View Full Version : British police being taught to speak Roma

12th June 2014, 18:27
British police being taught to speak Roma after series of violent clashes between Eastern European migrants and locals

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2656163/Police-taught-speak-Roma-series-violent-clashes-Eastern-European-migrants-locals.html#ixzz34Rlbccmi
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A disgraceful waste of public money :mad:- the only thing they need to be taught is more effective use of the fist, boot and baton. That's the only language the roma understand

12th June 2014, 21:20
So they should, so they can understand the cops when they read them their 'rights' :biggrin:

12th June 2014, 22:02
Like this comment "What the hell has happened to our once great country. Back then they would have learned English"

12th June 2014, 23:43
Why can't the Roma learn English and a Life in UK test before they enter UK, like everyone else has to?

13th June 2014, 05:46
They only need to learn 3 words ".... OFF HOME!" :biggrin:

13th June 2014, 08:49

Instead of our leadership growing some balls and deporting these intolerable parasites, let's waste even MORE taxpayers' money. :NoNo:

13th June 2014, 09:03
Angry villagers warn of riots unless police act on Roma: Residents say they will take law into their own hands if authorities do not take action over anti-social behaviour

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2656728/Angry-villagers-warn-riots-unless-police-act-Roma-Residents-say-law-hands-authorities-not-action-anti-social-behaviour.html#ixzz34VHy8q8M

A working class, 100% Labour supporting former mining village. I wonder who they will be voting for in the next election ? :icon_lol:

This might spur Milliberk into sending along the shadow cabinet for a coffee morning next week. On the other hand it's easier for the Labour run local council to stamp "RACIST" on their foreheads for being concerned about mass immigration

13th June 2014, 09:55
This was always going to happen, and the situation will only get worse.

None of the big three parties have done anything to prevent this polluting of our society and ruination of this country.

If it was happening in my village I'd be doing something about it too, because there will be no help from those who are supposed to represent the interests of the British people, and at least put them ahead of foreigners. :mad:

13th June 2014, 13:51
Just gather 200 of the lads up, kick the crap out of 'em and send them on their way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th June 2014, 14:35
Just gather 200 of the lads up,kick the crap out of em and send them on their way:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fingers crossed it'll come to that Les

13th June 2014, 15:19
Our parents, our grandparents, great-grand parents, great-great grandparents would turn over in their graves if they knew, they had sacrificed, sweated and slaved to make our country a special place, if they could see the pussies that run our once great country now :NoNo::NoNo:

13th June 2014, 15:35
Our parents, our grandparents, great- grand parents, great-great grandparents would turn over in their graves if they knew, they had sacrificed, sweated and slaved to make our country a special place, if they could see the pussies that run our once great country now:NoNo::NoNo:

Ironic that last week was the 70th anniversary of D Day beginning the liberation of Europe. I think those blokes would be spinning in their graves - Europe is now run by an unelected self serving dictatorship and their spineless cohorts in national govt who are turning it into the insane cesspit of the western world as they rob us blind

13th June 2014, 16:47
Stewart and Dedworth...couldn't agree more.

Tragic when you think of the number of young lives lost in WW1 and WW2....for what ? :NoNo: