View Full Version : Learning the lingo

19th August 2014, 12:51
I was just curious to know how many of you married to Filpinos have learned the language? Did you learn Tagalog or your spouses local dialect and how did you find learning it? Also if you have had children will they be bilingual (speak both languages)?

19th August 2014, 13:11
Sadly I dont speak tagalog or bisayan. But my kid speaks the two of them and english. Not bad for a 7 year old. Better than most british kids.

19th August 2014, 13:22
I have learned how to speak just about enough lingo to get me by here..
My kids go to school here so they have little choice but to learn it all.

I`m not sure why exactly, but when I catch them speaking American English it irritates me to hell..
Alooominum deserves a slap!

19th August 2014, 13:27
I would love to learn the lingo.... Unfortunately my local night classes don't seem to offer this course

19th August 2014, 14:37
I think it's a case of 'need to know'.

If you're living in the Phils you naturally pick up the local language...certainly for everyday things like shopping.

For a few years my son was bi-lingual, but I don't think he knows much Tagalog now. He just doesn't get to hear it much nowadays...and in the UK.

Then again, he would also eat any kind of food that was put in front of him...Filipino or English, when he was young. :anerikke: Not so now.