View Full Version : Labour MP - partys 'elite' is clueless about negative impact of immigration on UK

13th June 2014, 08:47
Labour 'elite' is clueless about negative impact of immigration on UK, slams party MP


As he says “the Labour elite always find the top schools for their children. They find their way to the top restaurants. They live different lives to the voters whose support they need,” :laugher:

13th June 2014, 10:03
Listening to these people is like listening to pre-programmed robots, spouting their 'diversity' and 'multi-culturalism' rubbish.

All in the interests of keeping their jobs and lifestyles.

One can only hope that fewer fools vote for them than vote for the Tories. Difficult to tell who exactly are the worst bunch of self-serving cowards at the moment. :NoNo:

13th June 2014, 10:11
Talking about pre-programmed robots, here's Plod talking about the Roma criminal invasion of Sheffield :-

A specialist community police team has been drafted in to prevent clashes between hundreds of Roma Slovak migrants and local residents upset at their ‘anti-social behaviour’ in the Page Hall area of Sheffield.

I'm trying to figure out what this has to do with the Police function of enforcing the law and taking criminals off the street. Maybe I've missed something :Erm:

13th June 2014, 11:38
Exactly !

NOTHING about the police enforcing the law. :cwm23:

How about issuing the £80 on the spot fines for every case of littering, just to get things moving ? :mad: