View Full Version : VFS Manila Incompetence

13th June 2014, 10:18
Hi Everyone,

At this moment when I thought that everything seems to be going fine( as my mum's visa seems to be approved as we received an email 2 days ago from UKVI saying your visa will be despatched shortly and from VFS Manila saying your application is ready for collection) My family are all very excited.

Today my mum been to VFS, waited for an hour to collect her documents and Vfs said "I am sorry Ma'am but it is not here yet..."!

My mum was so disappointed. She then asked them why they emailed her that it is ready for collection if it is not there? They didn't answer and just said come back on Monday maybe it would be here....MAYBE!

It took my mum an hour to get there and another hour to wait. Is it really this bad applying for a visa from the Philippines?

Has this happened to anyone in this forum as my mum is worried that maybe they just cannot find it? Is it possible that can happen at VFS Manila?

Any advice or comment will be much appreciated.

Thanks everyone.

13th June 2014, 11:03
Didn't you/she avail of the courier service? This is one reason why I opted for a courier service when I applied my visa (actually it was included in the VIP but I'm sure they offer a courier service for the ones who won't avail the VIP). The fee (PHP 500) for that is reasonable enough to not have the hassle of going back and forth in VFS.

13th June 2014, 11:29
hi rayna
Thank you for the reply.
My mother is aware of the courier service, she did not avail it as she had a previous dealing with them regarding her passport not being delivered on time and been missing for a week.
Although they not all like that my mum's past experienced does affect her decisions to not avail the service,
I was just wondering if an email from UKVI saying your visa will be despatched shortly is really a yes?The whole family is just so anxious about it.I am being positive but it is hard not to doubt.We have waited for 14 weeks and it seems so unreal to think that it has been approved.