View Full Version : Benefits Street Bloater has payments frozen

22nd May 2014, 19:13
Why so sad White Dee? Benefits Street star looks glum with 'Get Well Soon' flowers after she's 'stripped of her welfare payouts for depression' after party trip to Majorca

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2635961/Why-sad-White-Dee-Benefits-Street-star-looks-glum-Get-Well-Soon-flowers-shes-stripped-welfare-payouts-depression-party-trip-Majorca.html#ixzz32TA8K3DE

Todays good news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

This parasite has got something to be depressed about now :laugher:

22nd May 2014, 19:32
This country is so ....ed up :censored:

23rd May 2014, 16:15
I suffer from bouts of depression while watching horse racing :cwm25: