View Full Version : 208,000 Passports handed to migrants in one year: One reason there's a massive backlog.

14th June 2014, 00:30
From the Hate Mail, :Erm: Migrant, you can only get a British passport if you're a British citizen :doh

A surge in applications from migrants is fuelling the Passport Office crisis, it emerged last night.

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14th June 2014, 00:35
Very simple, count back Joe - it's all the mass uncontrolled future Labour voters from pre 2010 now getting their citizenship

14th June 2014, 00:37
Can you in simple terms explain how this mass of uncontrolled migrants entered the UK?

14th June 2014, 00:44
can you in simple terms explain how this mass of uncontrolled migrants entered the uk ?

How many more times do I have to tell you Joe ? :smile:

Cynical government policy 1997 - 2010

Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser


14th June 2014, 00:58
The "deliberate policy", from late 2000 until "at least February last year", when the new points based system was introduced, was to open up the UK to mass migration, he said.
Some 2.3 million migrants have been added to the population since then, according to Whitehall estimates quietly slipped out last month.

So people blame the PBS for it, the same system Australia uses :cwm25:

So you think its better any European can come here, instead of those who came on PBS, who would have had a minimum of a degree, would have probably been young and had a good paid job in their own country or their job was on the UK job shortage list :Erm:

14th June 2014, 01:08
So people blame the PBS for it, the same system Australia uses :cwm25:

So you think its better any European can come here, instead of those who came on PBS, who would have had a minimum of a degree, would have probably been young and had a good paid job in their own country or their job was on the uk job shortage list :Erm:

We need controlled immigration which should be a rigid points based system allowing access to the best genuinely qualified applicants from the whole world. We don't want beggars, atm skimmers and scrap metal thieves from the Balkans. In saying that with regards to "qualified" applicants particular attention needs to be paid to those with fake or 2 bit medical, computer, teaching etc "degrees" from nations such as India, Nigeria, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan etc etc - we all know but the Home Office is oblivious as to where the usual suspects come from.

Getting back on topic anything to add about the 1997 - 2010 uncontrolled scum of the earth immigration policy Joe ?

14th June 2014, 01:16
Getting back on topic anything to add about the 1997 - 2010 uncontrolled scum of the earth immigration policy Joe ?

:Erm: You mean the PBS system that I've just posted about :doh, scum of the earth ?? What do you mean, you needed a degree, no idea what you're talking about you need to explain it a bit more

14th June 2014, 02:44
:Erm: you mean the pbs system that i've just posted about :doh, scum of the earth ?? what do you mean , you needed a degree , no idea what your talking about you need to explain it s bit more

In short Joe many of Labours future voters are scum of the earth Calais tent dwellers, so called "asylum seekers" ( male economic migrants who have abandoned their families), petrol station cashier "students" - basically fly by night, uneducated or chancer crap. On a points based system we need to be certain that the degrees or whatever other qualifications they hold are genuine not Lagos Microsoft Certified Engineers or some North West Frontier "Medical School" con men

Does that explain it ?

14th June 2014, 06:36
asylum seekers cant use pbs :doh
Microsoft certification is not a degree dedworth
as for med school, to register with the gmc the uni has to be recognised by the world health organisation

14th June 2014, 10:06
asylum seekers cant use pbs :doh
Microsoft certification is not a degree dedworth
as for med school, to register with the gmc the uni has to be recognised by the world health organisation

These future labour voters started off as "asylum seekers" but were given permanent status - just look how many current terrorists and extremists arrived 1997 - 2010.

You know what I mean about fake certification and degrees Joe. Go back to my post #4 nothing can detract from the fact that Labour wanted mass uncontrolled immigration

14th June 2014, 10:11
Strange that so far only 2 members have replied to this thread :Erm:

Before any other comments are made I'd like to point our that there are a few members on here that go to make up that 208,000 my partner included.

14th June 2014, 11:40
Dedworth, I know what you mean, but Microsoft certification is worth :censored: in the PBS system, that wouldn't get someone a visa to the UK unless their job was on the job shortage list.

You keep saying about your 4th post, but you can't tell me 21/2 million asylum seekers or people on PBS came to the UK :NoNo:

And those who came on PBS, they would have had to work for at least 5yrs without claiming any 'recourse to public funds' while paying taxes before they could apply for ILR . I know Filipinos in the UK who had to struggle for 5yrs before they could get help with childcare but the gov had no problem taking their taxes. Hardly beggars, Dedworth.

14th June 2014, 14:58
PBS is a side issue Joe we don't know how any of these 200k entered the country but the fact is Liebor allowed mass uncontrolled immigration and huge numbers of these people are now becoming eligible for citizenship. No doubt this will unfortunately be the situation for many years. I wonder what middle east peace envoy and architect of mass uncontrolled immigration Tony Blair is doing about the current mess in Iraq ? Nothing as he's to busy surveying his property empire and going through his bank statements

14th June 2014, 15:56
From your post Dedworth, it seems people are blaming PBS for the problem so it's not a side issue Dedworth :wink:

14th June 2014, 17:10
From your post Dedworth it seems people are blaming PBS for the problem so it's not a side issue Dedworth :wink:

I give up you've totally lost me. I'm simply saying that Labour had mass uncontrolled immigration as a policy to create future voters and most of those who came in were unskilled rubbish

14th June 2014, 17:21
I'm simply saying that Labour had mass uncontrolled immigration as a policy to create future voters and most of those who came in were unskilled rubbish

Looking to be the case :censored:

14th June 2014, 17:23
And from your article, you're telling me this mass uncontrolled immigration is due to asylum seekers and the PBS system are you not :cwm25:

14th June 2014, 17:25
Looking to be the case :censored:

Maybe Les knows, exactly how did this mass of uncontrolled immigrants enter the UK on what type of visa ? Dedworth can't give me an answer :cwm25:

14th June 2014, 17:29
Les knows it's time to get ready for the footie - got my England shirt to iron, check with the lads and get my skates on. Only got a couple of hours till the beers will be poured.

No doubt I will end up in a club later after the Game :yikes:

14th June 2014, 17:37
Les knows it's time to get ready for the footie - got my England shirt to iron, check with the lads and get my skates on. Only got a couple of hours till the beers will be poured.

No doubt i will end up in a club later after the Game :yikes:

:icon_lol: Well ask your mates in the pub and you can tell me tomorrow :biggrin:

14th June 2014, 17:38
maybe les knows, exactly how did this mass of uncontrolled immigrants enter the uk, on what type of visa ? dedworth cant give me an answer :cwm25:

All I'm telling you Joe is that Labour let in an uncontrolled mass of immigrants fact, student visas, visit visas, any old visas they were stamped in with wild abandon. Maybe Messrs Straw and Blunkett can give you the detail you crave for Joe they were Home Secretaries responsible and now shedding crocodile tears

14th June 2014, 18:28
Well ask your mates in the pub and you can tell me tomorrow

You will be lucky to see me on here tommorow :biggrin:

Not interested in this subject - Footie all the way right now :Jump:

14th June 2014, 18:31
C'mon England http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/flags/flag-of-england.gif

15th June 2014, 12:37
Can't help wondering, the "flood" of incomers, or rather low quality incomers under labour. Was the PBS the issue (I know plenty who came on work visas, I don't know any wasters under this category), or was it a mixture of the abolishing of the Primary Purpose Rule, along with EU accession of nations with economies way below ours, leading to a huge influx from this source?