View Full Version : How many have died since Tony Blair brought "peace" to the Middle East ?

29th July 2014, 19:40


A Lavish 60th Birthday Party in Leafy Bucks last Friday


29th July 2014, 19:43
Thought you would be happy that so many muslims are dying Ded? You seem to go on about them enough. :cwm25:

29th July 2014, 19:48
Thought you would be happy that so many muslims are dying Ded?. You seem to go on about them enough.:cwm25:

Plenty dying on both sides of that conflict - what's your man doing ?

29th July 2014, 19:49
Enjoying the money he has made.:icon_lol:. What is your man doing about it?

29th July 2014, 20:03
Enjoying the money he has made.:icon_lol:. What is your man doing about it?

Is it possible you could give a straight answer Andy ?

Blair was appointed 7 years ago as Middle East Peace Envoy on behalf of the EU, US, UN and Russia

Cameron (if it is he you obliquely refer to) is Prime Minister of this country

I do find it rather tiresome having to repeat the same question time and time again to you, I know it's difficult for you but please put all your efforts into coming up with a constructive answer so we can debate whether Blair is fit for purpose

29th July 2014, 20:05
I love it when you repeat things Ded. :icon_lol: You already know the answer, so why ask? :biggrin:

29th July 2014, 20:09
:NEW5: Night night

29th July 2014, 20:12
Oh, do you have to go? :icon_lol:

29th July 2014, 20:16
Unfortunately, IMO Blair and wife are only interested in feathering their own nest....:cwm23:

29th July 2014, 20:22
Tell me what politician isnt?

Arthur Little
29th July 2014, 20:31
Unfortunately, IMO Blair and wife are only interested in feathering their own nest.... :cwm23:

Aren't most ... :anerikke: ... if not all ... politicians??

29th July 2014, 20:43

29th July 2014, 22:00
I don't know what to say about this apart from the whole of the Bloody Middle East :censored: me off - they will always fight. Maybe let them all bomb themselves into oblivion. :cwm23:

29th July 2014, 22:19
Thought you would be happy that so many muslims are dying Ded? You seem to go on about them enough. :cwm25:

That's very below the belt mate.:NoNo:

I detest the muslim religion and all that it stands for, but we are talking about HUMAN BEINGS here.

Innocent adults and children blown to pieces...hundreds and hundreds of them.

May each and every one of them rest in peace.

29th July 2014, 22:29
I stumped a Muslin the other day. The guy is Libyan and I have known him for years. Anyway, the other day he was observing the religious claptrap know as Ramadan and I put this to him.
I said, "so you have to fast till the Sun goes down" - he of course replied, "yes, it's very important." I then said, "so there are Muslims living in Norway - the Land of the midnight sun?"
He of course said, "yes", so I said, "I take it they do not eat for a whole month then?" He now looked perplexed and said all the muslims would travel to a different country for a month so the sun goes down :icon_lol:-I said, " .......s :Erm: "

It would be impossible to uproot all your Family, leave job to move away for a month to observe this load of medieval claptrap.

He was not happy with the discussion - once again proving that this Islamist so called cult religion is a load of Bull.

My opinion is all of 'em can sod off to an Islamic state and live out their retarded backward religion and not inflict it on the rest of us.

29th July 2014, 23:13
I do find it rather tiresome having to repeat the same question time and time again to you, I know it's difficult for you but please put all your efforts into coming up with a constructive answer so we can debate whether Blair is fit for purpose

:laugher: Dedworth, watch your blood pressure! :Brick:

What the :censored: has anyone done? :doh

You might find it a bit easier now to understand why people support Hamas


Why don't you write to Cameron, Dedworth and ask him what he's doing :wink:

Prime Minister David Cameron reiterates staunch support of Israel's right to self-defence

What about the rights of Palestinians? Oh, they don't have any :wink:

http://www2.cfoi.co.uk/ says it all :mad:

30th July 2014, 00:37
You are "doing an Andy", Joe, dodging the issue then coming up with the smoke and mirrors - What has Messiah Blair done as Middle East Peace Envoy - I know he's a busy man buying properties, giving highly paid speeches, servicing media moguls oriental wives but at the end of the day he applied for the job, passed the interview and has done naff all for the last 7 years

30th July 2014, 00:41
That's very below the belt mate.:NoNo:

I detest the muslim religion and all that it stands for, but we are talking about HUMAN BEINGS here.

Innocent adults and children blown to pieces...hundreds and hundreds of them.

May each and every one of them rest in peace.

Water off a ducks back, cheap jibes like that. As you say Graham they're all human beings, Andy's the pot calling the kettle black re going on about muslims

30th July 2014, 01:39
To put down all muslims is like tarring them all with the same brush, I am sure there are genuine muslims who do not twist their religious beliefs to suit themselves like the terrorist factions of them.

I remember reading somewhere a long while back that Christianity was born out of the muslim religion,
and look at the history of Christian religions, war in the name of God, rape and pillage, forcing Christianity on the natives of the countries we invaded and ruined their peaceful lives,

How often, even in recent years have the West, such as America provoked the East, what can the West expect other than hate and retaliation.

The Palestinian Gaza conflict, well who's country is it anyway? Murderers the lot of them!

30th July 2014, 01:47

That's what I think.

30th July 2014, 03:10

Thats what I think.

You're spot on Fred. :xxgrinning--00xx3: He should be prosecuted for war crimes and along with his Yankee counterpart

Michael Parnham
30th July 2014, 05:36
Really, when you look back a few hundred years we in Britain were no different raping and murdering primitive races in all parts of the world on our voyages of discovery!

30th July 2014, 07:03
Really, when you look back a few hundred years we in Britain were no different raping and murdering primitive races in all parts of the world on our voyages of discovery!
True but we have moved on and clinging on to old beliefs spurred on by Religion is no reason to blow up busloads of innocent people in the country you call your home

30th July 2014, 08:13
You are "doing an Andy", Joe, dodging the issue then coming up with the smoke and mirrors - What has Messiah Blair done as Middle East Peace Envoy - I know he's a busy man buying properties, giving highly paid speeches, servicing media moguls oriental wives but at the end of the day he applied for the job, passed the interview and has done naff all for the last 7 years

Well he's probably done :censored: all, but i've not heard Blair say the Jews have a right to 'defend' themselves as Cameron has said :doh

30th July 2014, 10:45
To put down all muslims is like tarring them all with the same brush, I am sure there are genuine muslims who do not twist their religious beliefs to suit themselves like the terrorist factions of them.

I remember reading somewhere a long while back that Christianity was born out of the muslim religion,
and look at the history of Christian religions, war in the name of God, rape and pillage, forcing Christianity on the natives of the countries we invaded and ruined their peaceful lives,

How often, even in recent years have the West, such as America provoked the East, what can the West expect other than hate and retaliation.

The Palestinian Gaza conflict, well who's country is it anyway? Murderers the lot of them!

That's why I was careful to say the 'Muslim RELIGION', not 'MUSLIMS'. :wink:

30th July 2014, 13:36
Islam Graham

30th July 2014, 13:47
Yep...worship of that pedo bloke from hundreds of years ago who we're not supposed to talk about without risk of execution. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2014, 14:39
You mean prophet mohummed .... neck lol

30th July 2014, 16:53
Lets put it this way if france sent rockets over here I guess you would expect our army to throw everything they had back at them. Yes innocent people would die. This is what is happpening in palestine. Its up to the muslims to get rid of Hamas. That is my view on the subject. I will say it again wherever there is muslims there is trouble. There will be here one day.

30th July 2014, 17:45
Lets put it this way if france sent rockets over here I guess you would expect our army to throw everything they had back at them. Yes innocent people would die. This is what is happpening in palestine. Its up to the muslims to get rid of Hamas. That is my view on the subject. I will say it again wherever there is muslims there is trouble. There will be here one day.

Why is Hamas shooting rockets to Israel? I think this map will show you why. Even before Hamas went into power, Palestinians are already resisting the Jews/Zionist in taking their lands. Wouldn't you resist too if this happened here in the UK?

To make it simple, if your friend ask you to stay in your house for a few nights, and then after a week tells you to move out and he's taking your house from you because a third party told him he has the right to live in your house, wouldn't you resist?

Oh by the way, take note of 1917. It says: "Under the Balfour Declaration, United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour approves the establishment of national home for Jews in Palestine." The UK gave these Zionist the right to exist in Palestine, when it's not even their own land to decide!

In 1947, UN decided to separate Palestine giving more land to the Jews. Quite unfair isn't it?


This is a nice read: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/07/hamas-provoke-israel-attack-201471512246535512.html

30th July 2014, 18:03
From what I understand the muslims were first on the island of mindanao. So why are the catholics resisting?. Or is that another story?. The way I see it Hamas will only agree a cease fire on their terms. Its not going to happen. Even egypt dont want them in there.

30th July 2014, 18:18
From what I understand the muslims were first on the island of mindanao. So why are the catholics resisting?. Or is that another story?. The way I see it Hamas will only agree a cease fire on their terms. Its not going to happen. Even egypt dont want them in there.

What do you mean Catholics are resisting in Mindanao? There are plenty of Muslims all over the Philippines. Just in Quiapo, Manila, there is a church and a mosque a few yards away from each other. No news of the two religions clashing or the Muslim and Catholics clashing and killing each other. Being Muslim is not what's the problem there, it's the rebels, which are unfortunately has a religion of Muslim. NPAs are not Muslim and yet it's one of the government's problems.

The Palestine's problem is not about religion, it's about taking their land that is rightfully theirs. Do you know the Israel is controlling everything in Gaza & West Bank, i.e. trades, access to land, etc. Just that when Hamas was put in government, they have more courage to resist. Just in West Bank, they don't have any ways of controlling the land being taken by Israel. Israel keeps on building properties in their lands and they can't do anything about it because unlike Gaza, they don't have Hamas that would resist and retaliate. Just look at the map and see why these Palestinians are outraged at what's happening.

30th July 2014, 20:17
Lets put it this way if france sent rockets over here I guess you would expect our army to throw everything they had back at them. Yes innocent people would die. This is what is happpening in palestine. Its up to the muslims to get rid of Hamas. That is my view on the subject. I will say it again wherever there is muslims there is trouble. There will be here one day.

Andy i agree with the statement regarding wherever Muslims are there is trouble.Just look around the world.Remember they want to dominate and thet are gaining ground.Let's put it this way if they were the majority population in this country they would make us adhere to their way of life.There would be mosques everywhere,Sharia law would be mainstream etc etc.
That cannot be denied or ignored.As soon as a political faction of the muslim Brotherhood gets elected it's back to the Barbaric crap. Thats how it is:doh
Now it's awful kids are getting killed by Israelis,but I have no doubt they are being used as shields-that's what muslims do,A woman today was seen sobbing and saying her small child is now a martyr.As for whose land is it,well interesting as it seems the Greeks were the first to land there,The Jews were there a long time ago,the Muslims conqured Syria and spread outwards a long time ago and enjoyed 1500 years of domination.So in effect we cannot clearly say who owns that part of the world.

30th July 2014, 21:14
Wow, lots of prejudice here! :NoNo: If ALL Muslims cause troubles, how come Singapore is one of the safest place in the world and 15% of their population is Muslim (Christian is 18% and majority are Buddhist, 33%)? :Erm: Remember, not all the terrorists do and believe are the same with what other Muslims do and believe. I've had Muslim officemates in the Philippines and Singapore and not one of them support what the terrorists believe and do. They even condemn what they are doing. I don't know, what happened to not tarring with the same brush? So, I must believe that old foreign guys going to the Philippines are sex tourists coz I know plenty of Filipinos who believe that? Or should I believe people here in the UK who claim benefits are scroungers? I was even told in the past that all British people are very rude and be very careful of going here because British are racists. :anerikke:

30th July 2014, 21:31
Not all Muslims are terrorists is of course true,you mention Singapore but it's only 15% of the population,if it was over 50% it would be a different place.Many,many Muslims in Uk never condemn things like the Lee Rigby killing,i want them to prove what many people think in this country now that they don't consider themselves British at all (except benefit time)
Why was there not a great big March of Muslims saying they don't agree with what happened?
Why did few Muslims not condemn the poppy burning incidents?
Singapore is safe as they would not dare step out of line there-we should adopt some of there policies.
Countries in Europe are getting fed up with Islamic demands and are slowly trying to put the monster back in the cage hopefully we will do the same.
i have said before I'm not racist,I'm not against colour but I do detest the backward genital mutilating,beheading,ill treating of women religion known as Islam.

30th July 2014, 21:35
Now it's awful kids are getting killed by Israelis,but I have no doubt they are being used as shields-that's what muslims do,A woman today was seen sobbing and saying her small child is now a martyr.As for whose land is it,well interesting as it seems the Greeks were the first to land there,The Jews were there a long time ago,the Muslims conqured Syria and spread outwards a long time ago and enjoyed 1500 years of domination.So in effect we cannot clearly say who owns that part of the world.

you've no doubt les because you was there :wink: or is it Israeli propaganda your believing:Erm:, i suppose the kids on the beach and in school were not just playing like all kids around the world do before they were killed but as you believe they were their as human shields :doh

tell me les where can these people go to get away from the bombings it looks to me like they are being forced into a smaller area all the time and the Jews are slowly forcing them all out.

as for who the land belongs to, whats the name of the country ? and who are the terrorists , read this , maybe you'll believe it, or as your so biased, more likely you'll say its the left-wing BBC :biggrin:


30th July 2014, 21:49
GAZA CITY — Israeli artillery shells slammed into a U.N.-run school sheltering evacuees from the Gaza conflict early Wednesday, killing at least 20 people and wounding dozens as they slept, according to Palestinian health officials and the U.N. agency in charge of the school.

yes Les, the parents were using their kids as human shields, :doh

An attack overnight on the Jabaliya elementary school in Gaza, where more than 3,000 displaced civilians had sought refuge, is a possible war crime and should be independently investigated, said Amnesty International today. The attack killed at least 20 people and injured dozens more at the school, which is located inside the very densely populated Jabaliya Refugee Camp.

displaced civilians had sought refuge, i presume the Jews told them to move out before them bombed the school, these are already displaced people with nowhere to go :NoNo:


30th July 2014, 21:53
Maybe if Hamas stop firing rockets it would help:doh

as for who the land belongs to, whats the name of the country
Named by the romans:biggrin:
Little Germany in Bradford is not part of Germany:icon_lol:
I don't want the kids killed but until Hamas stop firing rockets into civilian areas then it will continue.
So you will say it's an unfair fight-well so was Usa,europe and russia against Germany:smile:
There are no pretty wars Joe.

30th July 2014, 21:57
Watch this Joe

30th July 2014, 21:58
Lots about it on here Joe

30th July 2014, 21:59
Anyway not arguing on here all night with you Joe,bit of Border force to watch:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th July 2014, 22:00
Not all Muslims are terrorists is of course true,you mention Singapore but it's only 15% of the population,if it was over 50% it would be a different place.Many,many Muslims in Uk never condemn things like the Lee Rigby killing,i want them to prove what many people think in this country now that they don't consider themselves British at all (except benefit time)
Why was there not a great big March of Muslims saying they don't agree with what happened?
Why did few Muslims not condemn the poppy burning incidents?
Singapore is safe as they would not dare step out of line there-we should adopt some of there policies.
Countries in Europe are getting fed up with Islamic demands and are slowly trying to put the monster back in the cage hopefully we will do the same.
i have said before I'm not racist,I'm not against colour but I do detest the backward genital mutilating,beheading,ill treating of women religion known as Islam.

I'm a Catholic, and I detest some teachings of the Catholic priests, most especially their views with LGBT and RH Bill in the Philippines. Keith has always told me that circumcision is also considered genital mutilation, and yet why aren't it being condemned coz it's a common thing for Catholics? I know some Christians and they themselves don't like what are being taught to them, same views in terms of LGBT. How about the different cults (religion to their members) that does the same as you mention, even conducting incest among them?

I don't want to talk more about religion. My views are whatever religion you have, there are bad apples, not just Islam.

30th July 2014, 22:01
maybe if the jews stopped killing innocent people that might help, and also les they stopped the land grab, your not going to see Cameron condemn the Jews no matter what they do, that's because he knows his place and has been told to keep his mouth shut :wink:

maybe your views would change if the Germans had invaded this country, I'm sure you would love to be forced to learn German, as my mother was forced to by the Nazi's at school :wink:

30th July 2014, 22:07
I'm a big admirer of the German race:xxgrinning--00xx3:
A Uk,German,scandinavian alliance and trading agreement would be ideal.
Like I said Hamas are putting the civilians at risk by firing rockets from back yards,they need to stop first.
According to all information it was never Palestinian land at the beginning-I cant prove or disprove that.
Listen to the Arab women moaning about Hamas-not Israel

30th July 2014, 22:09
My views are whatever religion you have
Thats why I like the Forum we can all express our views even when we completely disagree,of course under Islamic rule you could not air your views as a woman:yikes:

30th July 2014, 22:14
Watch this Joe

:icon_lol: les, unbiased reporting at its best :biggrin: it looks like its one of those :crazy: new world order sites :icon_lol:

30th July 2014, 22:14
Thats why I like the Forum we can all express our views even when we completely disagree,of course under Islamic rule you could not air your views as a woman:yikes:

Lol! How come one of my bosses in Singapore when I was working there is a Muslim woman? :Erm: I can't be mistaken as she's wearing a Hijab. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I'm sure whatever she was saying, instructing or whatever to her Muslim male subordinates are being ignored. :Erm:

30th July 2014, 22:17
Everything you don't agree with Joe you say it's biased-you will be telling me that the leader of Iran never said Israel should be wiped of the map:icon_lol:
Maybe he was misquoted and taken out of context,oops no it was true as the previous leader said annihilate Israel with a nuclear strike.
lovely people:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Right you will have to wait til tommorow for reply it's tv night as chatting with you Joe is like the comedy channel on Sky:icon_lol:

30th July 2014, 22:20
Lol! How come one of my bosses in Singapore when I was working there is a Muslim woman? I can't be mistaken as she's wearing a Hijab
Completely different in the dominated Islamic states,
Remember it's a minority in Singapore and Sharia law does not apply

30th July 2014, 22:20
Like I said Hamas are putting the civilians at risk by firing rockets from back yards,they need to stop first.

your right about the back yard bit, that's probably the only place they can fire rockets from, as more and more of their land is being grabbed away :doh

I'm a big admirer of the German race i wonder if you would be just before they put a bullet in you or sent you to the gas chamber :doh

anyway time to finish this, lets just see if the British gov keep supporting them :wink:

30th July 2014, 22:23
We get on well with Germans-more like us than any other European race.
I can only admire them-loose 2 world wars,a world cup and still dominate europe.

30th July 2014, 22:24
Night night everyone-sweet dreams:smile:

30th July 2014, 22:32
your right about the back yard bit, that's probably the only place they can fire rockets from, as more and more of their land is being grabbed away :doh

i wonder if you would be just before they put a bullet in you or sent you to the gas chamber :doh

anyway time to finish this, lets just see if the British gov keep supporting them :wink:

They're busy putting sanctions to Russia, they don't care about Gaza. The US is even sending more ammunitions to Israel coz they requested. :NoNo:

30th July 2014, 22:52
Watch this Joe

from the same guy, he's not an extremists is he les :wink:

DEMAR: The definition of Christian Reconstruction is simply
this: The Bible applies to every facet of life. That means
not just the judicial aspects of life, such as civil
government, church government, but business, economics--every
facet of society. The Bible has something to say about each
area. For example on homosexuals: We do not believe that
homosexuals ought to be executed. The Bible doesn't say that
homosexuals ought to be executed. What it says is this: If
two men lie together like man and woman, they are to be put
to death.

PORTEOUS: What the hell do you think that is?

DEMAR: Well, wait a minute. If a guy comes up to me and he
says, "I'm a homosexual," that doesn't mean he's to be
executed. If you understand the scriptures, it says very
clearly, if a man comes up to you and says, "I've murdered
somebody," that doesn't mean that person ought to be

GONZALES: Oh, so what you are saying Gary, is, if you catch
homosexuals in the act, then the Bible says to execute them.

DEMAR: The Bible lays forth the severest penalty, which
would be capital punishment for two men who publicly engage
in sodomy.

GONZALES: Does it say "publicly" in the Bible?

DEMAR: You've got to have at least two witnesses who would
come forth and testify against the two people who had engaged
in sodomy. The severest punishment would be capital
punishment. It doesn't mean that has to be the punishment.


31st July 2014, 00:17
I agree with everything Les has said and I am absolutely disgusted at how our pussy leadership have appeased the many muslim extremists that have been allowed to propagate in towns like Luton.. As there are no protests by the Muslim community in regards to this scum,I can only conclude that most Muslims must be quietly pleased about it all.
Im British and I dont even recognize the area anymore.. DISGUSTED!!
Israel are not that concerned with the rockets from Palestine as they have the technology to deal with them.. Its these terror tunnels that WILL be found and destroyed before this bout of troubles cease..even if the Israelis turn the terror zone into a ground zero.
America is weak on how to deal with Irans nuclear weapon development but the good news is at least they know that Israel will not allow them to finalize their nuclear ambitions.. They will level the place before they get the chance IMO.
The Jews lost 6 million++++ of their people in the last world war by the hand of extremists.
They will do everything in their power to ensure that it will never happen again.
Get over it!!

31st July 2014, 01:19

That's what I think.

Agreed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
31st July 2014, 05:47
They're busy putting sanctions to Russia, they don't care about Gaza. The US is even sending more ammunitions to Israel coz they requested. :NoNo:

Never heard of a poor Jew, they almost own America and most of them are actors and singers in fact all famous names, I think it all comes down to money!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st July 2014, 08:00
I agree with everything Les has said and I am absolutely disgusted at how our pussy leadership have appeased the many muslim extremists that have been allowed to propagate in towns like Luton.. As there are no protests by the Muslim community in regards to this scum,I can only conclude that most Muslims must be quietly pleased about it all.
Im British and I dont even recognize the area anymore.. DISGUSTED!!
Israel are not that concerned with the rockets from Palestine as they have the technology to deal with them.. Its these terror tunnels that WILL be found and destroyed before this bout of troubles cease..even if the Israelis turn the terror zone into a ground zero.
America is weak on how to deal with Irans nuclear weapon development but the good news is at least they know that Israel will not allow them to finalize their nuclear ambitions.. They will level the place before they get the chance IMO.
The Jews lost 6 million++++ of their people in the last world war by the hand of extremists.
They will do everything in their power to ensure that it will never happen again.
Get over it!!

Well said Fred-people just choose to look the other way.Keep doing that and one day you will have no say.I pick up people who are definitely not racists off all ages and you would be surprised how many of them feel the same way.
Hey its not that long ago we allowed people to stand up in our streets saying westerners burn in hell-unbelievable.

31st July 2014, 08:55
There is political-correctness/'goodwill to all men' well-intentioned thinking, and then there is naivity and sheer STUPIDITY. :NoNo:

Ignore basic human nature at your peril.

31st July 2014, 09:08
Never heard of a poor Jew, they almost own America and most of them are actors and singers in fact all famous names, I think it all comes down to money!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Not sure about that Micheal but I had to use a Jewish ATM once.
When I tried to take the money out, the message read... "What did you do with the last $50 I gave you"? :doh
My life already!!

31st July 2014, 09:16
I challenge any of you to come with me to Harehills in Leeds or Bradford and have a wander around in the evening. We will be intimidated - and feel threatened - at the very least, in our own country :mad:

31st July 2014, 09:55
I challenge any of you to come with me to Harehills in Leeds or Bradford and have a wander around in the evening. We will be intimidated - and feel threatened - at the very least, in our own country :mad:

Quite right Les there is a huge list of once decent places

For starters add to that Luton, Alum Rock B'ham

31st July 2014, 09:59
Imagine if we wore our 'Help for Heros' tops :yikes:

31st July 2014, 11:41
I challenge any of you to come with me to Harehills in Leeds or Bradford and have a wander around in the evening. We will be intimidated - and feel threatened - at the very least, in our own country :mad:

Birmingham is the same. You have heard it on the news. Extremism is rife. The number of muslims there flying a Palestine flag on their cars. It's psychological - all they want is for us to bomb the hell out of Israel so it will become another Islamic state. That's my view. Hamas just like all the other terrorist organisations out there are cowards using innocent kids as pawns. Obviously they are going to get killed.

Prevention is better than cure. Israel has the right to defend its people.

31st July 2014, 11:44
Bang on Andy!

We have agreed on something at last lol

31st July 2014, 13:22
I guess the new British Ambassador to Manila, Mr. Asif Ahmad might er, be a mixed blessing to you then Les. :cwm25:


31st July 2014, 13:47
I guess the new British Ambassador to Manila, Mr. Asif Ahmad might er, be a mixed blessing to you then Les. :cwm25:


As if!!

Seriously though..Like most British Consul and Embassy staff here, their main priority seems to be attending just about every charity meal event that they can.

The useless ..... still can't - or won't - answer a simple email to me..

Mind you..I`m just a regular working class British pleb citizen...
way, way down on their list of priorities!!

Rant out! :icon_lol:

31st July 2014, 13:51
Bang on Andy!

We have agreed on something at last lol

Seconded :smile:

31st July 2014, 14:27
They thought it would never happen, Group hug with Andy, Dedworth and Les :yikes:

Sadly no Joe no mates :icon_lol:

31st July 2014, 14:37
Seconded :smile:


31st July 2014, 22:37
Why don't you write to Cameron, Dedworth and ask him what he's doing :wink:

Prime Minister David Cameron reiterates staunch support of Israel's right to self-defence

I'd imagine Camerons stance is because this country rightly regards Hamas as a terrorist organisation along with Canada, The US, the EU, Japan fellow Arabs Egypt & Jordan

I'm happy with a Govt that stands up to terrorists

Why don't you write to Miliberk Joe & ask him what he's doing :biggrin:

31st July 2014, 23:36
We used to have a government that allowed terrorists unhindered recruiting in our towns and cities :biggrin:

1st August 2014, 16:28
The recruiting still goes on Les - don't be fooled! And kids are still being married off in mosques. Obviously if you live out in the sticks you don't know these things go on. I'm glad I just work in Birmingham and don't live there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2014, 17:28
Andy, the Mosques are the main places for recruitment,I'm sure of that. At least the preaches of hate can't do it openly in Finchley Park, etc like they used to - you have to agree it's not as blatant as it was then.

Kids are no doubt still being bullied for not learning their 1000s of lines of claptrap too.

1st August 2014, 20:08
It's child abuse...all this brainwashing. :mad:

Where are the 'Rights of the child' people, the NSPCC, social services etc ? Damned cowardly hypocrites.:mad:

5th August 2014, 22:14
Why is Hamas shooting rockets to Israel? I think this map will show you why. Even before Hamas went into power, Palestinians are already resisting the Jews/Zionist in taking their lands. Wouldn't you resist too if this happened here in the UK?

To make it simple, if your friend ask you to stay in your house for a few nights, and then after a week tells you to move out and he's taking your house from you because a third party told him he has the right to live in your house, wouldn't you resist?

Oh by the way, take note of 1917. It says: "Under the Balfour Declaration, United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour approves the establishment of national home for Jews in Palestine." The UK gave these Zionist the right to exist in Palestine, when it's not even their own land to decide!

In 1947, UN decided to separate Palestine giving more land to the Jews. Quite unfair isn't it?


This is a nice read: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/07/hamas-provoke-israel-attack-201471512246535512.html

Well said, Rayna.
There is hope for this forum and sand in the eyes for muslim-haters.

5th August 2014, 22:18
Andy, the Mosques are the main places for recruitment, I'm sure of that. At least the preaches of hate can't do it openly in Finchley Park, etc like they used to - you have to agree it's not as blatant as it was then.

Kids are no doubt still being bullied for not learning their 1000s of lines of claptrap too.

You do your hate here, which is cowardly and zennaphobic.

5th August 2014, 23:07
You do your hate here, which is cowardly and zennaphobic.

Xenophobic . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2014, 00:35
Well said, Rayna.
There is hope for this forum and sand in the eyes for muslim-haters.

Thanks! For the record though, the views of some members here don't reflect the views of the owner of this forum. :xxgrinning--00xx3: In terms of this Gaza-Israel issue, we both have the same views (thank goodness for that!). He just said there's no point having arguments with the guys here, hence he never bothered to post. :icon_lol:

6th August 2014, 00:55
You do your hate here, which is cowardly and zennaphobic.

What a line of claptrap!
When you people lose an argument, out come your last resort racist, Xenophobe and in your case the zennaphobic label!! :icon_lol:
How intelligent is that?

6th August 2014, 07:10
You do your hate here, which is cowardly and zennaphobic.

You keep your mind closed and carry on talking rubbish :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2014, 08:04
I'm prepared to listen to your argument and answer your questions and likewise I will put my points of view to you and would be interested in your views. Think that's the adult way to deal with what you said, Neu75

6th August 2014, 08:40
He/she prefers to snipe and run Les.

Only to be expected.

6th August 2014, 08:43
I will agree with Rayna and the owner of the forum and not bother arguing with Islamaphobes.

6th August 2014, 08:52
Who is the coward now I have given you every chance to have an adult conversation. Clearly you're not up to it.

Looking at your previous posts you don't bring much to the forum.

6th August 2014, 09:23
Who is the coward now I have given you every chance to have an adult conversation. Clearly you're not up to it.

Looking at your previous posts you don't bring much to the forum.

Other than as Fred pointed out he/she plays the race card


6th August 2014, 10:20
I will agree with Rayna and the owner of the forum and not bother arguing with Islamaphobes.


6th August 2014, 10:49
Babies aren't born with a religion.

This one's father is a Muslim, and my heart goes out to him.

(image removed by Fred)

6th August 2014, 10:55
Graham.. I think that pic might be a bit too graphic..
Sorry ,but I think I will have to remove it..
Damn..I wish I hadn't of looked now!

6th August 2014, 11:12
I understand Fred.

6th August 2014, 20:59
Xenophobic . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Other than as Fred pointed out he/she plays the race card


More like Denophobic - unreasoned fear of Romanians, Bulgarians, Manchester United, Alex Ferguson, Doctors, the Labour Party, Big Issue sellers, the Police.

What else have I missed out Dedworth? :biggrin:

6th August 2014, 21:13
More like Denophobic - unreasoned fear of Romanians, Bulgarians, Manchester United, Alex Ferguson, Doctors, the Labour Party, Big Issue sellers, the Police.

What else have I missed out Dedworth? :biggrin:

Pikeys, Roma, Criminals, Tesco, Paedophiles, Parasites ..........

6th August 2014, 21:26

6th August 2014, 22:25
Thank goodness Boris will be back. :cwm25:

12th September 2014, 17:33
Hamas admits it DID use schools and hospitals in Gaza Strip as 'human shields' to launch rocket attacks on Israel - but claims it was 'mistake'



That's OK then it was all a mistake after all :mad:

12th September 2014, 18:15
Hamas admits it DID use schools and hospitals in Gaza Strip as 'human shields' to launch rocket attacks on Israel - but claims it was 'mistake'



That's OK then it was all a mistake after all :mad:

A Mistake? :yikes:

Pieces of scum! :cwm23:

12th September 2014, 20:13
Hamas admits it DID use schools and hospitals in Gaza Strip as 'human shields' to launch rocket attacks on Israel - but claims it was 'mistake'



That's OK then it was all a mistake after all :mad:

Israel orders criminal investigations into Gaza war incidents

Israel's military attorney general has ordered criminal investigations into five incidents in the recent Gaza war.

They include the killing of four Palestinian children on a beach and the shelling of a United Nations school.

At least 13 people were killed in the school in Beit Hanoun - which was being used as a shelter for displaced people - and dozens were injured.

At the time, the Israeli military said an "errant mortar" hit the school but did not cause the deaths.

The announcement comes as Israel faces other international investigations related to the fighting with Palestinian militants that ended two weeks ago.

srael is facing a series of steps in the international arena in the wake of the Gaza conflict.

The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has threatened to take Israel to the International Criminal Court, while the UN Human Rights Council has set up a commission of inquiry into possible war crimes committed by Israeli forces and Palestinian militants.

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has ordered a separate inquiry into the targeting of UN schools being used as temporary shelters and the storage of Hamas weapons in others.

New York-based Human Rights Watch carried out its own research into what it says were Israeli attacks that damaged UN schools in Beit Hanoun, Jabaliya and Rafah, killing a total of 45 people, including 17 children.

The human rights group says that the first two attacks "did not appear to target a military objective or were otherwise unlawfully indiscriminate" and that the third incident was "unlawfully disproportionate if not otherwise indiscriminate".

It adds that "unlawful attacks carried out wilfully - that is deliberately or recklessly - are war crimes."

15th September 2014, 00:36
Liverpool's Labour Mayor terrorised by pro Palestinian scousers :-


15th September 2014, 06:20
Liverpool's Labour Mayor terrorised by pro Palestinian scousers :-


Terrorised? :doh More like he was embarrassed

Less than 20 people, looks like mostly made up of women and pensioners with no arrests made and they are in a public place.

Direct action has worked for a number of groups.

15th September 2014, 09:21
Terrorised? :doh More like he was embarrassed.

Less than 20 people, looks like mostly made up of women and pensioners with no arrests made and they are in a public place.

Direct action has worked for a number of groups.

Speaking to the ECHO, Mayor Anderson said: “They frightened my 86-year-old mother-in-law who lives with us and that is despicable.

“They were right at the front garden shouting. My wife was literally shaking and frightened and she was like that all night.

“That’s not democratic, legal lobbying. In my view that’s just intimidation and thuggery.”

Reminds me of how Labours Unite paymasters personally targeted and intimidated Grangemouth oil managers' families a year ago.

I wonder what Mayor Anderson thought about that spate of "Direct Action"

15th September 2014, 20:26
They were right at the front garden shouting.

Public road, they have the right to be there, it's not private property.

The council has faced heavy criticism for its connections with G4S, thanks to the firm’s alleged complicity with Israeli human rights abuses.

I think you've criticised G4S, haven't you Dedworth? :Erm:

15th September 2014, 20:51
Public road, they have the right to be there, it's not private property.

I think you've criticised G4S, haven't you Dedworth? :Erm:

I wonder what Mayor Anderson thought about Unites 2013 "Direct Action" aimed at Ineos Directors families ? ?

Pot calling the kettle black, usual stench of Labour hypocrisy etc etc

16th September 2014, 17:12
WTF has all this got to do with Bliar?

16th September 2014, 17:49
WTF has all this got to do with Bliar?

Tenuous connection Fred :biggrin: - I posted #98 about pro Palestinian scousers "direct action" terrorising the Labour Mayor of Liverpool. Joe made an off topic response and I then pointed out the stench of Labour Hypocrisy of which Blair is a prime exponent