View Full Version : Labour's betrayal of the British working class

9th July 2014, 09:44
Britons are losing out to foreign workers with one in six low-skilled jobs now held by an immigrant.


Looking forward to hearing Andy & Joes take on this

9th July 2014, 10:42
I can't understand what you're moaning about Ded. According to your government everything is rosy. Economy is up and people have more money to spend. Sounds like something is not right. :biggrin:.
“We are working across .Government to ensure immigration works for this country and will use the findings of this report to inform our approach.”

Maybe that's why the want to stay in Europe. :crazy:

9th July 2014, 11:01
Even taking into account bet losses to Tiger, I have had my best year's earnings since 2009.

9th July 2014, 11:04
I can't understand what you're moaning about Ded. According to your government everything is rosy. Economy is up and people have more money to spend. Sounds like something is not right.:biggrin:.
“We are working across .Government to ensure immigration works for this country and will use the findings of this report to inform our approach.”

[COLOR=#333333]Maybe that's why the want to stay in Europe. :crazy:

:Erm: The above article is about a Govt report - what's your steer on the fact that "between 1997 and 2013 the number of Britons in low-skilled jobs fell by 1.1 million, while the number of foreigners in such roles increased by the same amount"

- if I recall correctly the party that claims to represent the downtrodden working classes was in power 1997 - 2010. I guess they were otherwise preoccupied with keeping their snouts in the trough, schmoozing with their chums the bankers and city slickers :wink:

9th July 2014, 11:11
Dementia again Ded? Going back in the past. I think you should be diagnosed. :biggrin:. There are still 40000 illegal students coming here and 100000 disappearing in the community. So I would say the Tories are doing virtually nothing about it. And like I said Cameron wants to stay in Europe so how are the Tories going to get immigration down. He hasn't got a prayer of negotiating with Europe.:wink:

9th July 2014, 11:13
Dementia again Ded? Going back in the past. I think you should be diagnosed. :biggrin:. There are still 40000 illegal students coming here and 100000 disappearing in the community. So I would say the Tories are doing virtually nothing about it. And like I said Cameron wants to stay in Europe so how are the Tories going to get immigration down. He hasn't got a prayer of negotiating with Europe. :wink:

:Erm: 2nd request.............Lets stick to the thread please Andy 1997 - 2013. It is about legit recorded jobs - not the millions of illegals and students allowed in by Labour who are now under the radar in the black economy

9th July 2014, 11:20
It's what is happening now - and not in the past - that most people are interested in Ded. :wink:

9th July 2014, 11:57
It's what is happening now - and not in the past - that most people are interested in Ded. :wink:

It is important that the electorate are fully aware what appalling damage the shower in charge 97 - 2010 caused so they're not given another crack of the whip.

A hereditary Labour man like yourself Andy will vote on regardless of the fact that they've betrayed the working class and are now the party supporting the sponger, criminal and immigrant :biggrin:

9th July 2014, 12:41
How can you say they betrayed the working class? It was Thatcher who wrecked the manufacturing industry of this country. And the working class will not forget that. It is the Tories who created the North/South divide by taking the industry out of the North.

9th July 2014, 12:49
I blame Robert Walpole, he started it all :Erm:

9th July 2014, 12:53
I thought you might blame Andy Warhol. :icon_lol:

9th July 2014, 13:36
Yes, it makes so much sense to let foreigners flood in and take the jobs that our school leavers and many of our unemployed would have (eventually) taken, and to wreck the housing market and social services.

Well done.

The 'establishment' and their rich buddies...native and foreign, are laughing all the way to the bank. :NoNo:

9th July 2014, 13:44
How can you say they betrayed the working class? It was Thatcher who wrecked the manufacturing industry of this country. And the working class will not forget that. It is the tories who created the North/South divide by taking the industry out of the North.

When uncontrolled immigration was taking place 1997 - 2010 was Mrs Thatcher in power Andy ?

9th July 2014, 13:58
First you say this Andy

It's what is happening now - and not in the past - that most people are interested in Ded.

Then you say this :icon_lol:

It was Thatcher who wrecked the manufacturing industry of this country. And the working class will not forget that. It is the Tories who created the North/South divide by taking the industry out of the North.

Come on, do a Buck Fizz and make you mind up!

9th July 2014, 15:13
And the working class will not forget that.

Many of the working class won't forget that - in Millipede's Marxists eyes - they're all bigoted racists for having the temerity to believe that their jobs, schools, houses and NHS are being taken by Labour supporting immigrants.

9th July 2014, 18:14
'There's none so blind as those who will not see'. :NoNo:

10th July 2014, 17:57
Proof enough that Labour don't give a shiite about the working class of Britain. :cwm23:


10th July 2014, 18:03
Proof enough that Labour don't give a shiite about the working class of Britain. :cwm23:


and that's from the Fifth Column BBC