View Full Version : Anti-Jewish slogans return

18th August 2014, 13:26

18th August 2014, 15:25
Must have made your day! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2014, 16:39
Blinkin' religion. :NoNo:

18th August 2014, 16:53
Blinkin' religion. :NoNo:

Yep, time to bin it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2014, 20:32
It's funny how many here are anti-Muslim but want to "bin-it" when it is about Jews.

It is ALL religion :NoNo:

18th August 2014, 21:30
It's funny how many here are anti-Muslim but want to "bin-it" when it is about Jews

Not anti Muslim for me - I'm anti-Islamic - a barbaric, cruel, evil religion that has no place in modern society!

I nearly went down to Wootton Bassett a couple of years ago when the despicable, so called British Muslims were burning poppies :cwm23:

19th August 2014, 05:27
It's funny how many here are anti-Muslim but want to "bin-it" when it is about Jews.

It is ALL religion :NoNo:

What's really funny is that Graham said "Blinkin' religion" and Les replied "yep time to bin it"

No-one mentioned any faith, but you took it to be an anti Jewish remark :crazy:

19th August 2014, 07:24
For how many centuries have the Jews been persecuted? Too many! Leave the Jews be as well as other religions. We all watch the telly, read the papers or read the news on the net.

To start to bring the subject of religious hatred onto a site such as this, is like putting the first spark into the dry forest. Eventually the flames will destroy it. How many religions are followed by the users of this site? I doubt anyone knows. The same with the countries you may be hoping to find a wife or husband from, do you insist that they aren't a certain religion? Or are a certain one? I doubt it very much. Tolerate others as they tolerate you.

19th August 2014, 09:37
I don't see many innocent people being blown up by Atheists, or conflicts involving them on my TV news every day.

'Religious hatred' is fostered by religious people.


19th August 2014, 10:39
Toleration ?

Don't make me laugh......

I think Stalin said something like that.
He then declared an atheist state, and slaughtered citizens to achieve that end in the name of atheism.

19th August 2014, 11:35
History Peter.

It's 2014.

Michael Parnham
19th August 2014, 11:59
What you don't know about, you don't worry about! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th August 2014, 13:04
What you don't know about, you don't worry about!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's true Michael.. Think I`ll stop watching the news.
I've tried it before and found ignorance is truly bliss!

My Mrs often says to me.."Why do you watch that? It's depressing! What can you do about it anyway"

I guess I`m just stuck with my opinions,regardless! :icon_lol:

19th August 2014, 13:07
How can they ever find peace between either side when there are such acts of mass murder of innocent civilians? The hate on both sides will go on for many generations to come.



19th August 2014, 13:14
I think that the difference for me is this. If you armed the Palestinians to the teeth, they would wipe out Israel

Certainly if they had a nuclear option they would use it.

19th August 2014, 13:18
Just goes to show how many Muslims there are in Germany. It surprises me. :Erm: I would say a good 90% who are protesting are Muslims. In Germany AND over here.

19th August 2014, 13:57
King John and the Crusaders started it. :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

19th August 2014, 14:49
Not anti Muslim for me - I'm anti-Islamic - a barbaric, cruel, evil religion that has no place in modern society!

I nearly went down to Wootton Bassett a couple of years ago when the despicable, so called British Muslims were burning poppies :cwm23:

"Not anti Muslim for me" :doh

19th August 2014, 14:56
"Not anti Muslim for me " :doh

Do you think, in Britain, it is ever acceptable for someone to burn a poppy on Remembrance Day?

Just answer the question.

19th August 2014, 14:58
Off to eat my Halal, kosha, European yankee buger now to please you, whilst wearing full hi-jab and skull cap and watching 'The Life of Brian' :biggrin:

19th August 2014, 15:01
I think that the difference for me is this. If you armed the palastiniuns to the teeth they would wipe out Israel
Certainly if they had a nuclear option they would use it.

Well, the Israeli's don't need to use their Nuclear weapons, they're doing a good job of blowing up men, women and children using conventional weapons :NoNo:

The death toll in Gaza has topped 1,400, with more than 40 people dying after another day of intense Israeli bombardment from air, sea and land.

The toll is now greater than in both previous rounds of fighting between Israel and Hamas. Israeli military losses are also significantly higher.

Palestinian officials in Gaza said on Thursday that 8,200 people had been wounded in the four-week operation. Up to 80% of the Palestinian casualties were civilians, according to local non-government organisations and the UN.

Three civilians on the Israeli side and 56 soldiers have been killed so far.


Now imagine the outrage from the 'free West' leaders if it was 1,400 Israelis that had been killed

19th August 2014, 15:11
Well, the Israeli's don't need to use their Nuclear weapons, they're doing a good job of blowing up men, women and children using conventional weapons

So you would deny then, that certain factions want Israel obliterated off the map Joe?

Hey, good old Hamas - just sent off 3 rockets whilst ceasefire on - no sympathy from me.

19th August 2014, 15:12
Well the Israeli's don't need to use their Nuclear weapons, their doing a good job of blowing up men, women and children using conventional weapons :NoNo:


now imagine the outrage from the 'free West' leaders if it was 1,400 Israelis that had been killed

Joe.. It will continue until the Palestinians speak up against Hamas.
The Jews will continue to defend them selves against terrorists.. End of story.
If you were a Jew living in Israel with a wife and 2 kids that's what you would exp[ect from your leaders too.
I know I would.

19th August 2014, 15:38
So you would deny then, that certain factions want Israel obliterated off the map Joe?

Hey, good old Hamas - just sent off 3 rockets whilst ceasefire on - no sympathy from me.

So would you deny Les, that Palestinians have been slaughtered and forced out of their homeland for nearly 60yrs and still are to this day ?

You've seen the graph! :doh


19th August 2014, 15:43
Joe.. It will continue until the Palestinians speak up against Hamas.
The Jews will continue to defend them selves against terrorists.. End of story.
If you were a Jew living in Israel with a wife and 2 kids that's what you would exp[ect from your leaders too.
I know I would.

And what would you do Fred - if you were a Palestinian with a wife and 2 kids?? Let people force you out of your home and country?

Hamas and the Israeli gov are as bad as each other, one is labelled a terrorist by certain people, the other is not, but both are the same, they kill innocent people :NoNo:

19th August 2014, 15:45
Of course you forget to mention after 1948 when every Arabic state adjacent to Israel attacked it to remove it or did you not know that Joe. Quick, get googling.

19th August 2014, 15:54
One state fires rockets with no regard to where they land, the other tries to take out the rockets cynically placed as near to as many children as possible to play the victim card.

19th August 2014, 16:07
One state fires rockets with no regard to where they land, the other tries to take out the rockets cynically placed as near to as many children as possible to play the victim card.

Yes, that's why Hamas have killed 3 civilians and 56 Israeli soldiers, while at least 80% of 1,400 of those killed by the Israelis have been civilians :crazy:

Just one news story about their precise bombings :doh

Gaza school attack denounced as 'criminal act' by UN chief


19th August 2014, 16:41
:icon_lol :Love it when you join a discussion Joe, as you always stitch yourself up. You certainly add to my amusement for the day :biggrin:

Yes, that's why Hamas have killed 3 civilians and 56 Israeli soldiers, while at least 80% of 1,400 of those killed by the Israelis have been civilians

Let's look at your statement!

The rockets which you cannot deny have been fired at anything possible by Hamas - mainly targeting populated town's.Thats a fact!

The Israeli defense system has downed most of them luckily, or the deaths would obviously be higher - Yes?

But at the end of the day they were fired in the hope of inflicting damage to civilians.

Ok, moving onto why so many civilians have died in Palestine. Smple, Human shields in a densley-populated area. We have seen how barbaric Hamas can be - it's in their blood.

How can Israel target out a single rocket launcher and operator when placed in schools, hospital grounds, etc?

Tough, it has to be taken out and it's Hamas with the blood on their hands.

Now Hamas have broken ceasefire again!

So Israel will attack with more and more force till the rocket attacks cease - I would do the same if I was being attacked.
Can you remind me how this latest escalation started Joe? Oh yeah, 3 Israeli teenagers were butchered. Blimey, thought you must have forgotten about that.

19th August 2014, 16:50
Here, Joe have a read of this :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Then can I read your comments on it? Usually you scarper when questioned :icon_lol:

19th August 2014, 17:37
:icon_lol: Love it when you join a discussion Joe, as you always stitch yourself up. You certainly add to my amusement for the day :biggrin:

Let's look at your statement!

The rockets which you cannot deny have been fired at anything possible by Hamas - mainly targeting populated town's. That's a fact!

The Israeli defense system has downed most of them, luckily or the deaths would obviously be higher - Yes?

But at the end of the day they were fired in the hope of inflicting damage to civilians.

Ok, moving onto why so many civilians have died in Palestine:

Simple - Human shields in a densely-populated area. We have seen how barbaric Hamas can be - it's in their blood.

How can Israel target out a single rocket launcher and operator when placed in schools, hospital grounds, etc?

Tough, it has to be taken out and it's Hamas with the blood on their hands.

Now Hamas have broken ceasefire again!

So Israel will attack with more and more force till the rocket attacks cease - I would do the same if I was being attacked.

Can you remind me how this latest escalation started Joe? Oh yeah, 3 Israeli teenagers were butchered. Blimey, thought you must have forgotten about that.

Les, and the human shield, so 1,400 people were prepared to be human shields :crazy:
I suppose when you're forced and crammed into a smaller space with no where to go, all Palestinians are human shields.

Les, look at the graph, tell me where those Palestinians who were forced out of their homes are now living?? In Gaza? Where??

19th August 2014, 17:48
Here Joe have a read of this:xxgrinning--00xx3:


Then can I read your comments on it - usually you scarper when questioned :icon_lol:

Before World War Two, Haganah had been, from the British viewpoint, a terrorist organisation that used violence to defend the Jewish Agency.

As I said both Hamas and the Israeli gov are the SAME.

I know about your fondness for Germans, and I doubt you would be so fond of them if they had invaded the UK in WW2. I think your opinions would be different if 1/4 of everyone you had ever known was dead by the end of the war; if you were lucky to survive, then be forced to learn and speak German. Oh I know what I'm talking about, my mother and father lived under the Nazi's and they knew what it was like to be forced to leave their country and everything they owned behind.

Sure, up to 6 million Jews were victims in WW2. So were 54 Million+ other people who died in it. It's like the victim becoming a bully, the Israelis will not stop land grabbing until they've taken the lot. :NoNo:

19th August 2014, 17:58
As I said, both Hamas and the Israeli gov are the SAME.

I know about your fondness for Germans, and I doubt you would be so fond of them if they had invaded the UK in WW2. I think your opinions would be different if 1/4 of everyone you had ever known was dead by the end of the war; if you were lucky to survive, then be forced to learn and speak German. Oh I know what I'm talking about, my mother and father lived under the Nazi's and they knew what its like to be forced to leave their country and everything they owned behind.

Sure, up to 6 million Jews were victims in WW2. So were 54 Million+ other people who died in it. It's like the victim becoming a bully, the Israelis will not stop land grabbing until they've taken the lot :NoNo:

That's how I see it too. :xxgrinning--00xx3: They suffered the genocide in the past, and now they're basically doing the same to the Palestinians. :NoNo:

19th August 2014, 18:48
As I said, both Hamas and the Israeli gov are the SAME.

I know about your fondness for Germans, and I doubt you would be so fond of them if they had invaded the UK in WW2. I think your opinions would be different if 1/4 of everyone you had ever known was dead by the end of the war; if you were lucky to survive, then be forced to learn and speak German. Oh I know what I'm talking about, my mother and father lived under the Nazis and they knew what it was like to be forced to leave their country and everything they owned behind.

Sure, up to 6 million Jews were victims in WW2 So were 54 Million+ other people who died in it. It's like the victim becoming a bully, the Israelis will not stop land-grabbing until they've taken the lot :NoNo:

As usual, no explanation of the fact that as soon as Israel was formed, it nearly suffered obliteration at the hands of the lovely Arabs.

They have every right to defend themselves.

Yep, I admire the Germans as they have been post war - they are not our enemies.

History will go on to show the growing number of Islamic hate groups are the enemy. They are definitely not the same as the rest of us.

Just Google suicide bombers, beheading, heart eaters and you will find they are all from a certain religion.

19th August 2014, 18:51
That's how I see it too. :xxgrinning--00xx3: They suffered the genocide in the past, and now they're basically doing the same to the Palestinians. :NoNo:

I think you don't see it clearly. If you were Israeli and your country had been attacked by lots of Arab states who's sole intention was wiping you off the face of the earth then you might feel differently.

You are surrounded by hostile countries, so are you just going to lie there and take it?

So do you not think if Hamas was bigger and stronger it would not take over Israel? Of course it would. That's ok is it?

19th August 2014, 19:06
As usual, no explanation of the fact that, as soon as Israel was formed, it nearly suffered obliteration at the hands of the lovely Arabs.

They have every right to defend themselves.

Yep, I admire the Germans as they have been post war - they are not our enemies.

History will go on to show that growing number of Islamic hate groups are the enemy. They are definitely not the same as the rest of us.

Just Google suicide bombers, beheading, heart eaters and you will find they are all from a certain religion.

What has that got to do with forcing Palestinians out of their country?

Israel was formed on which countries land, Les?

Also, the British government considered them terrorists, read your link, Les :doh

You are mixing up suicide bombers, Islamic hate and all your other rants with the facts that Palestinians have been forced off their land for the last 60 years and it's still going on :doh

19th August 2014, 19:18
I think you don't see it clearly,if you were Israeli and you country had been attacked by lots of Arab states who's sole intention was wiping you off the face of the earth then you might feel differently.
You are surrounded by hostile countries so you, just going to lie there and take it?
So do you not think if Hamas was bigger and stronger it would not take over Israel-of course it would-that's ok is it?

its you who doesn't see clearly Les, what country Les? they don't have a country, its Palestine, show me a map from before 1947 Les with Israel on the map, you cant :doh

so you would have no problem with your parents or grand parents living in Palestine then one day they are forced out of their homes and its now called Israel ? you OK with that?

its nothing to do with hamas or anything else, its down to people being forced off their land, and for the last 60yrs that's what has been happening

Gazza is a strip 25 miles long and 3 miles wide that's

tell me les, go and look at a map, has the size of Israel increased since it was formed in 1946? simple question , if so by how much ?

19th August 2014, 19:18
Israel was formed on which countries land Les ?

No definitive proof whose it was originally. The Jews have claimed it was theirs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Not mixing up anything - just pointing out that all the Islamic rulers want is Islamic Law to rule the world and that is a known fact.

New video footage appears to show Palestinian children in summer camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) being taught that “Jews are the Wolf,” and that they will one day conquer Israeli cities by force

Palestinian kids taught to hate Israel in UN-funded camps, says it all.

19th August 2014, 19:52
Map Les, 100 AD

You can even trace it back further :NoNo: Sure, boundaries have changed everywhere over thousands of years, but soon there will be little left.


19th August 2014, 20:30
Well, we will never know for certain who was first there - it can't be proved. Anyway I have made my argument and I'm sticking to it. Time to leave this one as we are never going to agree in a million years. :NoNo:

19th August 2014, 20:45
I think you don't see it clearly. If you were Israeli and your country had been attacked by lots of Arab states whose sole intention was wiping you off the face of the earth then you might feel differently.

You are surrounded by hostile countries so are you, just going to lie there and take it?

So do you not think if Hamas was bigger and stronger it would not take over Israel? Of course it would. That's ok is it?

If you know the Philippines' history, you will see that my Filipino ancestors did exactly what Palestinians are doing now, well, not throwing rockets - as they weren't available in those times


When the Spaniards conquered Philippines hundreds of years ago and claimed our country as theirs and tried converting them (the Filipinos) to Catholics (hence majority are now), you will probably also think that Filipinos who belong to the resistance during those times are the terrorists people refer today. The most famous resistance group that time in the Philippines was called Katipunan, headed by Andres Bonifacio, which can be equalled to Hamas if you want to put it that way in this issue


19th August 2014, 20:50
It's time for me to leave this racist site and to report it to the proper authorities with photographic evidence for what it really is.

19th August 2014, 20:55
It's time for me to leave this racist site and to report it to the proper authorities with photographic evidence for what it really is.
You clearly lack the intelligence to discern a debate from a free speaking country.

19th August 2014, 21:02
That from a man who spends all day on this site speaking total racist sh#te with others - and evenings on Filipino dating sites - and wonders why he can't find anyone.

19th August 2014, 21:04
That from a man who spends all day on this site speaking total racist sh#te with others - and evenings on Filipino dating sites - and wonders why he can't find anyone.

Ooh - want to get personal? Be my guest. I have a woman at the moment so don't need dating sites pal. :icon_lol:

19th August 2014, 21:11
If I ever move to the UK with my immigrant wife (Filipina) I hope I don't EVER have to move in next to somebody like you.

19th August 2014, 21:12
You probably wouldn't pass the Life in UK Test - it requires intelligence :icon_lol:

Definition of Racism:

Discriminating against someone for their skin colour is racist, and unfair because it's not something they can help, and has no bearing on anything to do with the qualities of that person.

A person's religion, however, is an opinion, and we do discriminate and ostracize people if their opinions are socially unacceptable. If you hated white supremacists are you a racist? No, you're not judging them on colour - you are judging them on their opinions. Islam isn't a race its a shared opinion.

The "racism" card is played when they wish to silence legitimate criticism of the more extremist views.

19th August 2014, 21:16
Whatever. You and others on here know what you really are. You should be proud of yourselves.

19th August 2014, 21:20
It's funny how you judge me so easily - I had a Muslim girlfriend for a short while :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Today, I picked up a black guy in his mid 20s and we had a great conversation. I asked if I could pose a few questions to him and he was great.

He told me about growing up in Crystal Palace and we discussed the nonsense about calling blackboards whiteboards so as not to offend. How one of the Councils instructed its staff not to ask for black coffee as it may offend (ask for coffee without milk, etc)

He laughed his head off and says as if it would offend him.
Lovely bloke - I don't judge anyone by skin colour. But by barmy religions - yes I do, and that's not Racist pal.

19th August 2014, 21:24
So you had a black guy in your cab today and spoke to him. So that makes you not a racist. I rest my case, goodnight Les.

19th August 2014, 21:25
Let's put it to the test. If anyone thinks I am a genuine racist, please say so - I don't ask for any favours just because I have been on the forum and made friends.

I speak my mind - I'm not always right, but I won't hold back on subjects I feel strongly about.

I do feel a bit guilty when it may annoy a few on here that we're always talking politics and religion, but it's so reflected in the news these days, it's hard to get away with not observing and reacting to the world around us.

So please, if anyone thinks I'm a racist please say so. I would not be offended, as in the whole scheme of things it doesn't really matter what I think :smile:

19th August 2014, 21:26
So you had a black guy in your cab today and spoke to him. So that makes you not a racist. I rest my case, goodnight Les.

If I was a racist he would not have got through the door :biggrin:

19th August 2014, 21:32
I'm glad I wasn't your Muslim girlfriend. I would have been afraid to sleep. I don't need to take the UK test as I was born there, but maybe someone close to you will one day (though I think not if they read this forum) So good luck to you mate because, speaking as someone with low intelligence, I think you might need it.

19th August 2014, 21:37
I'm glad you were not my Muslim girlfriend as you would have been a ladyboy :icon_lol::yikes:

Low intelligence? :icon_lol: I will take you on - on any subject - with no use of Google allowed

You don't even know the definition of Racism, so you have already shown, you're not up to a decent conversation :doh

19th August 2014, 21:48
Look back on your shameful racist posts, Les and grow up.

Sometimes it's better to just admit what you are in life and move on. (Intelligence?) Les, you're a taxi driver not a rocket scientist.

19th August 2014, 21:49
If you know the Philippines' history, you will see that my Filipino ancestors did exactly what Palestinians are doing now, well not throwing rockets as they weren't available in those times


When the Spaniards conquered Philippines hundreds of years ago and claimed our country as theirs and tried converting them (the Filipinos) to Catholics (hence majority are now), you will probably also think that Filipinos who belong to the resistance during those times are the terrorists people refer today. The most famous resistance group that time in the Philippines was called Katipunan, headed by Andres Bonifacio, which can be equaled to Hamas if you want to put it that way in this issue


Lithuania was only freed from the Russians and the Germans btw WW1 and WW2. Its population suffered a lot :NoNo:

four days between June 14 and June 18 of 1941 alone some 40 000 people from educated families were exiled to Siberia and Soviet labour camps (almost half of them 16 year old or younger, 556 infants under 1 year, families typically separated), most never to return alive. Others were arrested with many later tortured and massacred in places like Rainiai and Cherven.


Rainiai Massacre

According to the coroner's examination after the exhumation, both the report and the testimonies of witnesses, concurred that the Soviets cut off tongues, ears, genitals, scalps, put genitals into mouths, picked out eyes, pulled off fingernails, made belts of victims' skins to tie their hands, burned them with torches and acid, crushed bones and skulls, all done while the prisoners were still alive

Savages :mad:


And these were not Muslims who did this, Les. :NoNo:

19th August 2014, 22:07
Les, you're a taxi driver not a rocket scientist

What is your reasoning behind that comment? Have you not heard the saying, "if you want to know something ask a Taxi driver"!

Any idea what I did before Jonjo?

You're very assumptuous :doh

You still don't know the meaning of racism :doh I give up! You are not worth discussing things with. I see after nearly a year you have not got even one reputation comment. Wonder why? :icon_lol:

19th August 2014, 23:20
I will not comment on this thread any more for the sake of Forum Harmony.

Everyone has an opinion, but it has turned into a slanging match which I have got sucked into.

No point in carrying on with this subject.
No hard feelings on my part. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
20th August 2014, 02:42
:please: ... let's "call it quits", and put an end to this discussion!

20th August 2014, 02:55
:please: ... let's "call it quits", and put an end to this discussion!

Agreed Arthur!

20th August 2014, 08:19
Not closed for me though :icon_lol:

The guy in this video must be a real racist, anti-semitic, etc..... Apart from the fact he's a Jewish holocaust survivor, giving a speech at London University, against Israel. Nice guy :xxgrinning--00xx3: .... Unlike the murderous terrorist idiots that run Israel.
