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3rd July 2014, 08:51

We are a same sex couple about to have a civil partnership at the British Embassy in Manila then apply for a partnership visa. I have been living here for 6 months with my partner Za. I am British and have a home in the UK and Manila but I haven't worked in the UK for over 3 years and left my job in the UAE at the end of January. This is a bit different to most situations as I believe I have to prove I earned over 18,600 in the past 12mths and that I have a job offering more than that when I return to the UK. I am currently trying to get copies of my payslips from my old employer and a letter confirming my salary and then copies of my bank statements showing this money paid in.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Also for same sex couples does the Filipino partner need any kind of special documentation to leave when a visa is granted? I read that women have to go to some kind of meeting and get a sticker in the passport or they will be refused permission to leave, of course this is a paid for mandatory "course" (typical government dept. here getting as much as they can from people)

This forum has been very helpful so far so thanks to you all.

3rd July 2014, 11:24
Hi Peter-Za Welcome to the forum:smile:

please check this link:

3rd July 2014, 15:04

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Also for same sex couples does the Filipino partner need any kind of special documentation to leave when a visa is granted? I read that women have to go to some kind of meeting and get a sticker in the passport or they will be refused permission to leave, of course this is a paid for mandatory "course" (typical government dept. here getting as much as they can from people)

This forum has been very helpful so far so thanks to you all.

All Filipinos who will settle abroad need the CFO certificate and sticker not just for women....:smile:

4th July 2014, 15:06
Thanks for the advice I am sure he's going to enjoy sitting through a waste of time moneymaker for a government dept. thankfully he has more patience than me.

I did check that link out its very useful.