View Full Version : Possible US clampdown on vistors from UK ?

5th August 2014, 18:55
I heard a radio broadcast the other day that regardless of any "special relationship" with this country that the US might have their Govt are getting very concerned about visitors emanating from these shores and it may only be a matter of time before they impose rigid visa controls.

The reasoning behind it is they are not impressed by some of our slack border & asylum procedures and that we appear to give sanctuary and passports to criminals, extremists, terrorists and other dangerous people. The recent clampdown on uncharged phones/ tablets etc indicates this as it doesn't apply to travellers from Canada, Philippines, Australia, Japan etc

5th August 2014, 19:17
They have not got that wrong :doh

5th August 2014, 20:14
I don't blame them. We throw around passports like confetti. The visa waiver system was really designed for true native UK nationals, and also other European countries have this as well. But now the US cannot trust the sort of people we have allowed to settle here and even some of the home grown citizens we have. I find it very embarrassing for us and I hope the government also feels the same because they have allowed this to happen over many years.

5th August 2014, 23:46
Now the French think WE should be responsible for the illegals queuing up in Calais. :NoNo:

6th August 2014, 01:08
Definitely cannot blame the U.S for this..
How did it ever get this bad?
Remember when Brits were renowned and respected around the world?
The British passport now tarred by the Muslim terrorist brush.
How many "Brits" did they find fighting in Iraq lately?

Michael Parnham
6th August 2014, 05:24
Why can't we deport all the Riff Raff, we did it before when we sent all the crims to Australia! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2014, 09:01
Because they have infiltrated all decision-making bodies in this country, including Parliament ?

6th August 2014, 09:04
Why can't we deport all the Riff Raff, we did it before when we sent all the crims to Australia!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The thing is Michael, I could never understand before why these types of people settle and have families in the U.K in the first place and then preach and protest about our evil Western culture in which they choose to reside.

The reason I think it is, is that their goal is to make the UK into nothing short of an Islamic state.

It seems to me that British Muslims have segregated their communities to such an extent in the UK that this task of creating an Islamic state within these communities is very slowly becoming a reality.

The CIA know far more than what we are being told by our own leadership. They obviously know about a clear and present danger from these "Brits" and have decided to close their borders to them.

What civilized country in their right mind would put up with someone like this for example?


A Brit fighting in Syria has vowed to bring terror to the UK – and stage public executions in London’s Trafalgar Square, the Sunday People (http://www.mirror.co.uk/all-about/the%20people) reports.Using the name Abu Dugma al-Britani, the fanatic has issued a series of chilling online vows to wage “holy” war on home soil.
The father-of-one, who claims to be fighting for Isis (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/british-ex-jihadist-osama-al-britani-killed-2269854) , used Twitter to warn: “Downing Street will be a base for Muslims. Trafalgar Square is where public executions will take place. Army of Islamic State is coming.”


6th August 2014, 09:12
Any sign of dissent from the majority indigenous population, and we're told to shut up, that we're 'Islamophobes', and as such, liable to be imprisoned.

So, I will say no more on the subject.

6th August 2014, 09:18
I will always speak out against Islamist nutters.

Michael Parnham
6th August 2014, 11:35
My dad was in the RAF during the Second World War and he spent quite a while in Egypt whilst at the Suez Canal and as a child he said to me, that one day Islam would rule the world! :Erm:

6th August 2014, 12:26
So sad :NoNo:

6th August 2014, 12:36
My dad was in the RAF during the Second World War and he spent quite a while in Egypt whilst at the Suez Canal and as a child he said to me, that one day Islam would rule the world!
Christian/Muslim war - had 'em before and will happen again :yikes:

6th August 2014, 13:02
They can call me Islamophobic all they want! They have only one mission, that is to turn our country into an Islamic State. I know for a fact, I,ll be dead before that ever happens.

6th August 2014, 13:43
They can call me Islamophobic all they want! They have only one mission, that is to turn our country into an Islamic State. I know for a fact, I,ll be dead before that ever happens.

That is correct.

Also what would happen to Israel if the Palestinians were given a full army and all the weapons they wanted :Erm:

Goodbye Israel :yikes:

That would be a fact too :cwm23: