View Full Version : Ne'er Cast A Clout Till May Be Out

Arthur Little
24th May 2014, 15:37
This old English Proverb's sure "living up to its name" in my neck of the woods today ... it's :freezin:!

:36_1_26[1]: ... Brr!

Michael Parnham
24th May 2014, 16:43
Really Arthur, I'm surprised it's so cold up there. You know Arthur, in the 60's and 70's when working I used to frequent all parts of Scotland delivering goods, the most regular destinations were Nigg Bay, Thurso, Wick and always picked up at Cadbury Shweppes Montrose canned fruit or vegetables to deliver to Reckett & Colman warehouses all over the south of England.

When you mentioned it's freezing, it reminded me of the cold weather always at the time we used to go round many farms collecting Seed Potatoes 800 bags per load all loaded by hand off the ground in frosty weather at night in the dark with a little light from the farmers old tractor, sometimes drizzling or snowing and had to cover with bales of straw and then sheet and rope up. The farmers wife's always used to make me some porridge to see me on my way and then I used to proceed to Lincolnshire and deliver to about four or five different farms during the following day.

Good old days! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th May 2014, 16:52
This old English Proverb's sure "living up to its name" in my neck of the woods today ... it's :freezin:!

:36_1_26[1]: ... Brr!

Years ago Arthur, in a previous life, I used to have an allotment and always remember the older 'hands' would always remind me of this old proverb. There's always a risk of ground frost until after May. Important for planting out those runner beans and keeping the potatoes well covered :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Now I think of it make me feel :olddude:

25th May 2014, 08:07
Really Arthur, I'm surprised it's so cold up there. You know Arthur, in the 60's and 70's when working I used to frequent all parts of Scotland delivering goods, the most regular destinations were Nigg Bay, Thurso, Wick and always picked up at Cadbury Shweppes Montrose canned fruit or vegetables to deliver to Reckett & Colman warehouses all over the south of England. When you mentioned it's freezing, it reminded me of the cold weather always at the time we used to go round many farms collecting Seed Potatoes 800 bags per load all loaded by hand off the ground in frosty weather at night in the dark with a little light from the farmers old tractor, sometimes drizzling or snowing and had to cover with bales of straw and then sheet and rope up. The farmers wife's always used to make me some porridge to see me on my way and then I used to proceed to Lincolnshire and deliver to about four or five different farms during the following day. Good old days! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I enjoyed reading that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

When i was a teenager, we used to hand pick tatties at the weekend and during the half term break. It was tiring work but we all had a great time :smile: I guess the whole process is now mechanized :thumbsdown:

25th May 2014, 08:15
This old English Proverb's sure "living up to its name" in my neck of the woods today ... it's :freezin:!

:36_1_26[1]: ... Brr!


Do you have to feel in Scots and think in English :wink:

Cauld blaws the wind frae east to west,
The drift is driving sairly;
Sae loud and shill's I hear the blast
I'm sure it's winter fairly.

Up in the morning's no for me,
Up in the morning early;
When a' the hills are covered wi' snaw,
I'm sure it's winter fairly.

The birds sit chittering in the thorn,
A' day they fare but sparely;
And lang's the night frae e'en to morn
I'm sure it's winter fairly

Up in the morning's no for me,
Up in the morning early;
When a' the hills are covered wi' snaw,
I'm sure it's winter fairly.

Arthur Little
25th May 2014, 18:03
Really Arthur, I'm surprised it's so cold up there. You know Arthur, in the 60's and 70's when working I used to frequent all parts of Scotland delivering goods, the most regular destinations were Nigg Bay, Thurso, Wick and always picked up at Cadbury Shweppes Montrose canned fruit or vegetables to deliver to Reckett & Colman warehouses all over the south of England.

When you mentioned it's freezing, it reminded me of the cold weather always at the time we used to go round many farms collecting Seed Potatoes 800 bags per load all loaded by hand off the ground in frosty weather at night in the dark with a little light from the farmers old tractor, sometimes drizzling or snowing and had to cover with bales of straw and then sheet and rope up. The farmers wife's always used to make me some porridge to see me on my way and then I used to proceed to Lincolnshire and deliver to about four or five different farms during the following day.

Good old days! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Interesting response, Michael. Like Jake, I really enjoyed reading it. It reminded me of when my dad delivered fireplaces all over Scotland for Wm Hume & Co. Perth's oldest established ironmongery business. :wink:

:yeahthat:! Anywhere - from the destinations you've mentioned in the north to Galashiels in the Borders - loved it, he did! Best job he ever had, he said ... even though he was well into his sixties by then and out in all sorts of weather!

Sadly, I'm afraid, the firm's no longer trading ... :anerikke: ... a victim of the upsurge in today's HUGE self~service hypermarkets such as Homebase, B&Q and Wickes.

Michael Parnham
25th May 2014, 19:19
Thank you Arthur & Jake, I find that when one reads these little story telling posts it makes a nice break in between the regular topics! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
25th May 2014, 20:46
Thank you Arthur & Jake, I find that when one reads these little story telling posts it makes a nice break in between the regular topics! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:gp: there, Michael ... it does, indeed!

26th May 2014, 08:14
This old English Proverb's sure "living up to its name" in my neck of the woods today ... it's :freezin:!

:36_1_26[1]: ... Brr!

Apparently "May" refers to the common name of the Hawthorn bush. Blossom on this bush heralds the arrival of summer and NOT the end of the month of May as thought by most.


26th May 2014, 11:14
It's blooming cold down here--on the Isle of Wight.

Miserable bank holiday. I should be in summer kit--shorts--by now.


Arthur Little
26th May 2014, 12:16
Miserable bank holiday. I should be in summer kit--shorts--by now.


I have been clad in shorts (in the house). :wink:

Good photo, Mac. ... must've been taken last summer - when temperatures were significantly higher! :smile:

26th May 2014, 12:39
I have been clad in shorts (in the house). :wink:

Good photo, Mac. ... must've been taken last summer - when temperatures were significantly higher! :smile:

Wanna bet--?

I moved in here last November 12th--with my lady---she took the photo--and was gone by Jan 10th. So that gives a time frame--prob around about xmas lol

26th May 2014, 13:04
It's blooming cold down here--on the Isle of Wight.

Miserable bank holiday. I should be in summer kit--shorts--by now.


That's a truly great view bigmac ......:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Lucky man.

I love the ocean...and sunshine....and cold beer and seafoods.......and here I am stuck about as far away from all that as I could be....:doh

Looking out at the grey sky.... the grey and miserable wet cold weather :NoNo:

1st June 2014, 10:14
1st of june--at last--much warmer this morning--just a pair of shorts on--stripped to the waist---balcony doors wide open--waves lapping gently 7 floors beneath me.

dontchya just hate some people sometimes lol :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: