View Full Version : Bedfordshire Checking Service for ILR app.

12th June 2014, 21:40
Hello everyone, I just want to share my experience with the checking service today.

Hubby and I went to our checking service appointment this morning, brought everything that we were asked to bring. The lady was so pleasant and very helpful. She assisted me with the questions that I was confused about in the ILR form like what should I put in the Applicant's name since I'm using my married name in all sorts of documents while in my passport, it is still on my maiden name. She told me to put my married name, but not on section one that needs my passport details.

She asked me for the requirements one by one while going-over the pages of the form.
She took my Life in the UK Certificate, IELTS certificate, marriage certificate, passports (mine and hubby's) my BRP card, my 2 identical passport picture and 1 from my husband (she provided the small brown envelope for that).

Afterwards, she asked us for the financial requirement side of the application. She asked for our 3 months recent pay slips (March,April, May) and most recent bank statements as well. We also gave her our P60's.

Then she asked us for our proof of cohabitation. We gave her different sources for June 2012 and 2013. She asked me for 3 sources of documents for 2012 (3-4 months gap in between) and 3 sources for 2013 (3-4 months gap in between) as well, the same with my husband. She did not asked anything for 2014 because the recent payslips, bank statements and p60's are already adequate according to her. I actually brought a big pile of documents for the proof of cohabitation( EACH SOURCE is spreading over 2 years in which we have 8 SOURCES between us in individual names and 2 SOURCES in joint names and not to mention the other individual documents/letters/ that spreads over 2 years altogether) ---can you imagine how thick that would be to be submitted to the Home Office? She did not even took just a quarter of the amount of the documents I gathered. I put myself in a lot of stress gathering those documents not knowing that's it's not that necessary, but nevermind, it's better to provide more than to provide less anyway.

Another thing she asked from us to provide is our most recent mortgage statement.

She then photocopied EVERYTHING (passports, original certificates, original documents, BRP card etc) and returned it all back to me except for my BRP card.

and now....the waiting time starts......I'm not on a rush so I can wait patiently as long as the wait won't take until next year!!!!!:Erm::cwm25:

Michael Parnham
13th June 2014, 06:35
Hello everyone, I just want to share my experience with the checking service today.

Hubby and I went to our checking service appointment this morning, brought everything that we were asked to bring. The lady was so pleasant and very helpful. She assisted me with the questions that I was confused about in the ILR form like what should I put in the Applicant's name since I'm using my married name in all sorts of documents while in my passport, it is still on my maiden name. She told me to put my married name, but not on section one that needs my passport details.

She asked me for the requirements one by one while going-over the pages of the form.
She took my Life in the UK Certificate, IELTS certificate, marriage certificate, passports(mine and hubby's), my BRP card, my 2 identical passport picture and 1 from my husband (she provided the small brown envelope for that).

Afterwards, she asked us for the financial requirement side of the application. She asked for our 3 months recent pay slips (March,April, May), and most recent bank statements as well. We also gave her our P60's.

Then she asked us for our proof of cohabitation. We gave her different sources for June 2012 and 2013. She asked me for 3 sources of documents for 2012 (3-4 months gap in between) and 3 sources for 2013 (3-4 months gap in between) as well, the same with my husband. She did not asked anything for 2014 because the recent payslips, bank statements and p60's are already adequate according to her. I actually brought a big pile of documents for the proof of cohabitation( EACH SOURCE is spreading over 2 years in which we have 8 SOURCES between us in individual names and 2 SOURCES in joint names and not to mention the other individual documents/letters/ that spreads over 2 years altogether) ---can you imagine how thick that would be to be submitted to the home office?, she did not even took just a quarter of the amount of the documents I gathered. I put myself in a lot of stress gathering those documents not knowing that's it's not that necessary, but nevermind, it's better to provide more than to provide less anyway.

Another thing she asked from us to provide is our most recent mortgage statement.

She then photocopied EVERYTHING (passports, original certificates, original documents, BRP card etc) and returned it all back to me except for my BRP card.

and now....the waiting time starts......I'm not on a rush so I can wait patiently as long as the wait won't take until next year!!!!!:Erm::cwm25:

Within a couple of weeks you will receive a letter of acceptance and a couple or three weeks later you will get your BRP information, Congragtulations on your application and good luck April!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th June 2014, 08:36
Mrs D used the local authority Nationality Checking Service about 3 years ago for her Citizenship application. It galls me to say but they do it efficiently and at I suppose a reasonable cost

13th June 2014, 08:44
Mrs D used the local authority Nationality Checking Service about 3 years ago for her Citizenship application. It galls me to say but they do it efficiently and at I suppose a reasonable cost

We've also found it to be one of the better services.....very well worth it too.
I'd always recommend the checking service for a smooth stress free process.
Seems that those applications that pass through the Checking Service actually have faster processing times by the Home Office. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2014, 13:13
Within a couple of weeks you will receive a letter of acceptance and a couple or three weeks later you will get your BRP information, Congragtulations on your application and good luck April! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th of June - went to the settlement checking service, documents been checked and lodged.

17th of June - money taken out from our card and received the acceptance letter from the Home Office saying that the application will be passed to a caseworker unit.

26th of June - received a letter dated 23rd of June about biometric enrolment.