View Full Version : Goodbye XP

24th July 2014, 17:13
well xp has now gone the way of all good Microsoft op system just like ....oh there's just been xp that's been any good ? So now you are forced to invest in win7 or win8 or buy a new machine. Before you do buy wn7 win8 please check compatibility as software companies are not renowned for giving refunds,
Having upgraded a few machines for friends and family normally replacing vista I must admit I have have reached an my limit this time as upgrading older machines from xp now that xp is over 13 years old you run in to the problem of support for older hardware, finding the right drivers, then trying to force them to run on win7/win8.
Now the manufactures will not release updated drivers for their old hardware as of course they want you to buy the shiny new hardware even though the old hardware is more then capable of doing the job most people will be asking of it.
So here was my problem:- dell inspiron 600. will win7 run on it ? yes....does everything work ? well no
Sound drivers can be tracked down once you find what hardware version you have same for intel wireless card which you need to compile yourself as its propriety software but I just got fed up....

Plan 2...
how to save a perfectly good laptop, save £pounds£ and save me a lot of hassle.
Download Linux Mint. (normally the 32bit version because of the age of these machines)
Burn the iso to disk
boot lappy from said disk.
click the install icon on the mint desktop (backup files first)
30 mins latter a fully working lappy..
its faster than it was everything works sound the graphics are fine and even the wireless card was recognised and loaded straight of the disk.
I guess microsft have inadvertently just pushed a load of people away from them and straight in to the arms of free and open source software....


other free and open source operating systems are available and I am not connected to Linux mint in anyway

24th July 2014, 19:30
Wooow you must be clever to do that:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I've known people having probs with their pc or laptop in which the only solution is to turn it on:Erm:

24th July 2014, 19:48
I was going to make the same move (Linux Mint).

I have 2 PCs, both running XP. One I use as an emergency back-up pc only, but internet-connected.

Where would you suggest backing the files up, and any particular ones, amongst the years of accumulated junk ?

I've also got Ubuntu on one of my three HDs on this pc...I think, to make it bootable, again in case of emergencies (so long ago put there, that I can't remember why I did so. lol).

24th July 2014, 21:15
I was going to make the same move (Linux Mint).

I have 2 PCs, both running XP. One I use as an emergency back-up pc only, but internet-connected.

Where would you suggest backing the files up, and any particular ones, amongst the years of accumulated junk ?

I've also got Ubuntu on one of my three HDs on this pc...I think, to make it bootable, again in case of emergencies (so long ago put there, that I can't remember why I did so. lol).

Just back them up to a flash drive or even better an external HD you only need to back up your personal files...

I have set this up for an older person who has never used Linux so shall report back on their opinion

24th July 2014, 21:27
Wooow you must be clever to do that :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I've known people having probs with their pc or laptop in which the only solution is to turn it on :Erm:

Hi hunnie
Lol ... yeah thats right one person whom shall remain nameless phoned up saying the internet would not work, there was no signal
and that it would not come out of sleep/hibernation. so after asking to speak to her daughter and asked her daughter to TURN IT ON well that seemed to sort everything out... amazing

But there is also them whose solution is to chuck it out the window ! ! ! dont worry hunnie that person will remain anonymous also as I wouldn't like to embarrass you...Lublub

24th July 2014, 22:22
just back them up to a flash drive or even better an external HD you only need to back up your personal files...

I have set this up for an older person who has never used Linux so shall report back on their opinion

Aaah, thanks. I do also have an external HD. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th July 2014, 22:29
Or you could just get a ahem sample copy of windows 7 easy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I would think any pc not capable of running windows 7 would be about half as powerful as a mobile phone :icon_lol:

24th July 2014, 22:36

Huh...this pc now has 2 gig RAM and a 1 gig processor, with a new 600w power supply AND a 1 gig video card, all fitted by my good self. :biggrin:

Admittedly my tab is faster. :cwm25:

Ako Si Jamie
31st August 2014, 01:20
I didn't go to the Phils in the spring so the money for that went towards a new PC with Windows 8. I've had a Compaq laptop with XP for the past eight years or so which has served me admirably and is still in working order.

Windows 8 has more features but XP is easier to navigate IMO.

31st August 2014, 08:01
windows 9 out before April 2015 :NoNo: