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11th July 2014, 13:56
'We have everything we want here!' Slovak mother of 11 who gets handouts of £430 a WEEK says she won't get a job and will stay in the UK 'forever'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2688663/Shameless-Slovak-mother-11-gets-handouts-430-WEEK-says-wont-job-stay-UK-forever.html#ixzz37AEiqPvT

This repulsive parasite and her family have been on some of the TV programmes about spongers :mad:

11th July 2014, 15:06
I don't get it, this is not right she clearly has brought no gain for the UK just takes. This has got to stop.

Just pushes me to the right more and more. Grrrrrrrrrr

11th July 2014, 17:42
I agree it is not right and this is an extreme example. If we did not give them benefits then they would just go on the rob. Most Slovakian people are here for genuine work and add to the economy. Highlighting a single case just fuels the anger and hatred of the immigrant minority.

Many people will look on my wife as an immigrant. I have never taken a penny from any sort of state handouts nor my wife but Joe public does not know this.

11th July 2014, 20:37
You may not agree with the example but I do not want the taxes I pay to go to these people......:cwm23::cwm23:

11th July 2014, 20:55
You may not agree with the example but I do not want the taxes I pay to go to these people......:cwm23::cwm23:

Well, I totally agree with that.

There will always be parasites that abuse anything and everything. We have enough of these people of our own without importing more.

11th July 2014, 21:22
Rory, even the idiots in this country will normally realise that your wife is NOT one of the sponger immigrants...trust me. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What the ridiculous increase in immigration generally during this past 20 years has done however, is to adversely affect those of us who do want to bring our partners into this country ....NOT to live off benefits or cause social problems (whether employed or not), both as far as the financial cost and stiffness of regulations goes. :NoNo:

12th July 2014, 00:28
You have to think what kind of country surrenders control of its borders and willingly allows in parasites who could be criminal, diseased, criminal or extremist.

On the other hand they could merely be lawyers from Romania who have fallen on hard times (there is a post expressing this naive view somewhere on here if you can find it :icon_lol:)

12th July 2014, 00:34
Don't you think the people of this country would be far happier if Ian Duncan Smith spent less time focusing on disabled people and the bedroom tax and much more time focusing on these parasites. :cwm23:

12th July 2014, 00:40
Quite right Marco

16th September 2014, 23:07
You work all of your life and get 130 pounds a week pension. Who is the fool? ME FOR WORKING, makes you sick when you read about parasites.

17th September 2014, 18:45
We just paid £F* grand to our solicitor - so I won't be away from my daughter and husband - only to fight for my rights as a parent to stay here. And yet it's too easy for these low life people :cwm23:

Ako Si Jamie
17th September 2014, 19:31
This is what happens when a bunch of clueless morons run a country. :mad:

17th September 2014, 20:07
'It's not fair to suspend money like this,' she fumes. 'Is it right to do that? No! Every time I go to sign on, they come up with something... all the time. I am so cross! So cross!'

Luckily, help is at hand in the form of the Unity Centre, a community development charity with branches all over the UK.

In Rotherham, much of the development work involves helping newcomers to settle in, which as translator Mikel explains, often means helping them claim benefits.

'Katerina comes here quite often,' he explains. 'We try to help her with making phonecalls or filling in forms.'

He adds: 'She has been suspended a few times from the JSA [jobseekers allowance] payments and the reason is that she is not actively looking for a job.

'The problem with them is that they have been here a long time but they are not mixing with non Roma people. You have to go out there and try to learn English.'

Blame her Jobcentre, they should have suspended payments more often. She's been here 7yrs, that's lots of time to learn some English :wink: