View Full Version : New UK stamps - honouring (amongst others) Mrs Thatcher

13th August 2014, 10:59
See the latest stamps by Royal Mail will honour former British prime ministers


So form a queue...........the chance to lick the behind of that stamp :wink: Come on Andy, you know you want to

No Tony Blair though? Maybe they think his head doesn't belong on a stamp

13th August 2014, 11:01
....Maybe they think his head doesn't belong on a stamp

Maybe a stamp on the head :Erm:


Michael Parnham
13th August 2014, 11:02
Lovely stamps, the latter one is my favourite! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2014, 11:24
It's official, Margaret Thatcher was 1st Class :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2014, 11:56
The Argies could not lick her!

Michael Parnham
13th August 2014, 12:10
Thanks Simon and Les, you couldn't have said it better! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th August 2014, 13:09
Well-deserved commemoration of a great lady. :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

13th August 2014, 13:52
Excellent stamps I'll be buying the Winston & Maggie ones.

2 years till the Churchill £5 notes get issued

13th August 2014, 14:43
Flattened - just like she should have been :icon_lol:

13th August 2014, 15:53
Excellent stamps I'll be buying the Winston & Maggie ones.

2 years till the Churchill £5 notes get issued


13th August 2014, 17:04
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Top video Fred. He wouldn't stand for the crap going on nowadays

13th August 2014, 18:27
Can you imagine what he'd have said, if someone had told him to put his cigar out, you can't smoke in here, health and safety you know :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
13th August 2014, 18:55

A great man indeed! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
13th August 2014, 19:11
No Tony Blair though?

:icon_rolleyes: ... surprise, surprise!

Is it ANY wonder he hasn't become a :kngt: of the realm?

13th August 2014, 19:20
He wouldn't get his picture on monopoly money :icon_lol:

13th August 2014, 21:49
He wouldn't get his picture on monopoly money :icon_lol:

Is that cos Bottler Brown's ugly mug is already on it ?

15th August 2014, 16:41
Don't think too many would buy Thatcher the Milk Snatcher's stamp. I will buy Harold Wilson's stamp though. The only PM to say no to the yanks. Oh Ded, Tony is doing very well for himself and Cherie must have been a good lawyer to earn her millions. :icon_lol:. Rolling in money. :icon_lol:.

15th August 2014, 17:18
I agree, taking the milk away (then) was wrong.

But...looking at the state of a lot of schoolkids now, extra nourishment is the last thing they need. :NoNo:

15th August 2014, 17:28
Oh Ded Tony is doing very well for himself and Cherie must have been a good lawyer to earn her millions.:icon_lol:. Rolling in money.:icon_lol:.

Still keeping himself busy at the Peace Envoy game is he Andy ? :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
15th August 2014, 19:09
Don't think too many would buy Thatcher the Milk Snatcher's stamp. I will buy Harold Wilson's stamp though. The only PM to say no to the yanks. Oh Ded, Tony is doing very well for himself and Cherie must have been a good lawyer to earn her millions. :icon_lol:. Rolling in money. :icon_lol:.

I would imagine Margaret Thatcher stamps will be the most popular! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th August 2014, 19:47
I agree, taking the milk away (then) was wrong.
Totally disagree most kids did not drink their 1/3 pint of lukewarm milk-it was disgusting.

Made no difference to anyone.

15th August 2014, 20:23
1/3rd of a pint...and as milk monitor I used to guzzle at least 4 of them down. :biggrin:

15th August 2014, 23:09
milk monitor:yikes: Bragging about milk monitor - that's where it all went wrong, Graham :icon_lol:

15th August 2014, 23:11
What happened to all those milk monitor jobs ? :Erm:

Another example of where the country has gone wrong. :NoNo:

17th August 2014, 13:03
What happened to all those milk monitor jobs ? :Erm:

Another example of where the country has gone wrong. :NoNo:

Redundant Graham - like a lot of other jobs. But that's the Tory way. :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

17th August 2014, 22:13
If you say so Andy. :biggrin:

17th August 2014, 22:30
Hmm highest Employment figures for years - Andy is on wacky baccy but did not inhale :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
18th August 2014, 11:03
Redundant Graham - like a lot of other jobs. But that's the Tory way. :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

C'mon Andy, stop being so aggressive toward the Tories, it seems that you've become obsessed with being that way! :smile: