View Full Version : Letter of employment template

3rd July 2014, 19:05
Looks like I will be asking my employer to write me a letter soon to submit with Harlene's spouse visa application. Can somebody point me in the way of a template letter so I have a sample to hand him to put on headed notepaper. I want to make it easy for him and not have him refuse or put it to the back of his to do list as he is a busy man!


3rd July 2014, 21:46
I never got a letter from my employer. All I did was send them a copy of my work contract and 6 months' pay slips.

You will give the details of your employer when you fill in the visa application form.

It would still be a good idea to get a letter from your employer though.

I wrote a covering letter myself and my wife added one.

The more information the better.

4th July 2014, 18:33
Looks like I will be asking my employer to write me a letter soon to submit with Harlene's spouse visa application. Can somebody point me in the way of a template letter so I have a sample to hand him to put on headed notepaper. I want to make it easy for him and not have him refuse or put it to the back of his to do list as he is a busy man!


Make no mistake Slip.....you MUST include a letter/statement from your employer.
It's considered a mandatory requirement under the Financial Requirement 5.6.1

(b) A letter from the employer(s) who issued the payslips at paragraph 2(a) confirming:
(i) the person's employment and gross annual salary;
(ii) the length of their employment;
(iii) the period over which they have been or were paid the level of salary relied upon in the application; and
(iv) the type of employment (permanent, fixed-term contract or agency).

It should be on headed notepaper and can be simply a series of statements covering the above requirements.

30th July 2014, 20:35
Forgot about this...

Spoke to one of my bosses today who said if I drew up a letter and gave it to him, he would fill in the blanks and put it on company headed paper.

I know you put what I should include Terpe, but I was hoping someone could point me in the way of a sample letter on the internet so I can copy it, I am not very good at letters and it will not make sense!

31st July 2014, 09:15
Forgot about this...

Spoke to one of my bosses today who said if I drew up a letter and gave it to him, he would fill in the blanks and put it on company headed paper.

I know you put what I should include Terpe, but I was hoping someone could point me in the way of a sample letter on the internet so I can copy it, I am not very good at letters and it will not make sense!

Doesn't need to be 'wordy' letter. It can just be formal confirmation statements.

"This letter confirms that ******
- is currently employed by us at an annual gross salary of £
- has been in our employment for x years

31st July 2014, 11:51

12th August 2014, 08:29
Would this be good enough, plus covers the requirements?

If so I aim to take it into work Thursday and get my boss to write it up.

To whom it may concern,
Slip has worked for company name as a job name since Length of service on a permanent basis.
His Salary is £……… a year and has been paid this amount since ……..

If you have any questions regarding Slip's employment with Company name, then please do not hesitate to contact me on ………..

Michael Parnham
12th August 2014, 11:18
Would this be good enough, plus covers the requirements?

If so I aim to take it into work Thursday and get my boss to write it up.

To whom it may concern,
Slip has worked for company name as a job name since Length of service on a permanent basis.
His Salary is £……… a year and has been paid this amount since ……..

If you have any questions regarding Slip's employment with Company name, then please do not hesitate to contact me on ………..

Spot on Slip! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
12th August 2014, 11:55
Spot on Slip! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:iagree: with Michael. Written communication's my strong point ... so I'd say, :yeahthat: will be more than adequate for the purpose.

Just ensure (though your boss - and his secretary - should know this already!) its layout is:-


Dear Sir(s)

(Employee's) Name:

[Body of letter as worded by you]

Yours faithfully,

Name of Signatory
Signatory's Designation


12th August 2014, 12:10
Would this be good enough, plus covers the requirements?

If so I aim to take it into work Thursday and get my boss to write it up.

To whom it may concern,
Slip has worked for company name as a job name since Length of service on a permanent basis.
His Salary is £……… a year and has been paid this amount since ……..

If you have any questions regarding Slip's employment with Company name, then please do not hesitate to contact me on ………..

That's fine Slip.
But just be sure you cover all the requirements:-

(b) A letter from the employer(s) who issued the payslips at paragraph 2(a) confirming:

(i) the person's employment and gross annual salary;
(ii) the length of their employment;
(iii) the period over which they have been or were paid the level of salary relied upon in the application; and
(iv) the type of employment (permanent, fixed-term contract or agency).