View Full Version : Poll about what happens when you die.

26th May 2014, 13:55
I'm thinking of leaving my body to medical science in Nevada or California. That way I get a holiday when I'm gone. :icon_lol:

I'd prefer to be buried, but as I won't be here to argue, I don't suppose it matters. Maybe I should put in my will that the wife has to eat me! :cwm24:

26th May 2014, 14:03
I always wanted to be famous so I asked my wife to dump my corpse outside Tagbilaran Municipal building pleading poverty.

That would definitely make the papers.

A retired guy here (ex military) told his wife to stick him in a barrel and fill it with concrete and dump him in the ocean..That way she could still get his pension.

Could be a tricky evening IMO!

26th May 2014, 14:20
Cremated and quickly before the embalmer woman from down the road gets her hands on me :NoNo:

26th May 2014, 14:48
Cremated and quickly before the embalmer woman from down the road gets her hands on me :NoNo:

This one? :omg:


26th May 2014, 14:53
What happens when you die :Erm: then t'worms will come and eat you up :biggrin:

Arthur Little
26th May 2014, 16:37
Well, when I first made out my will in the summer of 1997, the solicitor who drew it up asked if I wished to insert a clause indicating by which method I'd prefer to have my "remains disposed of" upon my demise. A perfectly natural (if rather morbid) question, given my [then] status as a single (surviving) parent.

Shouldn't have been difficult to answer, since most of my relatives had chosen cremation for themselves ahead of their passing. But the :idea: of a human body being reduced to a small pile of ashes has always scared me. Daft, I know - after all, when you're dead, you're DEAD - you don't feel anything (I hope ... a cigarette burn is bad enough!) Likewise with burial ... the fear of being buried alive :omg: - not to mention being food for worms :cwm24: - has troubled mankind since time immemorial.

So ... :anerikke: ... neither method appeals to me. Ideally, I suppose, "cryogenics" would be my choice ... frozen on the [unrealistic] premise that scientific advances might be able to bring human bodies back to life some day. :wink:

Seriously, though, I would like to think that my organs could be used to save others in the event that I'm killed in an accident; or my body donated to medical research - the latter opportunity having been denied to my first wife because she died from a form of lymphatic cancer.

However, I tend to veer in favour of *burial at the present time ... especially now I'm married to a Filipina, as - with perhaps a few exceptions - that is the usual *custom in the Philippines. And for Myrna, cremation is a :nono-1-1:

26th May 2014, 16:51
I think we should donate Dedworth's body to medical science now :xxgrinning--00xx3: .... or do they have to be dead? :biggrin:

Arthur Little
26th May 2014, 17:23
I think we should donate Dedworth's body to medical science now :xxgrinning--00xx3: .... or do they have to be dead? :biggrin:

Hmm :icon_rolleyes: ... I think Ded will be coming back :gost: as a Romanian Benefits claimant to :yikes: haunt himself!

26th May 2014, 18:13
Hmm :icon_rolleyes: ... I think Ded will be coming back :gost: as a Romanian Benefits claimant to :yikes: haunt himself!

Or Ed Miliband's future grandchild..hahaha :icon_lol:


26th May 2014, 18:46
You lot are wicked :yikes:

Arthur Little
27th May 2014, 13:45
Fred :cwm25: ... I see this poll has been placed on the "back burner" meantime!

Michael Parnham
27th May 2014, 16:42
Fred :cwm25: ... I see this poll has been placed on the "back burner" meantime!

I would like it to continue because I haven't the faintest idea what happens or what to do when someone dies, don't know anything about cost or what happens when no finances are available or anything at all about death. I could hopefully have been educated on this subject if members would contribute to this thread!:Erm:

27th May 2014, 16:46
If you have no money council pay

Arthur Little
27th May 2014, 17:34
I would like it to continue ...

... so would I, Michael. But MAINLY because I'm a morbid old bugger!

Y'see ... I grew up in a household where the subject of death was "hush hush"; like :do_it:, it simply wasn't talked about! :nono-1-1: although ... the very fact that my younger brother and myself are "here" at all, is proof my parents must've "done it" at least twice in their long and happy marriage. :biggrin:

:yeahthat: ... and I suppose it could've been this :Erm: ... "wall of silence" ... these "taboo" issues ... call them what you will ... that were at least partly responsible for arousing my curiosity [surrounding BOTH] in the first place. :wink:

Arthur Little
27th May 2014, 18:53
If you have no money *Council pay

Probably *they do, nowadays. But ... :anerikke: ... it used to be the DHSS (since merged with local Jobcentres) paid the funeral expenses of folk who'd been receiving certain Benefits, e.g., Income Support, I believe.

Michael Parnham
27th May 2014, 19:41
... so would I, Michael. But MAINLY because I'm a morbid old bugger!

Y'see ... I grew up in a household where the subject of death was "hush hush"; like :do_it:, it simply wasn't talked about! :nono-1-1: although ... the very fact that my younger brother and myself are "here" at all, is proof my parents must've "done it" at least twice in their long and happy marriage. :biggrin:

:yeahthat: ... and I suppose it could've been this :Erm: ... "wall of silence" ... these "taboo" issues ... call them what you will ... that were at least partly responsible for arousing my curiosity [surrounding BOTH] in the first place. :wink:

Yes Arthur, it was never mentioned to me at home, surprised it's never mentioned at schools, I think it should be in order to prepare kids for when family members pass away!:Erm: