View Full Version : Local Government Elections In England & Wales

Arthur Little
24th May 2014, 17:42
I have to say that - being a Scot - :Kilt: I am most surprised :grosyeux: to discover I'm the first member to raise a thread on the above.

Not that their outcome makes that much difference to me ... :anerikke: ... but still ...!

UKIP certainly showed they were a "force to be reckoned with" (as predicted!) ... gaining a commendable 13% of the total vote - nearly half that of their leading contenders, Labour - while the Tories and their Lib Dem coalition partners (perhaps unsurpringly!) BOTH took quite a "hammering" at last Thursday's polls. :cwm24:

Now ... for those who are interested in seeing how Nigel Farage's MEP candidates fared ... it's simply a case of watching David Dimbleby's 'European Elections Special' - commencing at 11.15 on BBC1 tomorrow night.

Normally, I'm inclined to be critical of too many political posts ... but these are crucial times for the UK in general if we're hoping to witness a welcome shift away from :Britain:'s two MAINSTREAM parties and have a BIGGER say in our affairs both at home and on the European stage. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th May 2014, 19:12
Dedworth hasn't posted about this because the Tories lost 230 councillors, the Libs lost 307 and Labour gained 338 :wink:

The Tories don't even have one councillor in Manchester or Liverpool

Party Seats Change+/-
Labour 95 +9
Independent 1 0
Liberal Democrat 0 -9

Party Seats Change+/-
Labour 79 +7
Green Party 4 +2
Liberal 3 0
Liberal Democrat 3 -9
Independent 1 0

24th May 2014, 19:31
Not at all Joe, this was predicted because voting UKIP was certainly not a vote for Labour - but it had the effect of taking votes off the Conservatives enabling Labour to win by default.

Won't last, people will calm down over UKIP - it's given both parties a bloody nose and the next 12 months will be a good battle.

Very poor turn out too.

I'm sure next year will be a bigger turnout, but none of us can deny UKIP have redrawn the battlefield - gonna be interesting to say the least.

My hope is Milliband stays as leader :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th May 2014, 19:38
Les, it's a disaster for the Tories and Libs, tomorrow will be an even bigger disaster for them :biggrin:

24th May 2014, 19:47
Les its a disaster for the Tories and Libs, tomorrow will be an even bigger disaster for them :biggrin:

Well it ain't that good for Labour is it Joe - both the shadow cabinet & rank & file MP's are realising what an inept clown Mr Ed is, obviously I hope they keep him for "leader".

Local & General elections are different animals and the party in Govt normally gets shafted in local elections.

The British working class are realising that Millipede and his motley crew are pro Illegal Immigrants, Eastern European Cut Price Workers, Terrorists, Criminals and Benefit Spongers

Local elections 2014: surge by UKIP throws Labour into poll crisis


24th May 2014, 19:57
The local elections saw UKIP gain more than 150 council seats in both Labour and Conservative heartlands – including some key marginal areas of Essex. The Liberal Democrats suffered humiliation in several areas. :icon_lol:

The Tories lost 230 councillors, the Libs lost 307 and Labour gained 338

You keep saying how better off everyone is. Why are they not voting for the Tories then? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th May 2014, 20:07
The savaging of Red Ed: Shadow Cabinet turn on Miliband as Labour pays price for ignoring Farage

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2637859/The-savaging-Red-Ed-Shadow-Cabinet-turn-Miliband-Labour-pays-price-ignoring-Farage.html#ixzz32f4kXu7w

24th May 2014, 20:28
:laugher: What do you expect from a Tory rag Dedworth? You really think the Mail will print it's a massive disaster for the Tories losing 230 councillors? What will they print for tomorrow's Tory thrashing?


The Mail must have missed these headlines :laugher:


24th May 2014, 20:45
Labour have not fared well at all, people were not voting Labour over Conservative, and neither will they next year as people realise who got them out of this Labour disaster.

As me and Ded agree, and so do many people, you will be shafted by your leader. He is inept and weak. Please keep him till next year:icon_lol:

24th May 2014, 20:48
Not fared well? Tell me how the Tories and Libs did Les. Are you sure you're looking at this year's results :Erm:

24th May 2014, 21:09

The fool will be losing the Jewish vote as he's forgotten they're not supposed to eat pork

24th May 2014, 21:21
Labour will easily win the election next year. It may be even worse for the Tories if the property bubble in London bursts.

24th May 2014, 21:26
Labour will easily win the election next year. It may be even worse for the Tories if the property bubble in London bursts.


24th May 2014, 21:45
Labour will easily win the election next year
Lets all pray they don't,or we will all be shafted-short memories some people:Erm:

24th May 2014, 21:46
Let's all pray they don't, or we will all be shafted - short memories some people :Erm:

Just as bad as the bunch of shafters we have in now, but nice to have a change.

24th May 2014, 21:47
Let's all pray they don't, or we will all be shafted - short memories some people :Erm:

Some people, I've got a longer memory being shafted by Thatcher :action-smiley-081::wink:

24th May 2014, 22:47
Unfortunately Labour shafted everyone in this country - worst government we have ever had! :Erm:

24th May 2014, 23:07
Unfortunately labour shafted everyone in this country-worst government we have ever had:Erm:

Along with wilfully changing the ethnic make up of our country :cwm23:

Arthur Little
25th May 2014, 00:06
Labour will easily win the election next year.

:yikes: ... God forbid ... I hope not!

25th May 2014, 00:13
:yikes: ... God forbid ... I hope not!

Unfortunately there are naive mugs unable to see through Millipedes leftist student union politics :crazy:

25th May 2014, 00:51
Well Dedworth, if that useless mob ever get in we will have a field day listening to Andy's and Joe's excuses every week. :icon_lol:

25th May 2014, 02:35
As I've said before, at least with the Tories you know what you are getting, and despite the fat cats they do seem to be sorting out the economy. Labour are just a joke, much like the Lib Dems, pretending to be the peoples' party and understanding the needs of the working classes but are really just a bunch of old Etonians...

UKIP may force some parties to realise that the electorate aren't happy.

25th May 2014, 02:51
Labour will easily win the election next year. It may be even worse for the Tories if the property bubble in London bursts.

Not a chance! They might win, but they'll not get an overall majority. Lib Lab coalition at best.

Milliband is a liability now. People don't trust him. He's another Kinnock, people don't see him as Prime minister. Besides, how can you trust a man who stabbed his own brother in the back.

They're out of touch with their own base on EU and they're not prepared to listen.

25th May 2014, 06:41
Labour have not fared well at all

From what i can see Labour have taken at least 50% of local councils up for grabs :Erm:

I think you should donate a tenner to the forum Les :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Michael Parnham
25th May 2014, 07:49
Wow! you've certainly got the ball rolling now Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2014, 07:51
From what i can see Labour have taken at least 50% of local councils up for grabs :Erm:

I think you should donate a tenner to the forum Les :xxgrinning--00xx3:

How did the Tories and Libs do then Les, if Labour didn't fare well at all? Come on, second time of asking you now. How did they do?? I'm waiting for your reply with bated breath :biggrin:

Oh and can you also reply later today, on how well the Tories did in the Euro elections after they've been wiped out :laugher:

25th May 2014, 08:00
Well Dedworth, if that useless mob ever get in we will have a field day listening to Andy's and Joe's excuses every week. :icon_lol:
No excuses from me but you might get a smiley :biggrin: face as a reply.:laugher:

25th May 2014, 08:09
people were not voting Labour over Conservative,
While it won more than 330 extra councillors in Thursday's poll, projections suggested Labour only secured a 2% lead over its Tory rivals.

Not good enough a year before a General Election and the next 12 months will show how clueless they are no doubt :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2014, 08:50
Not a chance.

The overall statistical trend is for Labour to win by a majority. Ignore all the media polls which are flawed, and look at the official ones. Even with Labour taking a drop in recent months, they are still clear of the tories.

I'll be voting Plaid Cymru to get people like me out of Wales :Erm: :icon_lol:

I have no idea why people blame past governments. When the current government has been in power over a year, then they have had every chance to correct things. So the only government that can ever be blamed for the way things are, will be the current one, regardless of which party it is. Otherwise we can blame the French for or language, the Romans for some sill place names, and stoneage man for not setting up a democracy quick enough. :crazy:

25th May 2014, 09:44
While it won more than 330 extra councillors in Thursday's poll, projections suggested Labour only secured a 2% lead over its Tory rivals.

Not good enough a year before a General Election and the next 12 months will show how clueless they are no doubt :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So this time next year Les, the Tories are going to win by a massive majority ? :biggrin:

A lead is a lead, you keep posting about how everyone is doing better, why are the Tories not 10% to 20% ahead of Labour then ???

25th May 2014, 09:45
I think you should donate a tenner to the forum Les :xxgrinning--00xx3:


25th May 2014, 10:21
so this time next year Les, the Tories are going to win by a massive majority ?

No of course not - I just hope Labour don't get in Joe, at the moment lots to fight for and things are getting better so hopefully the public will realise and keep Labour out :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A lead is a lead, you keep posting about how everyone is doing better, why are the Tories not 10% to 20% ahead of Labour then ???

Simple that one Joe - because it's taken so long to recover due to the enormity of Labours mess, people don't just change overnight - they want proof it is getting better and they are now experiencing this.

Also a lot of the public are simply not interested in politics and will change their views for short term gain. There was a survey in Scotland and it said something like if you were £500 better off would you vote for independence and most said yes, if the consequence of this in the long term made them worse off they would still take the £500-pay day load syndrome!

I have no idea why people blame past governments. When the current government has been in power over a year, then they have had every chance to correct things

Of course we blame past events as they cause long term problems, a lot on here still blame Thatcher. How on earth could this government have fixed the cavernous hole left by the last government in a year? Financial experts say it will take 15 years.

25th May 2014, 10:33
From what I can see, Labour have taken at least 50% of local councils up for grabs :Erm:

I think you should donate a tenner to the forum Les :xxgrinning--00xx3:


The bet which was for the European Elections - you still want a straight tenner bet Jake? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2014, 10:48
Of course we blame past events as they cause long term problems,a lot on here still blame Thatcher. How on earth could this government have fixed the cavernous hole left by the last government in a year? Financial experts say it will take 15 years.

She flogged the country off for £50bn, what's that in today's terms :Erm: roughly £132,310,000,000.00 :yikes: Les where did that £132bn go :cwm25:

Tell me Les, how has Cameron done this ..

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/986d02a6-d1d1-11e3-8b5b-00144feabdc0.html :biggrin:

25th May 2014, 10:56
She flogged the country off for £50bn, what's that in today's terms :Erm: roughly £132,310,000,000.00 :yikes: Les, where did that £132bn go? :cwm25:

Tell me Les, how has Cameron done this ..

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/986d02a6-d1d1-11e3-8b5b-00144feabdc0.html :biggrin:

Not sure what you're on about Joe - the link just brings up vast pages?

Maggie - 2nd best Prime Minister we ever had! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Not going through all that again tho :doh

25th May 2014, 13:23
Not sure what you're on about Joe - the link just brings up vast pages?

Maggie - 2nd best Prime minister we ever had! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Not going through all that again tho :doh

Did he pull the EU out of recession ? it seems the EU are starting to recover :wink:

You go on about Brown blowing £4bn on selling gold, I'm on about Thatcher blowing £132bn of taxpayers' money - my :censored: money :mad:

25th May 2014, 13:30
Ask Graham and many many people how she enabled them to buy their own home :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyway, Keith says you can't go into the past :-)

25th May 2014, 13:47
Thatcher the war hero, Blair the war criminal, Brown & Cameron both :action-smiley-081:'oles :biggrin:

What we need is a female disabled black Asian Muslim disabled PM :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2014, 13:56
The bet which was for the European Elections - you still want a straight tenner bet Jake? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Where does it say the European Elections :Erm: You would make a good politician Les :wink:

25th May 2014, 14:06
Where does it say the European elections :Erm: You would make a good politician Les :wink:

What time are the Euro results out Les? You'd better be online so I can take the :censored: out of you and Dedworth :biggrin:

I'm thinking Tories will be in 3rd place :biggrin:

25th May 2014, 15:06
Should have tried specsavers jake :biggrin: If you look at the thread, all the posts are referring to the European Elections not local.

I'm hardly gonna bet when I voted Tory for Harrogate, am I :doh

I voted UKIP for Europe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

what time are the Euro results out Les? You'd better be online so I can take the :censored: out of you and Dedworth

I voted UKIP and want Domination by them as I want out of Europe so irrelevant to me where Tories come.

Arthur Little
25th May 2014, 16:06
I voted UKIP for Europe ... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

... as I want out of Europe

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... likewise!

Not so sure I'd care for "domination" by Farage, though :nono-1-1: ... as he sounds a bit too overpowering for my liking.

26th May 2014, 05:43
Should have tried specsavers jake :biggrin: If you look at the thread, all the posts are referring to the European Elections not local.

The original post says nothing about it being Local or European Elections. It says "who are you going to vote for' If you read the first page of the thread Europe is not mentioned once :Erm:

I think somewhere along the line we got our wires crossed. That bit is clear :doh

26th May 2014, 07:37
Throughout the thread Europe is mentioned - there is even a video posted - anyway irrelevant now UKIP did brill :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th May 2014, 07:51
Thatcher the war hero, Blair the war criminal, Brown & Cameron both :action-smiley-081:'oles :biggrin:

What we need is a female disabled black Asian Muslim disabled PM :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've never read anything so ridiculous in all my life :doh

You forgot to mention gay :wink:

26th May 2014, 08:08
What we need is a female disabled black Asian Muslim disabled PM

Dianne Abbot springs to mind as she is clearly mentally disabled :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
26th May 2014, 11:37
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Conservatives stay where they are next election!:Erm:

26th May 2014, 11:42
Hope so. Labour are not listening. It's political suicide to not recognise people want a vote on Europe.

26th May 2014, 12:38
It's political suicide to not recognise people want a vote on Europe.

That will be the question that no one knows yet, with not legality to stick to the answer anyway. Politicians are just liars, spinners and manipulators. They will do anything to get power. The referendum is a red herring.

Cameron already knows that the majority want out, and yet he is not laying any ground work. Besides, getting out of Europe would take over a decade just to disengage legally. He wont be in over then, so the new guy will do what he wants.

26th May 2014, 12:41
Hope so. Labour are not listening. It's political suicide to not recognise people want a vote on Europe.

Why do people still vote Labour? They abandoned the working classes (in 1997) whom they were supposed to represent but they still maintain significant support. They only stand for immigrants, criminals, chancers and benefit spongers.

Why is this? Could Joe and Andy please explain ?

26th May 2014, 12:43
. They only stand for immigrants, criminals, chancers and benefit spongers.

These are the people supported by the current government as well, you only have to read the Daily Mail. :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 13:14
I have no idea why anyone would vote Labour, Dedworth :Erm:

The economy would be my main reason not to vote Labour, I can't imagine anyone would want to take that risk again.

I have always said if I disagree with the Tories, where some people will defend their party no matter what gaffs they make.

I hate to call it the bedroom tax but the Tories got that wrong and I don't agree with it.

Talk about the recovery and managing our debt and anyone can see we have the correct government in charge for that

26th May 2014, 13:51
The Tories have messed up the economy in the past, Labour have messed up the economy in the past. No politician is educated in running an economy, they are all stupid. It does not matter who is in power, they all do good things and bad things. Eventually the public get sick of them and vote them out. That is democracy. We get to vote for idiots. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th May 2014, 14:18
Fair point Keith I just look at how it's improving and don't want the process cocked up.

26th May 2014, 14:24
These are the people supported by the current government as well, you only have to read the Daily Mail. :biggrin:

Yeah I forgot who was responsible for the 1997 Human Rights Act and who deported filth abu Hamza & abu Qatada. I'd better go and check the facts in the Daily Mail archives :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 15:00
Now you don't see that very often. The words 'Daily Mail' and 'facts' in the same sentence. :icon_lol:

26th May 2014, 15:07
Now you don't see that very often. The words 'Daily Mail' and 'facts' in the same sentence. :icon_lol:

With me you do :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 15:53
i think dedworth and les must have been brainwashed into voting Tory, they've done :censored: for this country, pls tell me what you think they have done :wink:

and don't put they sold 1 million council houses off so people can own their own home, that's the biggest con ever, they didn't build one of those houses, its giving away what the tax payer paid for to be build. its so easy to give something away they didn't create :mad:, now if they build the houses that would be a different matter.:wink:

they gave massive tax cuts to the rich

sold off anything British , got £50bn for it (in today's terms that's £132bn :yikes:) , where did the money go :cwm25:

gave us the bed room tax, council tax

26th May 2014, 16:24
i think dedworth and les must have been brainwashed into voting Tory, they've done :censored: for this country, pls tell me what you think they have done :wink:

and don't put they sold 1 million council houses off so people can own their own home, that's the biggest con ever, they didn't build one of those houses, its giving away what the tax payer paid for to be build. its so easy to give something away they didn't create :mad:, now if they build the houses that would be a different matter.:wink:

they gave massive tax cuts to the rich

sold off anything British , got £50bn for it (in today's terms that's £132bn :yikes:) , where did the money go :cwm25:

gave us the bed room tax, council tax

I'm glad you mentioned building Joe. Did Labour embark on a massive council house building programme during 1997 - 2010 ? No I thought not but they provided untold jobs for illegals and Eastern Europeans putting up the Millenium Dome and Olympic stuff. Labour run local authorities eagerly pushed British families and workers aside in the rush to give social housing to Roma, Muslim Extremists and so called "asylum seekers". What little public works building was done was carried out under spurious PFI contracts in cahoots with their City Slicker chums. These ill conceived contracts allow parasitical companies like Crapita and Serco to earn millions in rent and lightbulb changing fees from the Hospitals they own for the next 30 years

26th May 2014, 16:32
Joe's thinks Blackpools fab Dedworth:icon_lol:
I can never take him seriously again:biggrin:

26th May 2014, 16:38
Joe thinks Blackpool's fab Dedworth :icon_lol:

I can never take him seriously again :biggrin:

Perhaps hitting him over the head with a stick of Blackpool rock might knock some sense into him :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 16:58
We don't have a massive building project now? :Erm: And the Tories have had 4 years. :doh

26th May 2014, 17:10
We don't have a massive building project now? :Erm: And the Tories have had 4 years. :doh

By my reckoning that's another 9 years till they catch up with Labours last stint :wink:

26th May 2014, 17:10
Well they are well on target, both are at ZERO :icon_lol:

26th May 2014, 17:29
Dedworth, you keep going on about Brown's :censored: of giving away £4bn of gold. Tell me again where did the £50bn go that Thatcher got for selling off everything that was British and belonged to this country? Just tell me where the money went, if you don't know just say so :doh

26th May 2014, 17:37
Royal Mail springs to mind. They made a right cock up of selling that off on the cheap. Losing taxpayers' money.

26th May 2014, 17:46
Royal Mail springs to mind. They made a right cock up of selling that off on the cheap. Losing tax payers' money.

But Les and Dedworth don't mention that

An investigation by the National Audit Office revealed a small number of big investors had made a killing from privatising the postal giant.


26th May 2014, 17:55
That's where you are wrong. I do mention Tory cock ups - not blinded like you two are. It was sold off too cheaply.

Of course, you will have forgotten about the Gold that Brown gave away! Did he put it in envelopes and send it to 'Cash for Gold'? :icon_lol:

26th May 2014, 18:23
That's where you are wrong. I do mention Tory cock ups - not blinded like you two are. It was sold off too cheaply.

Of course, you will have forgotten about the Gold that Brown gave away! Did he put it in envelopes and send it to 'Cash for Gold'? :icon_lol:


Or Labour's deregulation of the banks whilst they lavished honours on villians like Fred Goodwin and their other city slicker chums

26th May 2014, 18:30
The Tories gave Jimmy Savile a knighthood.... a good pillar of society :xxgrinning--00xx3: :Erm:

26th May 2014, 18:44
The Tories gave Jimmy Savile a knighthood.... a good pillar of society :xxgrinning--00xx3: :Erm:

Correct, but wicked as Saville was, he didn't push the country to the edge of the financial abyss as sleazy Blair's city pals did

26th May 2014, 18:45
You can't blame them for that. We only found out for sure when he died.

26th May 2014, 18:47
Anyway Keith, keep out of political stuff or Raynaputi will have you guts for garters. lol

26th May 2014, 18:55
LES or DEDWORTH WHERE DID THE £50bn GO ?? Come on, or I'll lock the thread :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 19:04
No idea - as I can't research it while at work.

26th May 2014, 19:30
I think some of it went on paying Unemployment Benefit to the 3million on the dole and tax cuts to the rich, but what happened to the rest ????

In todays terms, that's a massive £132bn! How many houses could they have built with that and how many jobs would it have created ?? :doh

Arthur Little
26th May 2014, 19:31
LES or DEDWORTH WHERE DID THE £50bn GO ?? Come on, or I'll lock the *thread :biggrin:

Aww, :cwm24: Joe ... don't do that, :please:!

:nono-1-1: ... responses to *it are, by far, the most I've ever seen on any thread of mine, up till now.

26th May 2014, 19:32
I can't profess to know the economics of where the money went.

What was spent on Falklands?

Might Google later.

26th May 2014, 19:41
LES or DEDWORTH WHERE DID THE £50bn GO ?? Come on, or I'll lock the thread :biggrin:

I don't know Joe but bailing out and shoring up the banks 2008/9 cost £125 billion. No doubt Labour's CoOp bank (Ball's mate the deviant Rev Crystal Meth - remember him ?) will shortly need some help

26th May 2014, 19:43
You can't blame them for that. We only found out for sure when he died.

Thatcher was well aware of the rumours, but ignored them. All politicians ignore things that they don't want to hear, this is why they make so many cockups, and spend so much time bringing out laws which are a total waste of space.

26th May 2014, 20:49
Thatcher was well aware of the rumours, but ignored them. All politicians ignore things that they don't want to hear, this is why they make so many cockups, and spend so much time bringing out laws which are a total waste of space.

It would not really have been Thatchers job would it?

Did Labour sort it out then when they first came to power? :Erm:

It's a fiery Forum tonight :cwm23:

26th May 2014, 21:09

Or Labour's deregulation of the banks whilst they lavished honours on villians like Fred Goodwin and their other city slicker chums

Well Dedworth, I learn something everyday, and I thought the banking crisis was because of sub prime loans in the USA, I never knew Blair caused the worldwide banking crisis :biggrin:


26th May 2014, 21:25
Not heard of the Daily Caller Joe - is it an affiliate of your old favourite World Socialist Website www.wsws.org ? :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 21:26
Did labour sort it out then when they first came to power?:Erm:

Nope... and nor did the current government. As I said earlier, they are all :censored: useless :sexy_146:s, and need a good :Sex: up the :action-smiley-081: :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 21:30
I will partly agree with that, I'm all forumed out after tussling with Joe :icon_lol:

It's goodnight from him :smile:

26th May 2014, 21:39
I will partly agree with that,I'm all forumed out after tussling with Joe :icon_lol:

It's goodnight from him :smile:

I thought you're supposed to be working :doh , you must have a good union Les! :biggrin: If I went on this forum at work I'd get a written warning :mad:

26th May 2014, 21:45
I thought you're supposed to be working :doh , you must have a good union Les! :biggrin:, If I went on this forum at work I'd get a written warning :mad:

Les is a champion of Free Enterprise :biggrin:

26th May 2014, 21:55
Not heard of the Daily Caller Joe - is it an affiliate of your old favourite World Socialist Website www.wsws.org ? :biggrin:


26th May 2014, 21:56
Les is a champion of Free Enterprise :biggrin:

You mean he's selling the 'Big Issue'? :yikes:

27th May 2014, 07:21
I thought you're supposed to be working :doh , you must have a good union Les! :biggrin: If I went on this forum at work I'd get a written warning :mad:

I work when I want but usually dictated by Bookings. If I am on the taxi rank I sometimes comment on my phone. What's a union? :biggrin:

I would like you to get written warnings just for being on the Forum :icon_lol:

27th May 2014, 08:19
I thought you're supposed to be working :doh , you must have a good union Les! :biggrin: If I went on this forum at work I'd get a written warning :mad:

I'm at work now, and have just written a great big W on my desk pad :smile:

First letter of warning :wink:

27th May 2014, 19:38
I would like you to get written warnings just for being on the Forum :icon_lol:

:icon_lol: Where there is a will there is a way around everything :biggrin: