View Full Version : Nature at work (on the Isle of Wight)

14th July 2014, 10:32
Hi all, :Wave:
On my 05.30 dog walk this morning, I go along a inland tidal river/Stream near the housing complex I live at with my dog "Charlie"

I saw a Seagull catch an Eel about 9 inches long, with it wriggling in its beak it landed a few yards from us, so we stood still and watched, after a lot of pecking and prodding of it to kill it, it was trying to swallow it, then a 2nd Seagull landed near it.

I expected them to squabble over the meal, but the 2nd one seemed content to watch over it as it finally swallowed it and they both then flew off.

Nature at work! an experience to watch unless of course you are the Eel.

14th July 2014, 16:50
Bloody Eel ! :cwm24:

Nature lover myself Mick...always something fascinating to observe, even in your own back garden. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2014, 17:53
That was a great breakfast :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th July 2014, 21:02
:Erm: The second seagull had probably just found and eaten some leftover fish 'n' chips from the night before so decided to pass on a bit of raw eel :xxgrinning--00xx3: