View Full Version : UK Economy grew 0.8% in the Second Quarter and has now recovered ground lost since the downturn

25th July 2014, 13:50
Good news - let's not give the keys back to the muppets who crashed the car :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th July 2014, 15:23
Andy, Joe ? Are you there ?

25th July 2014, 16:19
We are now predicted to be the fastest growing economy in the world over the next 12 months :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Why would anyone want to gamble with that? :doh

25th July 2014, 19:43
If it wasn't for all the free stuff I get now, as an old person...probably be sleeping on a park bench.

Glad somebody's doing well. :cwm3:

25th July 2014, 20:00
It's more a general barometer and, of course, the gap in wages is still high - but it's a good sign. No one can deny that!

26th July 2014, 11:11
If it wasn't for all the free stuff I get now, as an old person...probably be sleeping on a park bench.

Glad somebody's doing well. :cwm3:
There are millions out there like that Graham that is why Labour will win. And I would love to see the faces of the blue rinse brigade when they do. :biggrin:

26th July 2014, 11:20
There are millions out there like that Graham that is why Labour will win. And I would love to see the faces of the blue rinse brigade when they do.:biggrin:

Care to place a wager on that? :Erm:

26th July 2014, 11:34
Is my name Les? :laugher: But we will see.

26th July 2014, 14:05
There are millions out there like that Graham that is why Labour will win. And I would love to see the faces of the blue rinse brigade when they do. :biggrin:

Their plight created by the Labour goverment :biggrin:

I'm really starting to think Labour is losing the Electorate - especially while you have Milliband :icon_lol:

26th July 2014, 14:19

27th July 2014, 01:11
Their plight created by the Labour goverment :biggrin:

I'm really starting to think Labour is losing the Electorate - especially while you have Milliband :icon_lol:

Miliberk's recent breakfast meeting with President Obama


27th July 2014, 04:55
Miliberk's recent breakfast meeting with President Obama


Ahh bless, he looks like 'Billy no mates' :laugher:

27th July 2014, 09:59
Oppositions don't win elections - governments lose them.......or so the saying goes.

Now I don't particularly like the Tories, however with Labour we have these issues (Granted most are historic)

1. Tony Blair, scrapped the primary purpose rule and opened the floodgates in a deliberate attempt to change the social face of Britain, leading directly to the new spouse visa regulations we have now.

2. Tony Blair's government almost immediately changed the rules on pension funding, in basically a tax grab in order to fund payments in benefits they say.

Prior to 1997 the British pension funds were literally the envy of Europe. Final salary schemes were the norm and people were often retiring early - it could be afforded.
In a few years, the pension schemes hit the rocks and final salary is now unaffordable for most - unless you are in taxpayer funded local government.

3. Chancellor Gordon decided to sell off the countries gold reserves - when gold was at a low - and invest instead in Euros. Anyone now thinking this was a good idea isn't fit to be in charge of a cigarette machine never mind the countries finances.

4. Blair on spurious and possibly false evidence took this country into Americas war in the middle east. British lives continue to be lost there. Soon as the British army withdraws, then the Taliban move back in. Lives thrown away for nothing.

5. Labour rags like the Mirror like to crow that the government has cut the forces to the bone. Strangely enough they seem to forget this started with Blair's government, with our local TA depot closed, our local regiment closed down/merged.

6. The hounding of an honourable man David Kelly leading to his suicide. Not going to comment further on this, look it up.

7. Just before losing the election Ed Balls made the policy announcement that for too long some schools were doing too well, not having enough disruptive elements in the classroom, and shock, horror, some kids in mostly middle class areas were getting an okish education.

of course can't be allowed to happen so all schools are to be forced to take a quota of chav headbangers to bring down the education of the others.

Now that isn't exactly how he announced it, but it's what any good parents will realise he really meant to say.

Granted the Tories are little better. Call it what you want though, the coalition came into power, introduced austerity, Labour savaged them for this saying it won't work - but it has worked.

The official Labour responses now are along the lines of "They say the economy has improved - well do you feel rich?"

Of course, people never admit to this and always feel they were better off "back in the old days" so Labour know this is the only attack they can use.

Actually Labour are sending their newsletters out to their members locally with the buzzline "when you agree with the majority, it's time to examine yourself". In other words they officially want to say screw majority public opinion, we know best - typical politicians really, can't blame them for that.

I wouldn't know though, it's not like I meet many Labour politicians, councillors etc - after all, I live in a mixed area, with many newcomers and BTL degregation. There's no way on earth the Labour politicians will live around here, they all live in the expensive leafy Tory areas.

27th July 2014, 10:09
Iani....excellent post mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 10:14
Now if Iani's summary doesn't deserve a rep I don't know what does :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 11:00
Top post - rep given :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Referring to your remark about no-one admitting to being better off - we always say that - it's a general whinge.
I have definitely seen a steady improvement in my takings - the bars and restaurants are far fuller than a few years ago.
When you put this to Labour they say the improvement has been too slow :doh

I see that as so rich - coming from them it's laughable :icon_lol:

I do feel a lot more confident Labour will not get in next year, not saying the Tories will have an outright majority, but people will surely wake up, smell the roses and realise things are getting better :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Won't let me give you rep at the moment - will try another time.

27th July 2014, 11:01
Now if Iani's summary doesn't deserve a rep I don't know what does :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That must be three he's had then. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 11:07
Good to hear that things are picking up Les. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 15:58
The bosom buddies are back together :grouphug:

Iani :laugher:

1. Tony Blair, scrapped the primary purpose rule and opened the floodgates in a deliberate attempt to change the social face of Britain, leading directly to the new spouse visa regulations we have now.

What utter :censored:, the Tory primary purpose rule was one of the main, if not the main reason to refuse a British citizen the right to bring their partner to the UK.

Imagine how many people on here would be refused because an ECO had the opinion that the primary reason your partner had for wanting to come to the UK was not because of love but to escape poverty, well I wonder if your wife, mine or many on here would be refused if Jack Straw had not scrapped this rule.

Floodgates? Tell me how many flooded in on the spouse visa to those that came to the UK from Europe. ??? Don't you think you should have a legal right to bring your partner to the UK? After all, Europeans in the UK have that right!

the Tories have always tried to control immigration with the Primary Purpose Rule and now with the Minimum Financial Requirement. Many in the past were not as lucky as us to get their spouses to the UK because of the primary purpose rule and now the minimum financial requirement. I doubt you would be posting this is you had been refused :wink:

As for Brown, I think it was £4 Billion concerning the gold. Well what about Thatcher's £50 billion give away? :yawn::yawn:

27th July 2014, 16:57
Great to have you back Joe - we have missed the comedy!

27th July 2014, 17:34
Les, never mind what you think, why don't you for the next few days ask the punters in your taxi, if they are better off, never mind your biased opinon :biggrin:

Post your results here, and don't fib about your results :wink:

I for one am not better off since the Tories came to power, that's a fact! :NoNo:

27th July 2014, 18:20
All you have to do is look around the Town - tourism is thriving, people eating out all the time - and, as far as I am concerned, lots of people using Taxis.

I will give you one concession - Harrogate is an affluent town so it fares better than most towns.

27th July 2014, 18:22
I for one am not better off since the Tories came to power, thats a fact!

Most of that time the government has been rebuilding the broken economy (see Labour) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 18:24
The bosom buddies are back together :grouphug:

Iani :laugher:

What utter :censored:, the Tory primary purpose rule was one of the main, if not the main reason to refuse a British citizen the right to bring their partner to the UK.

Imagine how many people on here would be refused because an ECO had the opinion that the primary reason your partner had for wanting to come to the UK was not because of love but to escape poverty. Well, I wonder if your wife, mine or many on here would be refused if Jack Straw had not scrapped this rule.

Floodgates? Tell me how many flooded in on the spouse visa to those that came to the UK from Europe. ??? Don't you think you should have a legal right to bring your partner to the UK? After all, Europeans in the UK have that right!

The Tories have always tried to control immigration with the Primary Purpose Rule and now with the Minimum Financial Requirement. Many in the past were not as lucky as us to get their spouse to the UK because of the primary purpose rule and now the minimum financial requirement. I doubt you would be posting this is you had been refused :wink:

As for Brown, I think it was £4 Billion concerning the gold. Well, what about Thatchers £50 billion give away, :yawn::yawn:

Bosom buddies? I'll get the Vaseline shall I?

Now Joe, you get me wrong, seems I might have touched a raw nerve. For the sake of clarity though, I didn't say the spouse visa system caused the floodgates. Part of society did abuse this however - but that is a different subject.
What I was meaning - thought people would get it, but anyway - there was a deliberate attempt to increase immigration. For good or bad, this is a fact, they have admitted it.
Part of this is down to inter-EU migration. There is nothing the government can currently do about this, however what they can do is attack the spouse visa system.
If immigration had not become such a hot potato under the previous regime, they wouldn't have bothered doing this (Perhaps).
Mind you, if a tory had said what Ann Cryer had said, they'd be screaming racist from the rooftops.

No need to ask my opinion of whether there should be a right to bring your RIGHTFUL partner here, as I've said before that should be a basic human right.

Thatcher's billions? Not sure what you mean. Do you mean the European Exchange Rate Mechanism aka Black Wednesday?
What a balls up that was, although any other government would have still entered that, the same thing would have happened, and politicial analysts have suggested if Kinnock had won, this would have finished Labour off forever as the tories would have said "we told you so".

I can't believe I'm defending the tories :NoNo: They're eejots too.

Change subject - I went to Blackpool last Wednesday.......

27th July 2014, 18:55
The £50 billion she got for selling the family sliver, my silver and everyone else's who had paid tax :mad:

One of the best things Labour did was scrap the Primary Purpose Rule, and I know most will not thank Labour on here for anything, but its a fact more people on here would have been refused a visa and any appeals.

The burden of proof was on YOU not on the HO :mad:

I think with 1 million Poles in the UK, much of it is to do with the EU, the least of it spouse visas, these people who are, after all, BRITISH CITIZENS.

27th July 2014, 18:57
:icon_lol: Blackpool well you had a sunny day :biggrin:

27th July 2014, 19:10
Beautiful in Harrogate (the happiest place to live too) Joe! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 19:11
Yes I burnt my head! :icon_lol:

The sun made the sea almost look inviting though, almost the Med.

27th July 2014, 19:22
Beautiful in Harrogate (The happiest place to live)too Joe:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You stay there Les, I'll stick to the N/W :biggrin:

Still waiting for a pic that can compete with this Les :biggrin:

http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/joebloggs_2009/IMAG0077.jpg (http://s578.photobucket.com/user/joebloggs_2009/media/IMAG0077.jpg.html)

27th July 2014, 19:29
We not a seaside resort :icon_lol:
hopefully you will have seen Harrogate in all its glory when stage one of the Tour De France finished here - was amazing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Prefer the East coast - you have the tacky Tower they have the Abbey :biggrin:

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/whitby_bay460_1.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/whitby_bay460_1.jpg.html)

27th July 2014, 19:33
Also no fun for kids :doh

Looks great Les :Hellooo:for 'one foot in the gravers'

Where's the beach? :Erm: I know Blackpool's beach is not the best, but at least it has one :laugher:

That abbey looks a bit of a wreck :cwm24:

Michael Parnham
27th July 2014, 19:35
We not a seaside resort :icon_lol:
hopefully you will have seen Harrogate in all its glory when stage one of the Tour De France finished here - was amazing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Prefer the East coast - you have the tacky Tower, they have the Abbey :biggrin:

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/whitby_bay460_1.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/whitby_bay460_1.jpg.html)

I'll always support you Les! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 19:37
I'll always support you Les! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:


27th July 2014, 19:43
Also no fun for kids :doh

Looks great Les :Hellooo: for 'one foot in the gravers'

Where's the beach? :Erm: I know Blackpool's beach is not the best, but at least it has one :laugher:

That abbey looks a bit of a wreck :cwm24:

657 ad the original monastry, 1540 the one you see - so yea maybe a bit run down :icon_lol:

Whitby and Scarborough no fun for kids, :yikes: I take it you've never been :doh

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/scarborough-beach.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/scarborough-beach.jpg.html)

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/air-amublance-052.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/air-amublance-052.jpg.html)

At least these beaches were not condemned for years for being full of sewage - unlike Blackpool :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Regarding Harrogate - it's heaving with young people. Place to go these days. If you have never been you can't comment. I have been to Blackpool lots and it's cheap and trashy, but it's fun too.

27th July 2014, 19:52
Of course I can comment, you've told me its not for young people, you should know Les, you live there :doh

Now are you talking about Harrowgate or other places Les?? :Erm:

Anyway :anerikke: who cares? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 20:00
Rubbish i said it's not where you would bring children particularly as it's a busy town-not a theme park or seaside place.

What's Harrowgate? Never heard of it :Erm:

You can comment, but since you have not been there you cannot base it on experience - I can with Blackpool.

Here is a review of a hotel I once stayed at a couple of years ago in Blackpool.

We arrived at the front door to be greeted by the owner to tell us we had booked it wrongly and if there was indeed 2 of us in each double room (instead of 1) the price is £50 per night instead of £35! (My mistake). We then asked to cancel he said he would charge us anyway as needed to cancel 7 days beforehand. So we had no choice but to pay, as booking over the internet, the owner already had my card details.

We asked to see the rooms before we paid anyway. After seeing the rooms we went back to complain about the state of the rooms, as they were dirty. He just said, "this is Blackpool, what did you expect?"

I don't hate the place to be honest, but would not want to live there.

27th July 2014, 20:02
We have the 8th top rated hotel in Europe too


27th July 2014, 20:10
Les 8th, bit like Man United :biggrin:

I can't be bothered to search Les, but you've recently posted about making a comment on something when you've never been there :biggrin:

Busy town? :wink: Oh I live in a busy city, much to see and do here, get over to Heaton Park Les at the end of next month, I might see you there :biggrin:

Have you been to that hotel Les, if not how can you comment on it?? :Erm: :biggrin: £265 for a night :doh, I'd rather go to cheap Backpool. You know the saying Les, you cant buy class :icon_lol:

27th July 2014, 20:13
Yes, I have been to the hotel - mates rates - I pick up there all the time.

I can't be bothered to search Les, but you've recently posted about making a comment on something when you've never been there

Where? I can't remember.

Heaton Park looks too classy for you Joe :icon_lol:

27th July 2014, 20:16
Well Les, looking at the link:

Manchester is the most popular place in the UK after London. Oh, Blackpool is 5th, can't see Harrogate. Oh - at Number 36 :icon_lol:

Some people on there have got class and taste :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th July 2014, 20:17
Yes, I have been to the hotel - mates rates - I pick up there all the time.

Where I can't remember?

Heaton park looks too classy for you Joe :icon_lol:

It's alright for my holiday home, nice big back garden :biggrin:

27th July 2014, 20:21
Well Les, looking at the link:

Manchester is the most popular place in the uk after London, Oh, Blackpool is 5th, can't see Harrogate, Oh - at Number 36 :icon_lol:

Some people on there have got class and taste :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's a town Joe, not a city - and still one of the most desirable places to live in the UK :Rasp:

27th July 2014, 20:29
Les 8th, bit like Man United

Can you show me when we finished 8th? :icon_lol:

27th July 2014, 20:37
Superb post Iani

There's only 2 groups who vote for Labour

Suicidal mug lemmings

I vote Labour cos my Dad did, and his father before him and his father before that

They'll soon be joined by a third group - the germs you touched on in your para 1 - uncontrolled mass immigration promoted by Blair & Co to create future tame voters and "rub the rights nose in diversity"

27th July 2014, 20:44
It's a town Joe not a city and still one of the most desirable places to live in the Uk:Rasp:

What positioin did United come Les?

You've no idea Les, for example, I took my daughter here last Saturday. She had a great time, so did I (some of the women :hubbahubba:)



Have a look here, go to the gallery, spot my stepson :yikes: :icon_lol:


27th July 2014, 20:46
Superb post Iani

There's only 2 groups who vote for Labour

Suicidal mug lemmings

I vote Labour cos my Dad did, and his father before him and his father before that

They'll soon be joined by a third group - the germs you touched on in your para 1 - uncontrolled mass immigration promoted by Blair & Co to create future tame voters and "rub the rights nose in diversity"

I think you're insulting many on here Dedworth, most - if not all - of our partners came from outside the EU :NoNo:

27th July 2014, 20:52
What position did United come Les?

Not 8th :biggrin:

Not denying Manchester is good - I have been a few times. Once again, a large city has more entertainment - more people to entertain.

27th July 2014, 20:54
What position did United come Les?

You've no idea Les, for example, I took my daughter here last Saturday. She had a great time, so did I (some of the women! :hubbahubba:)



have a look here, go to the gallery, spot my stepson :yikes::icon_lol:


Yeah sounds great - followed comments :icon_lol:

My lad was very determined to get in, so we stuck in the queue for FOUR hours, no communication, no effort to help the queue gone to, oh and it was raining. We never got in. Nor did another thousand. MCM finally responded to my online campaign for a simple apology with "A great many people turned up, the weather was poor, the situation was not ideal. Indeed." They are now in the process of cleaning up all critical remarks from their website, along with their less considered remarks. Shambolic...........indeed.

27th July 2014, 21:00
Not 8th :biggrin:

Not denying Manchester is good - I have been a few times. Once again, a large city has more entertainment - more people to entertain.

7th Les :biggrin:

27th July 2014, 21:04
Did you have to Google it? :biggrin:

Normally we are looking down on everyone else - as this snippet shows :biggrin:

http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/Capture-18.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/Capture-18.jpg.html)

27th July 2014, 21:06
Yeah, sounds great -followed comments :icon_lol:

My lad was very determined to get in, so we stuck in the queue for FOUR hours, no communication, no effort to help the queue gone to, oh and it was raining. We never got in. Nor did another thousand. MCM finally responded to my online campaign for a simple apology with. "A great many people turned up, the weather was poor, the situation was not ideal. Indeed." They are now in the process of cleaning up all critical remarks from their website, along with thteir less considered remarks. Shambolic...........indeed.

Stepson queued for 4 hours and as you can see they were still :biggrin:

I've taken my daughter to the previous 2, always bought early entry tickets, the previous times we still had to queue for an hour or so, this time we were in, in like 15 mins.

Got there 8:45 in by 9:15am, we left about 11:30

Yes it was pissing down - but it didn't stop people have a good time - the only :censored: day it rained in the last few weeks :doh

I think nearly 40,000 went over the 2 days, next year I'll take her to the one in London, 100,000 people go over the 2 days

27th July 2014, 21:13
Sounds good. There - agreed with you for once - you can sleep happy later! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Movie for me now :smile:

27th July 2014, 21:25
What's the movie, 'Expendables 3' Les? :biggrin:

27th July 2014, 22:31
I think you're insulting many on here Dedworth, most - if not all - of our partners came from outside the EU :NoNo:

Nobody on here is being insulted Joe, but they have suffered through us being members of the EU, the irresponsible actions of the Labour party, and all the :censored: that British sponsors and their loved ones now have to put up with as a result of it. :mad:

27th July 2014, 22:33
I think you're insulting many on here Dedworth, most - if not all - of our partners came from outside the EU :NoNo:

Filipinos have always been subjected to immigration control - I'm talking about the masses Blair and his evil cohorts encouraged in - spurious students, so called "asylum seekers", Eastern Europeans, non deportation of killers, extremists and criminals etc,etc

28th July 2014, 00:17
What's the movie, 'Expendables 3' Les? :biggrin:

Thelma and Louise Joe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th July 2014, 19:19
Nobody on here is being insulted Joe, but they have suffered through us being members of the EU, the irresponsible actions of the Labour party, and all the :censored: that British sponsors and their loved ones now have to put up with as a result of it. :mad:

And do you think the Tories will get us out of Europe Graham? I don't think so. Iani also remembers black Wednesday. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Harrogate? :hubbahubba:. If I want the kids to sleep all day I will take them there. :biggrin:

28th July 2014, 19:26
If I want the kids to sleep all day I will take them there

Sorry Andy we operate on a no Riff Raff policy - try Blackpool :icon_lol:

28th July 2014, 19:27
No I don't Andy, but of course I'm not a Tory voter. :smile:

28th July 2014, 19:28
Things for kids to do in Harrogate :xxgrinning--00xx3:


28th July 2014, 19:30
No I don't Andy, but of course I'm not a Tory voter. :smile:

I am and proud of it, just want UKIP/Tory merger - bit of a swing to the right would do me :biggrin:

28th July 2014, 19:34
I used to be...when my heroine was in charge. :biggrin:

28th July 2014, 19:56
Things for Kids to do in Harrogate :xxgrinning--00xx3:


I see the wacky warehouse features a lot in that link Les. Say no more! :biggrin:

28th July 2014, 19:58
Nice to see you're not a supporter of that blue rabble Graham. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Even if you don't support Labour, it's a bonus.

28th July 2014, 20:00
I am and proud of it, just want UKIP/Tory merger - bit of a swing to the right would do me :biggrin:

UKIP will never merge with the Tories - Farage has more class than that. :wink:

28th July 2014, 20:14
I see the wacky warehouse features a lot in that link Les. Say no more! :biggrin:

It's a town for grown ups :biggrin:

28th July 2014, 20:18

28th July 2014, 23:15
We then asked to cancel he said he would charge us anyway as needed to cancel 7 days beforehand. So we had no choice but to pay, as booking over the internet, the owner already had my card details.

We asked to see the rooms before we paid anyway. After seeing the rooms we went back to complain about the state of the rooms, as they were dirty. He just said, "this is Blackpool, what did you expect?"

Now I'd have been tempted to tell him to stick his dirty rooms where the sun doesn't shine, that a dirty room is unacceptable and a breach of his contract - then immediately called your bank to tell them you'd lost your credit card.
There's no way he'd have then been able to take a transaction from it.

That's actually a bit of a good tip, if you are ever in a place where you think your credit card might have been compromised. There's no charge to re-issue it, and anyone who might have copied it's number (Thinking Phils ATM's for one), will find it useless.

Anyway, just an idea, maybe that couldn't be done.

UKIP will never merge with the Tories - Farage has more class than that. :wink:

That's what they said about Nick Clegg :xxparty-smiley-004:

29th July 2014, 22:35
Nobody on here is being insulted Joe, but they have suffered through us being members of the EU, the irresponsible actions of the Labour party, and all the :censored: that British sponsors and their loved ones now have to put up with as a result of it. :mad:

My avatar pic says it all. Also, what has Cameron done? He's had 4 yrs to give us a vote. :NoNo:

Filipinos have always been subjected to immigration control - I'm talking about the masses Blair and his evil cohorts encouraged in - spurious students, so called "asylum seekers", Eastern Europeans, non deportation of killers, extremists and criminals etc,etc

Students are subject to immigration controls :doh so Blair was responsible for asylum seekers coming to the UK :icon_lol:, and in the last 4yrs Cameron has rid this country of foreign killers, extremists and criminals :icon_lol: and of course he's stopped Europeans coming here :biggrin:

Things for kids to do in Harrogate :xxgrinning--00xx3:


:laugher: Click on the skiing one Les, some of the places where the activities are, are nearly 40 miles away :doh


Theme parks it lists: Legoland - that's 50miles away from Harrogate, but only 1 mile away from me!

Harrogate must be a :censored: Les, look at these reviews of a hotel there :cwm25:

“Avoid at all costs!!”

1 of 5 stars Reviewed 21 July 2011

Nothing good to say about this hotel - dirty, no hot water, seriously in need of upgrading!!

“First time have ever walked out of a hotel having seen the room”

1 of 5 stars Reviewed 17 July 2011

We booked the hotel 3 months ago. Fortunately we only live twenty miles away. Arrived in Harrogate and were suitably impressed with the imposing exterior. We were then given the keys to room 104 a standard double. Worst 3-4 star hotel room we have EVER seen. Small, dark, dirty - and with the joy of a scenic view - a wide...


I think I'll stick to Blackpool! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th July 2014, 22:54
I'm not sticking up for the Tories.

Besides which, since when did two wrongs make a right ? :Erm:

29th July 2014, 23:04
I'm not sticking up for the Tories.

Besides which, since when did two wrongs make a right ? :Erm:

I'll give you that Graham :wink:

:icon_lol: It's funny how certain people blame Labour for everything but never the Tories. :doh, some people are in denial :wink:

29th July 2014, 23:17

29th July 2014, 23:27
some people are in denial

From the Horses mouth :icon_lol:

29th July 2014, 23:30
From the Horses mouth :icon_lol:

No matter how much you nag, Les, I wouldn't call you a horse! :biggrin:

29th July 2014, 23:31
Joe on a Donkey on Blackpool beach :biggrin:

29th July 2014, 23:40
Joe on a Donkey on Blackpool beach :biggrin:

Les, you made a jackass of yourself :wink: posting that link of things for kids to do in Harrogate :icon_lol:

One of the places is less than 1 mile away from me :icon_lol:

30th July 2014, 07:07
Les, you made a jackass of yourself :wink: posting that link of things for kids to do in Harrogate :icon_lol:

One of the places is less than 1 mile away from me :icon_lol:

Disagree as per usual - you never read posts properly. I have said, and continue to say, Harrogate is not aimed at kids in particular - it's for grown ups.

All I did was just find any old link for things to do.

We have a lovely park, 200 acres of grass for sports etc, lots of kids shops - but, since we in 60 miles from the sea, no beach!

Lots of kids here and it's a lovely place to grow up - as stated!

Happiest and one of the safest places to live.

30th July 2014, 07:54
It's all up tut north anyway :xxparty-smiley-004:

30th July 2014, 10:49
It's all up tut north anyway :xxparty-smiley-004:

Yep...no storms or floods of hailstones here.

All's good. :biggrin:

30th July 2014, 10:55
Diagree as per usual you never read posts properly-I have said and continue to say Harrogate is not aimed at kids in particular-it's for grown ups.
All I did was just find any old link for things to do.
We have a lovely park,200 acres of grass for sports etc,lots of kids shops but since we in 60 miles from Sea no beach!
Lot's of kids here and it's a lovely place to grow up-as stated Happiest and one of the Safest places to live.

Don't forget the Lido and the beach on the river down in Knaresborough Les. :xxgrinning--00xx3:



30th July 2014, 11:14
Yep...no storms or floods of hailstones here.

All's good. :biggrin:

So my Dad says, he lives in Barnard Castle in County Durham. Last time I went up tut north it was shut :wink:

30th July 2014, 11:42
Knaresborough great place :xxgrinning--00xx3:, we had Northern relatives there and used to visit as a kid - pics remind me of fishing for tiddlers in the River Nidd & Mother Shiptons Cave

30th July 2014, 12:09
Depending on your age, you may have seen me walking around Knaresborough Zoo with an 18 month old male Lion on a chain. :biggrin: My Sunday job...Zoo Keeper.

My parents lived there for 20 years. I was there from 16-18, then left home and moved to York. :smile:

Also had 2 flats in Harrogate when in my 20s.

30th July 2014, 14:41
I remember that zoo it was tiny. Did it not get shut down for bad treatment of animals?

30th July 2014, 22:21
It was shut down quite a while after I left. (The animals were very well cared for then).

The manager opened a taxidermy shop in Knaresborough shortly before he left the zoo.

I had noticed that quite a few of the zoo residents seemed to have been experiencing mysterious sudden deaths and then appearing in his shop ...stuffed, shortly afterwards. :cwm25:

30th July 2014, 22:25
Did you tell him to get stuffed :icon_lol:

He opened an origami shop soon after but sadly the business folded :biggrin:

30th July 2014, 22:45
Hey, there's some odd folk in Knaresborough mate.:NoNo:

I used to sign them on at the D of E part-time office there...and at Wetherby and Ripon. Used to be our days out meeting the rednecks. :icon_lol:

The Zoo manager was an ex circus Lion trainer too. Odd fellow from darn sarf.

We did have the heaviest Lion in the world, listed in the book of records. 800lbs of flab. Poor thing.

Also supposedly the heaviest/biggest snake.

I spent most of my time turning over the giant manure heap, complete with rotting carcases.

30th July 2014, 22:55
bit of a swing to the right would do me :biggrin:

Right around the bend, Les :Cuckoo:

31st July 2014, 08:03
Right around the bend, Les :Cuckoo:

Better than your loony left :Cuckoo:

1st August 2014, 20:58
It's more a general barometer and, of course, the gap in wages is still high - but it's a good sign. No one can deny that!

time to get new tea leaves les.

UK consumer confidence falls in July for first time in six months - GfK

Another consumer confidence index, compiled by Lloyds and released last week, fell for the first time this year in June and other surveys have shown that pessimism about household finances is growing.


did u ask your punters les, if they are better off now than 4yrs ago ????

1st August 2014, 21:00
Right around the bend, Les :Cuckoo:


1st August 2014, 22:01
Joe, you fail to understand basic economics. When your lot shafted the country we were all going to be worse off for many years to come.

The collapse was catastrophic and the Coalition had to stop us spending money we simply did not have (as per the note your lot left saying we were broke)

Now for the last 5 years or so it's been a bloody slow recovery - we were one of the most ....ed up Economies in Europe.

Now people don't suddenly become as rich as they were before the crash, we all lost money which can never be got back.

What we are seeing is much better GDP, less unemployment, fastest rising economy in Western Europe - that's good news Joe, as much as you must hate it. :icon_lol:

It will still be years before we feel a lot better off, but at least things are improving - I know what's coming next: 'Wages are lower' - yes, that's going to take ages to sort out.

Better to have a job though and manage your finances more carefully then spend what you haven't got.

I would say I'm doing better this year without a doubt, and the restaurants are full in Harrogate - as are the bars - so most customers would say things are getting better all the time.

2nd August 2014, 05:42
did u ask your punters les, if they are better off now than 4yrs ago ????

Maybe a more relevant question would be to ask Les if he's getting more customers now than four years ago :Erm:

2nd August 2014, 07:25
Maybe a more relevant question would be to ask Les if he's getting more customers now than four years ago :Erm:

Impossible to answer because we have a whole bunch of Asians from Bradford who come through to Harrogate everyday to work here :cwm23:

There again, it's probably better for me as I have more regulars now than ever I did have :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd August 2014, 07:39
Answered perfectly Les :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Economy obviously on the up as there's more demand for taxis and therefore encouraging drivers from outside the area to come and tout for business, they wouldn't come if the punters weren't there willing to splash the cash :smile:

2nd August 2014, 07:48
Well I'm hoping to have 2 decent holidays next year - not had one in 4 years :xxgrinning--00xx3:

There is a feel good factor in the air and I honestly believe things are getting better.

That's the main reason why I won't vote Labour - I don't trust them to run the Economy and I think many voters are coming to realise that.

Anyway, we will see next year :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd August 2014, 09:33
Les, with all this money starting to fill your pockets, soon there will be nothing stopping you from getting over to the Phils and chasing some women. :biggrin:

2nd August 2014, 09:39
Yes, that's a possibility unless I pull at York Ebor ladies day on 21st of this month!

2nd August 2014, 10:53
Ha...you must be feeling rich.

I'd be one of the peasants watching from any of the dog-walkers free viewing points. :cwm3:

2nd August 2014, 11:35
When I want a treat I work overtime to pay for it.

2nd August 2014, 11:55

Michael Parnham
2nd August 2014, 12:15
When I want a treat I work overtime to pay for it.

You hit the nail right on the head Les, that's how it should be! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd August 2014, 13:55
When I want a treat I work overtime to pay for it.

When you are earning 100.00 Quid an hour like Les...Thats what you call a treat!!
Thats why I get the bus!

2nd August 2014, 14:11
Well I'm hoping to have 2 decent holidays next year - not had one in 4 years :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Blackpool for one....................but where else? :biggrin:

2nd August 2014, 17:15
Blackpool for one....................but where else? :biggrin:

2nd August 2014, 22:14
When you are earning 100.00 Quid an hour like Les...Thats what you call a treat!!
Thats why I get the bus!

:laugher: Wise choice. :biggrin:

3rd August 2014, 15:11
Maybe a more relevant question would be to ask Les if he's getting more customers now than four years ago :Erm:

:Erm: What's that got to do with people having more money in their pockets? Les tells me he 'thinks' people are better off, I know his tea leaf reading is :censored:, surely the best way is not what he thinks but ask his punters :doh, something it looks like he didn't do :wink:

I'm sure the food banks have been busier now than in the last 4 years :NoNo:

When you are earning 100.00 Quid an hour like Les...Thats what you call a treat!!
Thats why I get the bus!

99% of the time I use the Metro or bus, its 1/8 of the cost of a taxi to get me to work :wink:

Blackpool for one....................but where else? :biggrin:

No - Les likes upmarket places like Magaluf :icon_lol:


3rd August 2014, 18:34
:Erm: what's that got to do with people having more money in their pockets ? Les tells me he 'thinks' people are better off, i know his tea leaf reading is :censored:, surely the best way is not what he thinks but ask his punters :doh, something it looks like he didn't do :wink:

I'm sure the food banks have been busier now than in the last 4 years :NoNo:

99% of the time i use the metro or bus, its 1/8 of the cost of a taxi to get me to work :wink:

no les likes up market places like Magaluf :icon_lol:


I base it on the number of customers, how busy the town is and my earnings and it's easy to see that most have more money to spend. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just found out we have a food bank - might pop in and pick up some Caviar and Champers on Sat :icon_lol:

Yes, I have been to Magaluf on a :censored: up - can't remember what it looked like though :biggrin:

Plenty of people do use the buses and trains - but we have a lot of business people here attending conferences and they not bothered how much taxis cost.

3rd August 2014, 19:04
Are the number of tips higher or lower than 4yrs ago? :biggrin:

As for food banks Les, just because you're doing better doesn't mean everyone else is, like I said before, I'm not. :NoNo:

I've got nothing against taxi's Les, I only use them when I really have to thou

Les, I hope you'll sign this.. not everyone on the dole is a scrounger :NoNo:


3rd August 2014, 20:07
Signed it, I'm totally pro-army-ex servicemen and for missing an appointment that was ridiculous.

No, I'm not gloating in any way regarding on how I'm doing - I took a gamble and set up on my own again 9 months ago and gone from Strength to Strength with hard work and knowing how to make each customer feel special. Without being too cocky I'm good at what I do. I open doors, never rush customers even if I'm running late - was twice yesterday.

My customers become friends, and yes, I get very good tips. Yesterday - out of maybe 25 jobs - I was probably tipped on 15 of them and the tips ranging from 30p to £8.00.

When my customer is late I never, ever put my meter on or sulk, I make light of it and get rewarded.

I'm a people person - smiley face and music quizzes with 'em on a night.

Love my job - but it's what I have made it.

Of course many people on benefits, disability etc are genuine and I wish them the best, but the ones like on tv and in the newspapers who have no intention of working can .... off!

3rd August 2014, 21:18
Good on you Les. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I always tip taxi drivers. Not at all like me. :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
3rd August 2014, 21:32
I would love to ride in a taxi in the UK as part of normal life, but the only time I've ever used a taxi here is to take us and return us to and from Manchester Airport. If I had a choice it would be with you Les! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd August 2014, 21:42
Thanks for comments. Only on one occasion, years ago, was I grumpy for some reason. I got a fare and must have been pissed off about something - I never spoke to the customer and when we got to the destination he tipped me! :yikes:

I then apologized and said I am never like that normally and felt a right pillock!

3rd August 2014, 21:47
Thanks for comments. Only on one occasion, years ago, was I grumpy for some reason. I got a fare and must have been pissed of about something - I never spoke to the customer and when we got to the destination he tipped me! :yikes:

I then apologized and said I am never like that normally and felt a right pillock!

That was me. :xxparty-smiley-004:

I always tip Les, even when I shouldn't. :cwm3:

You can give me a lift to the airport if I get a discount! :biggrin:

3rd August 2014, 22:07
I tip anyone who is in the service trade, feel I have to. :icon_lol:

I will give you lift to the Airport from Harrogate. Definitely give you a discount Joe :biggrin: