View Full Version : Public Sector Strike

10th July 2014, 10:21
Get a life - especially teachers!

My heart bleeds for you.

Listened to some right lefties on Radio 5 Live and luckily people who live in the real world.

10th July 2014, 10:35
A reasonably nice day for the greedy, out of touch Teachers to put their feet up. I hate them :mad:

10th July 2014, 10:48
I'm the same. They all plead poverty, all work 70 hours a week.

Some nob said it's everyone's right to strike. Let's hope he never has a heart attack then if the nurses could go on strike. Let's hope there is no riot in his street if the police could strike and finally let's hope their is no armed attack or war while the soldiers strike. Thank goodness they can't and wouldn't.

10th July 2014, 11:36
Fortunately my kids attend an academy which is no longer controlled by the local council so no strike for us....:biggrin::biggrin:

10th July 2014, 11:40
Some teacher said he wrestled with his conscience and decided to come out on strike.

Says it all really!

10th July 2014, 13:48
Apparently, only 30% of members voted to strike!! which to me says 70% did not vote or want to strike but they still went ahead...

10th July 2014, 14:49
Seen 'em on telly, soaking up the sun - nice day to take off :mad:

10th July 2014, 16:43
It was a lot less than 30% for most of the unions.

Then again, only 23% voted Tory in the last election. :cwm25:

Arthur Little
10th July 2014, 18:45
Industrial action was certainly mentioned - for England, Wales and Northern Ireland - on BBC's News at Ten last night.

But nothing about Scotland :nono-1-1: ... where *teachers are already on their summer break.

:yeahthat:! So ... :anerikke: ... there's no point in *them going on strike!

10th July 2014, 19:05
Then again, only 23% voted Tory in the last election

Even less for Labour :biggrin:

So the minority wanted the strike and got it :Erm:

10th July 2014, 19:23
It's a bit rich that the ballot took place at the end of 2012 :Erm: Surely they should have an expiry date. Otherwise the teachers could strike again if they discovered they had a ballot in 1812 that was never used :doh

10th July 2014, 19:33
Get a life - especially teachers!

My heart bleeds for you.

Listened to some right lefties on Radio 5 Live and luckily people who live in the real world.

To be honest, I am sick of this teachers' training day (just right after the holidays in School).

And, of course, the Public Sector Strike !!

Wtf? We are paying those teachers to help our children learn more, and if they cut the school hours just for their convenience to strike etc, then all responsible parents will be mad!!

Oh well, got a letter yesterday from the Principal saying the School will be operating as normal and timetables will have some minor changes. :doh

Hate it!

But I will give you a positive rep for that Mr Les - for putting it in a RANT section!!

10th July 2014, 19:52
I'm sure it's wearing thin with the public now. Yep - life's tougher now - just get on with it like the rest of us do.

10th July 2014, 20:02
They never had teacher training days when I was at school in the 70/80's. Although that was probably because the teachers back then got trained before they were allowed to teach :smile:

10th July 2014, 20:12
They never had teacher training days when I was at school in the 70/80's. Although that was probably because the teachers back then got trained before they were allowed to teach :smile:

Hahahaha nice one.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th July 2014, 20:38
They never had teacher training days when I was at school in the 70/80's. Although that was probably because the teachers back then got trained before they were allowed to teach :smile:

It's most likely all the PC stuff they need to learn.....:crazy::crazy:

10th July 2014, 22:18
Maybe brushing up on great strikes of the 70s and 80s :biggrin:

11th July 2014, 00:22
Complete wasters

11th July 2014, 09:20
The more they strike the less support they will get from the public. I know teachers work very hard and firefighters risk their lives for us and I respect both, but deep down they know they are taking the :censored:

I bet if the weather was bad there would have been less on strike.

I drove past the local firestation last night. They were all sitting outside on deckchairs having a laugh. Silly buggers, strike = no pay, yet they would still have gone to an emergency = working.

11th July 2014, 09:59
Firefighters get away with it, girls always like a fireman and blokes often drive past them and toot their horn in support. The army don't strike and probably face far greater risk.
So although I think fireman do a good job they are pushing it a bit now. Let's see if the public sector workers fancy a strike on a cold wet day in January!