View Full Version : We’ve got your number, Ministers tell immigrants using British roads illegally

7th June 2014, 22:30
Something i wanted to know, as I've seen cars near me with foreign number plates on for a while :NoNo:

Ministers are preparing a crackdown on hundreds of thousands of foreign motorists who are driving illegally in Britain, evading tax, insurance and MOT safety checks.

Read more here ..


7th June 2014, 23:15
I hope that all parties can put a priority wiggle on that one :cwm23:

It's a major issue in my area :censored:

8th June 2014, 01:04
It ain't rocket science but as per usual hundreds of thousands of these :censored: have been allowed to get away with it for years. Try driving a car in Poland without insurance and you'll get 10 years hard labour in the gulag.

8th June 2014, 09:53
These only form a minority, what about the 1 million uninsured British citizens? :Erm:

8th June 2014, 10:58
Very few of these people are complying with the law if they did one would see thousands of left hand drive cars with Brit plates

8th June 2014, 11:00
These only form a minority, what about the 1 million uninsured British citizens?

£1000 fine, automatic forfeiture of car and if involved in an accident with another vehicle, compulsory minimum 5 year jail sentence.

If injury to another person then 20 years' jail :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I believe strict measures have more chance.

8th June 2014, 12:14
Totally agree Les.

These pillocks have been taking the :censored: and increasing costs for honest British citizens for far too long...as well as endangering our lives and the lives of our loved ones. :mad: