View Full Version : TV adverts

18th July 2014, 07:53
Is it me or are the tv adverts coming quicker and lasting longer too, and its the same ones over and over again, or am I watching too much tv? :Erm:

18th July 2014, 08:42
Thank heaven for Sky plus box - I whizz through 'em

Dave and Jhing
18th July 2014, 12:24
Is it me or are the tv adverts coming quicker and lasting longer too, and its the same ones over and over again, or am I watching too much tv? :Erm:

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Every commercial break the same. So annoying when trying to watch a movie….especially when you switch over to avoid the adverts and forget to tune back in to your original program. :doh

18th July 2014, 12:34
Wouldn't know, I rarely watch TV... What I do watch gets recorded on my Tivo for me to watch at my convenience.... which means I fast forward the ads.

18th July 2014, 20:38
I record everything too and bypass the adverts :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Mick. :smile:

24th July 2014, 13:15
Adverts are put there for a reason Please be good citizens and watch them


it's a propaganda movie about propaganda

Arthur Little
24th July 2014, 13:37
Adverts are put there for a reason

:iagree:, Dave ... they provide :olddude:s with the opportunity to take a :piss2: between programme instalments.

24th July 2014, 16:43
Sir Art. I am glad to see you are as resourceful as ever

Michael Parnham
24th July 2014, 18:05
Ads should be banned, they never influence me into buying anything! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
25th July 2014, 13:18
Ads should be banned, they never influence me into buying anything! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Car ads especially ... :anerikke: ... to my mind, they're :crazy:

25th July 2014, 19:35
Some are funny...like the one where the TV falls off the wall. :icon_lol:

Otherwise...coffee-making time or use the mute button.

Sadly, my recorder died. :cwm3: