:

... les_taxi is right that stationary bike is better than nothing.

Yes, :iagree:, Les has a very :gp:! Problem is though ... :anerikke: ... I'll invariaby concoct a good excuse for avoiding doing something that I don't altogether fancy! :doh

Hubby and I also agreed that he will only be keeping in cricket max of 2 seasons, including this season. He is turning 50 in 2 weeks time but he wakes up every Saturday morning like a kid during Christmas mornings! Boys eh? :cwm25:

Still playing cricket at 50, eh? Clearly a fit man, your hubby. :smile: