View Full Version : Where to shop?

3rd July 2014, 15:40
Hi there, :smile: it's me again. I have size 2 for shoes and size 6 or maybe size 5 for dresses. I can't seem to fit something every time I go shopping.. does anyone here that is petite as me? when I say petite i mean putt lol! I would love to know where you go shopping.

3rd July 2014, 16:22
The children's aisle?? :icon_lol:

3rd July 2014, 16:32
:bigcry: Don't want to go there though!

3rd July 2014, 16:33
My wife gets lots of stuff from the childrens shops/sections :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd July 2014, 16:52
My wife gets lots of stuff from the childrens shops/sections :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Me too! It's cheaper too! :biggrin:

3rd July 2014, 17:53
I agree. Try M&S 11-13s ? :smile:

Michael Parnham
3rd July 2014, 19:40
My Maritess gets quite a number of her clothing requirements from childrens section of most reputable stores, such as 'John Lewis' ect. Most Clarks childrens shoes are very similar to adult shoes, good luck with finding what you require, I'm sure you'll be fine!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd July 2014, 19:48
I wish I can also shop at the children's section coz the clothes are way prettier than what the adults section offer! :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3: But at 5'2" size 10 clothes and size 5 feet, that's not possible! :cwm25:

3rd July 2014, 21:35
" Next " do a petite section in woman's clothes.

3rd July 2014, 22:21
I wish I can also shop at the children's section coz the clothes are way prettier than what the adults section offer! :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3: But at 5'2" size 10 clothes and size 5 feet, that's not possible! :cwm25:

My wife Rayna 5ft 4 size 10 clothes and at 57kg manages to wear 12-13 year old tops from Primark...:biggrin:

3rd July 2014, 22:26
I shop in New Look.. they do have teens section, it's not so embarrassing as going to children's section.. lol.. and Primark do small sizes. :smile:

3rd July 2014, 22:39
Thanks for the feedback guys.. been to Debenhams at Trafford and they've got small sizes as well.