View Full Version : Planning to get married in registrars office in Philippines

1st August 2014, 01:25
Hi guys,

Just wondering how many days I need to spend in the Philippines to get married to my girl in a Registry Office?


Michael Parnham
1st August 2014, 06:44
Eddie, can't remember how long it took but wasn't too long, well three or four weeks, it was all the bits and pieces of paperwork that was required that took time because in our case we had to travel around quite a bit to obtain everything. Sorry I can't be too much help but someone who married more recently will let you know soon. Good luck and congrats with your future plans! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st August 2014, 06:58
I got married in a church.... Although I was out there 6 weeks, we could have been married after three weeks. But I'd say 4 weeks to be safe.