View Full Version : Our imp is finally here!

1st July 2014, 17:41
Hi all! I know I've said that I wanted to be more active here, but this little imp threw a spanner in the works. She was born on the 3rd of June at 5lbs 11oz. We've spent the last four weeks painstakingly trying to get her back up to her birth weight as she lost 14% of it in her first five days. The midwife weighed her again today, and she's just shy of 6lbs (woohoo!). After countless house visits and getting referred to the hospital for a battery of tests, the NHS finally agrees with us that there is nothing wrong with our baby. She really is just small.

Michael Parnham
1st July 2014, 17:48
Hi all! I know I've said that I wanted to be more active here, but this little imp threw a spanner in the works. She was born on the 3rd of June at 5lbs 11oz. We've spent the last four weeks painstakingly trying to get her back up to her birth weight as she lost 14% of it in her first five days. The midwife weighed her again today, and she's just shy of 6lbs (woohoo!). After countless house visits and getting referred to the hospital for a battery of tests, the NHS finally agrees with us that there is nothing wrong with our baby. She really is just small.

Congratulations to both of you for producing such a beautiful little girl!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st July 2014, 17:59
:biggrin: Thanks, Michael! I'd post pictures of her looking angelic and cute, but the pictures I've been taking are of the funny faces she pulls.:icon_lol::heartshape1:

1st July 2014, 18:01
That's brilliant :xxgrinning--00xx3:
All the best to you all :heartshape1:
lovely photos to treasure.

1st July 2014, 18:14
From one new father to another, congrats :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Our daughter was born on the 20th June :biggrin:

Doc Alan
1st July 2014, 18:20
Congratulations and best wishes to you both :Hellooo:

1st July 2014, 19:07
Congratulations to both sets of new parents....:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st July 2014, 19:21
Congrats. A credit to you both.

1st July 2014, 20:52
Many congratulations and well done :Jump:

You've huge joy to come.
Wonderful blessing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2014, 04:01
Congratulations. It is normal for the weight to drop after birth as the baby's body has to adjust to another form of feeding. Our daughter was the same, also very small, but she is a bundle of screaming joy now, and nearly a year old now.
Enjoy these days as they grow so quickly.

2nd July 2014, 09:32
Congratulations and welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2014, 16:18
Congrats...we all know good things come in small packages!

3rd July 2014, 07:57
Congratulations... What a lovely child!!!!:smile:

3rd July 2014, 15:23
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! :Jump:

Arthur Little
3rd July 2014, 20:10
:BouncyHappy: Congratulations to you and your *husband (:sorry-2: I don't think you've ever mentioned *his name ... though I seem to recall you once saying he is/was a member here too! :smile:) Denise, on the safe arrival of your :baby1: daughter.

:Erm: ... have you decided on a name for her yet?

Arthur Little
3rd July 2014, 20:26
:BouncyHappy: Congratulations to you and your *husband (:sorry-2: I don't think you've ever mentioned *his name ... though I seem to recall you once saying he is/was a member here too! :smile:) Denise, on the safe arrival of your :baby1: daughter.

:Erm: ... have you decided on a name for her yet?

:biggrin: ... apologies for asking these questions ... I'm just a "nosey" :olddude:, y'see!

13th July 2014, 21:19
Thank you, everyone! Forgive me for not replying sooner. I can honestly say I have no idea where this last week has gone. It feels like one long day of nursing and changing nappies.

From one new father to another, congrats :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Our daughter was born on the 20th June :biggrin:

Congrats on the little cutie! What did she weigh?

Congratulations. It is normal for the weight to drop after birth as the baby's body has to adjust to another form of feeding. Our daughter was the same, also very small, but she is a bundle of screaming joy now, and nearly a year old now.
Enjoy these days as they grow so quickly.

Our little drama queen has a strong set of lungs on her too. Thankfully, none of our neighbors mind the wailing.:icon_lol:

:BouncyHappy: Congratulations to you and your *husband (:sorry-2: I don't think you've ever mentioned *his name ... though I seem to recall you once saying he is/was a member here too! :smile:) Denise, on the safe arrival of your :baby1: daughter.

:Erm: ... have you decided on a name for her yet?

No worries! I don't mind the questions. :smile: My husband's name is Matt, and our baby's name is Freya Marie.

Arthur Little
14th July 2014, 19:30
No worries! I don't mind the questions. :smile: My husband's name is Matt ...

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... that's it ... 'Matt7' from Manchester? :wink: Now I remember! :thankyou:

... and our baby's name is Freya Marie.

:cwm24: .... WoW! .................... :yeahthat:'s also the name of my darling wee granddaughter. Yep, Freya Iris ... her middle name being in memory of her maternal grandmother - my [late] first wife. :smile:

14th July 2014, 19:57
Congratulations to you and your husband dontpushme on the birth of your lovely baby daughter!! I hope that you are coping well with your new membership to the sleepless nights club! :xxgrinning--00xx3: