View Full Version : Tory Foreign Office minister quits over 'intolerable' expenses rules

12th August 2014, 05:41
Seems Dedworth missed this 'news' story. What do you call people like this dedworth :Erm:, poor guy, he'll be at the food bank soon :wink:

Africa minister Mark Simmonds says he cannot claim enough parliamentary expenses to house his family in Westminster


Simmonds earns £89,435 a year as an MP and minister and employs his wife Lizbeth with up to £25,000 of public money.

Last year, Simmonds was named by his local paper as the most expensive MP in Lincolnshire after it was calculated that he had claimed £173,436.96 in expenses for 2013.


12th August 2014, 06:25
Good riddance

12th August 2014, 09:39
I agree, when it's wrong I don't care if it's a Tory or labour Muppet. Good riddance.

12th August 2014, 09:41
Better off without him - obviously his snout is too big for the expenses trough

12th August 2014, 10:46
He misses his family. :cwm3:

Arthur Little
12th August 2014, 11:22
He misses his family. :cwm3:

:cwm25: ... I would hazard a guess he's likely to be the type who'll miss the perks more than his family.

13th August 2014, 09:19
Seriously? Over 35k a year rent allowance and he can't find a house on that?

Anyway, politicians and their ilk should have to live in scummy areas, places of "enrichment" and criminal activity, then see if they still accuse "us peasants" of being bigots if we dare to complain