View Full Version : Filipino Voice Over for Animation

20th August 2014, 10:39
Hello Filipino UK!

I work for a company called A+C Studios in Whitstable, Kent and we recently produced three pieces of animation to be part of a film for a charity event to highlight world issues. Unfortunately the film was cancelled after we had produced the animations, so sound was never completed on them.

What we would like to do however is complete these films, as we feel they are important and we would like people to see them. Each needs a narrated voice over, and one of the animations is about the tragic flooding in Tacloban. We are looking for a young Filipino male, preferably in the Kent area who might like to get involved with the project.

There is no set deadline for this as we are not making any profit on completing these films, and we are very flexible. The narration does not really require any specific acting skill, really we just need someone with the right dialect. We can bring portable recording equipment to a location in Kent, or provide transport costs if they need to come to us. The artist will of course be credited when we showcase the films.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Stuart Clark
Head of Production
A+C Studios