View Full Version : Milipede's heartfelt WW1 Wreath Message

4th August 2014, 15:23
Ed Miliband First World War Centenary wreath branded ‘pathetic’ as Labour leader ‘fails to even write his own name’


4th August 2014, 15:27

4th August 2014, 15:32
I know it's not major news but a bit slack of Milliband.

4th August 2014, 17:28
I doubt if anyone could read what Cameron wrote on his. :biggrin:

4th August 2014, 18:20
I know it's not major news but a bit slack of Milliband.

In the same vein as Foot pitching up at the Cenotaph in a Donkey Jacket

4th August 2014, 19:03
What a :censored: :doh

4th August 2014, 19:16
From that same link above:

"However, it later emerged that messages laid from 'The People of Scotland', 'The Commonwealth Secretary General' and the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg were also written in the same scrawled handwriting as Mr Miliband's - apparently by organisers and presented to guests at the event."

What's the issue here again? :Erm:

4th August 2014, 19:19
"However, it later emerged that messages laid from 'The People of Scotland', 'The Commonwealth Secretary General' and the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg were also written in the same scrawled handwriting as Mr Miliband's - apparently by organisers and presented to guests at the event."

What's the issue here again? :Erm:

The issue is that Milipede and the others couldn't be bothered writing a "personal" message and laid the wreath just as it came - a bit like either not writing or putting "from one of your kids" on a Mothers Day Card

4th August 2014, 19:21
As a result, social-media users questioned why Mr Cameron was given preferential treatment, with some branding it a 'set-up'.

A spokesperson for the Labour Party said: “Ed Miliband was not given the opportunity to write a personal message on the wreath and was only handed it seconds before he had to lay it.”

4th August 2014, 19:29
As a result, social-media users questioned why Mr Cameron was given preferential treatment, with some branding it a 'set-up'.

A spokesperson for the Labour Party said: “Ed Miliband was not given the opportunity to write a personal message on the wreath and was only handed it seconds before he had to lay it.”

They would say that wouldn't they

The wreaths were organised by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

A spokesman for the DCMS said: “The same wreaths and pre-written messages were provided to all wreath layers. Some chose to write personalised messages.”

Prince Charles got his one sorted

Arthur Little
4th August 2014, 19:51
Ed Miliband First World War Centenary wreath branded ‘pathetic’ as Labour leader ‘fails to even write his own name’



Could've been worse ... :anerikke: ... the tribute might have come with a photo of the much maligned Opposition Leader "wreathed" in one of his pathetic, inane :biggrin:s!

4th August 2014, 20:25

4th August 2014, 20:47
I doubt if anyone could read what Cameron wrote on his. :biggrin:

Probably right Andy, a typical Labour supporter couldn't :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It was in joined up writing after all :Erm:

5th August 2014, 01:11
This kind of garbage annoys me :cwm23:

Today is meant to be all about those who died fighting for this country

Political point scoring at its worst !

5th August 2014, 01:25
I think you misjudge us London Manila. We argue politics all the time, but at the end of the day most of us do respect all those who gave there lives for us.

Noticed on various news programs severe lack of Muslims - that should annoy you more.

5th August 2014, 07:22
Most of those poor young men who lost their lives would probably be horrified if they were able to see what has happened to their country since. :NoNo:

I can still remember what my grandparents and father thought about it.

5th August 2014, 07:47
Well, Miliband got one thing right, unlike puppet Cameron

David Cameron warns Israel over Gaza after pressure from Ed Miliband


6th August 2014, 01:43
I think you misjudge us London Manila. We argue politics all the time, but at the end of the day most of us do respect all those who gave there lives for us.

Noticed on various news programs severe lack of Muslims - that should annoy you more.

For me it was just a non story stirred up by a few people for political gain without even giving a second thought for all those who perished in WW1

Maybe these people should experience the delights of chlorine gas :wink: