View Full Version : Want to marry a Filipina? Bill seeks additional requirements on foreign boyfriends

20th August 2014, 20:33
Do you think this is a good idea? :xxgrinning--00xx3: OR :thumbsdown:

= = =

Want to marry a Filipina? Bill seeks additional requirements on foreign boyfriends
By DJ Yap |Philippine Daily Inquirer7:46 pm | Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

MANILA, Philippines–Want to marry a Filipina? Submit an employment certificate and a certificate of good moral character first.
A bill pending in the House of Representatives sets certain requirements before male foreigners can wed Filipino women. The proposed legislation, according to the author, seeks to protect Filipino women from exploitation.

The House approved on second reading House Bill 2387 prescribing additional requirements for interracial unions after it received sponsorship in the committee on revision of laws chaired by Pangasinan Rep. Marlyn Primicias-Agabas.

The bill was a substitute for House Bill 2387 authored by Cebu Rep. Gwendolyn F. Garcia, who described her measure as protection against “vagabonds or social and moral derelicts in their own country” and whose real motive is to abuse Filipino women.

The original version amends Article 66 of the Civil Code, which requires foreigners to submit a certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage to be issued by diplomatic or consular officials.
The new version will revise Article 21 of the Family Code, a more recent law amending sections of the old one.

“The bill shall protect Filipino women against exploitation of foreigners who marry without evident means to support a family,” Primicias-Agabas said.
Garcia cited a need to protect Filipinas from foreigners whose “real motive for marriage is only to take advantage and exploit our women by making them work for the family and worse, by sending them to prostitution and other degrading and dehumanizing occupations.”

“The exploitation of our Filipino women, through the so-called mail-order or pen-pal, Facebook, website-made, and other internet-made marriages, has not only caused untold miseries and suffering to our Filipino women but it has also brought dishonor and disgrace to the Filipino womanhood,” she said.

The bill requires prospective foreign husbands to provide a certificate of good moral character and a certificate that he has a gainful trade, business, employment or other lawful source of incometo be issued by his country’s diplomatic or consular official.

The two new certificates are in addition to the existing requirement of a certificate of legal capacity.

Garcia’s co-authors to the bill are Representatives Henry Oaminal of Misamis Occidental, Ibarra Gutierrez III of Akbayan, Nicasio Aliping Jr. of Baguio City, Rodel Batocabe of Ako Bicol, Silvestre Bello III of 1 BAP, Al Francis Bichara of Albay, Arthur Defensor Jr. of Iloilo), Evelina Escudero of Sorsogon, Elisa Kho of Masbate, and Roman Romulo of Pasig City.

Source: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/109677/want-to-marry-a-filipina-bill-seeks-additional-requirements-on-foreign-boyfriends

20th August 2014, 22:42
What can they say about the Filipino/Filipina scammers? They should know that it goes two ways. :crazy:

20th August 2014, 23:00
What can they say about the Filipino/Filipina scammers? They should know that it goes two ways. :crazy:

Exactly Rayna couldn't agree more...:smile:

All this will do will put off guys who genuinely want to find a girl in the Phils and look elsewhere.

Its a shame for the genuine filipinas because us guys have enough to go through without all this extra.....:furious3:


Arthur Little
20th August 2014, 23:42
Exactly Rayna couldn't agree more...:smile:

All this will do will put off guys who genuinely want to find a girl in the Phils and look elsewhere.

Its a shame for the genuine filipinas because us guys have enough to go through without all this extra.....:furious3:


:iagree:, Mark! Reasonable enough concept - in principle - I suppose ... :anerikke: ... but, as you (rightly) say, British suitors already have more than enough red tape to contend with at the behest of our own Embassy ... without another bureaucratic innovation to add to the current CFO palaver in the Philippines.

21st August 2014, 00:49
So when I marry Sheina in November I now need this as well ?

Arthur Little
21st August 2014, 00:56
So when I marry Sheina in November I now need this as well ?

No, I don't (think) so, Philip ... since the legislation doesn't appear to've been passed yet. :NoNo:

21st August 2014, 01:11
It says approved..

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h61/cheekee_munkee/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg (http://s61.photobucket.com/user/cheekee_munkee/media/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg.html)

(image taken from the submitted official document)

21st August 2014, 01:15
Certificate of employment I can understand but who the hell do I go to for a certificate of good character.

What dies it mean by a consular official, Will my parish priest do ?

21st August 2014, 01:16
I'm in shock, please dont be true :(

Arthur Little
21st August 2014, 01:47
It says approved..

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h61/cheekee_munkee/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg (http://s61.photobucket.com/user/cheekee_munkee/media/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg.html)

Hmm ... :yeahthat: contradicts the link provided, viz-

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer, dated Wednesday August 20, 2014


1st sentence of Paragraph 2 clearly states:

"A bill pending in the House of Representatives sets certain requirements before male foreigners can wed Filipino women ..." :ReadIt: please.

21st August 2014, 01:54
But then it says in third chapter:

The House "approved" on second reading House Bill 2387 prescribing additional requirements for interracial unions after it received sponsorship in the committee on revision of laws chaired by Pangasinan Rep. Marlyn Primicias-Agabas.

Doesnt approved mean the same as passed ?

Arthur Little
21st August 2014, 02:37
It says approved..

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h61/cheekee_munkee/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg (http://s61.photobucket.com/user/cheekee_munkee/media/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg.html)

(image taken from the submitted official document)

But then it says in third chapter:

The House "approved" on second reading House Bill 2387 prescribing additional requirements for interracial unions after it received sponsorship in the committee on revision of laws chaired by Pangasinan Rep. Marlyn Primicias-Agabas.

Yes ... you're right, it does :icon_sorry: ... I should be :NEW5: at this ungodly hour instead of slogging away here as if I were on nightshift. :biggrin:

Doesnt approved mean the same as passed ?

Yep, normally it does, but there again ... :anerikke: ... we're talking about the Philippines ...

... where, I believe most pieces of newly-approved legislation have, in turn, to be ratified by the Senate.

Hopefully, :pray: in this instance, my hunch proves correct. :wink:

21st August 2014, 02:49
Yes ... you're right, it does :icon_sorry: ... I should be :NEW5: at this ungodly hour instead of slogging away here as if I were on nightshift. :biggrin:

Good morning Arthur. Nice to see you up during my time zone!

21st August 2014, 06:39
But then it says in third chapter:

The House "approved" on second reading House Bill 2387 prescribing additional requirements for interracial unions after it received sponsorship in the committee on revision of laws chaired by Pangasinan Rep. Marlyn Primicias-Agabas.

Doesnt approved mean the same as passed ?



Michael Parnham
21st August 2014, 06:52
Becoming even more complicated!:Erm:

21st August 2014, 13:34
Certificate of employment I can understand but who the hell do I go to for a certificate of good character.

What dies it mean by a consular official, Will my parish priest do ?

I would have thought it's available from the Disclosures and Barring Service


21st August 2014, 13:44
Clearly racist and discriminatory, but then... it's the Philippines. :anerikke:

We're just some of the awful foreigners whose money keeps their country from bankruptcy and many of their politicians in luxury.

21st August 2014, 14:07
Clearly racist and discriminatory, but then... it's the Philippines. :anerikke:

We're just some of the awful foreigners whose money keeps their country from bankruptcy and many of their politicians in luxury.

True, why don't they apply these rules to Filipino men too - or don't they abuse their partners :NoNo:

21st August 2014, 14:54
Do you think minor criminal convictions like theft or car offences that might show up will stop you from marrying a filipina then?

21st August 2014, 15:42
I was doing some research on how laws are passed in the Philippines...

I found this.

The various steps in the passage of a bill:

1. First Reading - Any member of either house may present a proposed bill, signed by him, for First Reading and reference to the proper committee. During the First Reading, the principal author of the bill may propose the inclusion of additional authors thereof.

2. Referral to Appropriate Committee - Immediately after the First Reading, the bill is referred to the proper committee or committees for study and consideration. If disapproved in the committee, the bill dies a natural death unless the House decides other wise, following the submission of the report.

3. Second Reading - If the committee reports the bill favorably, the bills is forwarded to the Committee on Rules so that it may be calendared for deliberation on Second Reading. At this stage, the bill is read for the second time in its entirely, together with the amendments, if any, proposed by the committee, unless the reading is dispensed with by a majority vote of the House.

4. Debates - A general debate is then opened after the Second Reading and amendments may be proposed by any member of Congress. The insertion of changes or amendments shall be done in accordance with the rules of either House. The House may either "kill" or pass the bill.

5. Printing and Distribution - After approval of the bill on Second Reading, the bills is then ordered printed in its final form and copies of it are distributed among the members of the House three days before its passage, except when the bill was certified by the President. A bill approved on Second Reading shall be included in the calendar of bills for Third Reading.

6. Third Reading - At this stage, only the title of the bill is read. Upon the last reading of a bill, no amendment thereto is allowed and the vote thereon is taken immediately thereafter, and yeas and nays entered in the journal. A member may abstain. As a rule, a majority of the members constituting a quorum is sufficient to pass a bill.

7. Referral to the Other House - If approved, the bill is then referred to the other House where substantially the same procedure takes place.

8. Submission to Joint Bicameral Committee - Differences, if any, between the House's bill and the Senate's amended version, and vice versa are submitted to a conference committee of members of both Houses for compromise. If either House accepts the changes made by the other, no compromise is necessary.

9. Submission to the President - A bill approved on Third Reading by both Houses shall be printed and forthwith transmitted to the President for his action - approval or disapproval. If the President does not communicate his veto of any bill to the House where it originated within 30 days from receipt thereof, it shall become a law as if he signed it. Bill repassed by Congress over the veto of the President automatically becomes a law.

So I guess its just got passed its second reading...

I wonder how long the rest of the process will take.

Arthur Little
21st August 2014, 17:41
I was doing some research on how laws are passed in the Philippines...

Body of text (see previous post)

So I guess it's just passed its second reading...

Hmm ... :yeahthat: would seem to tie~in with my interpretation regarding the powers of the Senate.

I wonder how long the rest of the process will take.

Hopefully [again, :pray:!] with the speed of "Snail Mail" ... so there's every chance you and Sheina should still be in luck for your November:wedtoss:

21st August 2014, 17:56
It says approved..

http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h61/cheekee_munkee/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg (http://s61.photobucket.com/user/cheekee_munkee/media/Misc/NewMarraigelaw.jpg.html)

(image taken from the submitted official document)

It has been amended !!
So, does this mean there would be no more CFO and Guidance Counselling for the Spouses and Fiance of Foreign nationals who wants to settle abroad ?? :Erm:.... it's another rip off !!

21st August 2014, 18:12
This is opening a can of worms :cwm25:

So not only does the UK gov want evidence you can support your spouse, it looks like you cant marry without a certificate that he has a gainful trade, business, employment or other lawful source of income, issued by his country’s diplomatic or consular official. does the person just have to have a job? will there be a minimum income required or minimum amount of savings? This will cost extra and take time.

As for a certificate of good moral character :cwm25: who's going to decide this :cwm25: again extra fees and time :NoNo:

This might backfire and could do the opposite of what they want, filipina's marrying by the backdoor, eg marrying on visit visas, going back and applying for a settlement visa, that's if they can find a way around the CFO sticker :cwm25:

21st August 2014, 18:21
Meanwhile the greedy Phils govt. and their banker chums will continue to encourage the (normally captive) population to go off to work as slaves for abusive employers in stone age countries. :NoNo:

21st August 2014, 19:46
I wonder if there could be a problem here: :cwm25:

Article 16.

(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.


21st August 2014, 23:18
This is like crab mentality in reverse and an illustration of Filipino pride in action.
The rich and famous at the top of the barrel pushing the rest back in.
This congress woman doesn't like terms like "mail order bride" or "Skype relationships".
She is above such things and is ashamed of her fellow female Kababayan putting her and her ilk to shame.
She has no clue that in the rest of the world there is no such thing as a "certificate of good moral character"!!
Can you imagine going to the home office and asking for one? :icon_lol:
Stupid woman.

21st August 2014, 23:52
Fred, you're right on the button mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The same ridiculous attitude led to the American bases being closed, with the loss of many thousands of good jobs and associated businesses.

Now they want them back to defend them from big bully China. :NoNo:

Does our proud nation have any problem with the US armed forces based in our country ? Nope.

Arthur Little
21st August 2014, 23:55
Good morning Arthur. Nice to see you up during my time zone!

Good Evening, Fred. Tonight I'm actually posting in the proper timezone :Erm: ... just! :biggrin:

Just wanted you to know :iagree: with everything you've said in #26 ... stupid woman!

22nd August 2014, 00:11
Fred, you're right on the button mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The same ridiculous attitude led to the American bases being closed, with the loss of many thousands of good jobs and associated businesses.

Now they want them back to defend them from big bully China. :NoNo:

Does our proud nation have any problem with the US armed forces based in our country ? Nope.

I read somewhere that the R.P signed the UN charter which uphold`s the right to marry without limitations.
Perhaps those to be affected by this law (If its passed) should get together and advise the UN.

22nd August 2014, 00:13
Good Evening, Fred. Tonight I'm actually posting in the proper timezone :Erm: ... just! :biggrin:

Just wanted you to know :iagree: with everything you've said in #26 ... stupid woman!

Good morning Arthur!! Thanks BTW!

22nd August 2014, 00:21
I read somewhere that the R.P signed the UN charter which uphold`s the right to marry without limitations.
Perhaps those to be affected by this law (If its passed) should get together and advise the UN.

I wonder if they signed the one about divorce. :Erm:

22nd August 2014, 00:45
I wonder if they signed the one about divorce. :Erm:

No..They are only authorized to sign that one via their proxy..
The Pope.

Arthur Little
22nd August 2014, 00:48
I wonder if they signed the one about divorce. :Erm:

:gp: AGAIN, Graham ... :yeahthat:'d be more like the thing!

Now ... assuming the motives of the proponents of this bill are truly genuine ... then surely the best way forward would be to protect the interests of those ladies trapped in abusive marriages, by making it
a darned sight easier for them to extract themselves from such a horrendous domestic situation. :mad:

22nd August 2014, 11:48
My guess is, some foreigners have abused the women out there but, yet again, the genuine ones will have to pay the price. If it comes to it, a good character reference I suppose could be obtained from the police, ie CRB but my fear is this will be another expense.

Harry T
22nd August 2014, 13:25
Definitely another expense and another delay. After all, we here in the UK already have to have a minimum income of £18,600, so I guess this means a DRB check now also.

It will only put people off marrying a Filipino, as has already been said.

What about Filipinos working abroad as slave labour? That's where more of the focus should be, and it would be far more beneficial to the people concerned and the Philippines' Economy.

22nd August 2014, 15:06
As you all should know by now, the Philippine government is made up mostly of hypocrites. Just take the all so controversial, never been passed Divorce Law. Keep the "family union" (as influenced by the Catholic Church) even if two people are clearly unhappy together, or one of the parties (in most cases the woman) is being abused but can't do anything about it because there is no sure and cheap way to get out of the so-called marriage.

Arthur Little
22nd August 2014, 15:24
Just take the all so controversial, never been passed Divorce Law. Keep the "family union" (as influenced by the Catholic Church) even if two people are clearly unhappy together, or one of the parties (in most cases the woman) is being abused but can't do anything about it because there is no sure and cheap way to get out of the so-called marriage.

:olddude: ... precisely my point in #33! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
22nd August 2014, 15:48
:olddude: ... precisely my point in #33! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:poke: ... high time the lily~livered Filipino politicians stood up to the dictatorial hierarchy in the Church of Rome and defied its archaic doctrines ... just as the Tudor King Henry VIII did (albeit, admittedly, for less honorable reasons!!!) some 41/2 centuries ago.

22nd August 2014, 21:07
Tell you what, they want to defend their women - well make a start by forbidding them to travel to certain toilet states, to be treated worse than slaves?

22nd August 2014, 22:26
Like I said in earlier post it puts us guys off from marrying a filipina and to go elsewhere.

It's a shame that there are many genuine girls out there and I also know it works both ways there are scammers also as well as westerners who use these girls for degrading purposes.

Mmm...a funny one this, lets just see the potential outcome...:doh

23rd August 2014, 01:19
From what I can tell, this has not been passed into law just yet.

If it ever was, then the best way around it would be to get married in another ASIAN country - like Thailand or HK - instead of R.P.

23rd August 2014, 03:38
The Philippines is becoming a very insular country
As long as new rules match what a typical Pinoy male earns :biggrin:
Of course it will not be and who sets these targets anyway?

Probably down to the fact that "whiteys" get the pick of the best looking woman and the typical local pinoy don't even get a look in = more red horse diba

Will these new rules apply to pinoy males also = of course not!

23rd August 2014, 04:05
Will these new rules apply to pinoy males also = of course not!

Why should they??

Filipino`s are decent law abiding proud people.

Not ugly,arrogant undesirables like us!:icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
23rd August 2014, 06:02
Why should they??

Filipino`s are decent law abiding proud people.

Not ugly,arrogant undesirables like us!:icon_lol:

Hold on Fred, I would have thought all the guys on this Forum are decent, law abiding people and handsome, loving, caring, too! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2014, 07:00
Hold on Fred, I would have thought all the guys on this Forum are decent law abiding people and handsome, loving, caring, too! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well according to Gwendolyn F. Garcia we are all potential "vagabonds" and should be vetted as such!

23rd August 2014, 07:04
Well according to Gwendolyn F. Garcia we are all potential "vagabonds" and should be vetted as such!

Guilty as charged your honour :engflag:

23rd August 2014, 08:20
Well according to Gwendolyn F. Garcia we are all potential "vagabonds" and should be vetted as such!

That's how the British gov sees us too!! :NoNo:

Doesn't Garcia know the British gov already has a minimum financial requirement to bring your spouse here :doh

23rd August 2014, 08:34
That's how the British gov sees us too!! :NoNo:

Doesn't Garcia know the British gov already has a minimum financial requirement to bring your spouse here :doh

She probably does, but I don't think it's specific to British. Not sure what the spousal visa requirements are for other countries :Erm:

23rd August 2014, 09:09
USA same as UK,

Proof of Financial Support and Affidavit of Support forms

During the visa interview, applicants will be required to present evidence to the Consular Officer that they will not become a public charge in the United States. You may present evidence that you are able to financially support yourself or that your U.S. citizen spouse is able to provide support. The Consular Officer may request that a Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, be submitted by the U.S. citizen spouse.

You have to have an income of 125% of the current Federal poverty guideline for your household size,

AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Persons in family/household Poverty guideline
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $4,060 for each additional person.

1 $11,670
2 15,730
3 19,790


Looks a lot lower than the £18k6 a Brit needs :cwm25: looks around £13k for a couple

Arthur Little
23rd August 2014, 10:01
Hold on Fred, I would have thought all the guys on this Forum are decent, law abiding people and handsome, loving, caring, too! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:cwm25: Michael, :cwm24: ... you speak for yourself! :icon_lol:

23rd August 2014, 11:35
If the British Government are getting all they can from us trying to earn an honest few bob and to live happily with whoever you marry, then I can't blame the Philis Government trying to get in on the act and screw us too. Just my thoughts.

Ako Si Jamie
23rd August 2014, 23:51
If I was to find another Pinay, I would either meet one in this country or live in the Philippines as Bf/Gf. It's bad enough dodging the bullets without having to wrestle with yet more red tape.

Arthur Little
24th August 2014, 00:29
If I was to find another Pinay, I would either meet one in this country or live in the Philippines as Bf/Gf. It's bad enough dodging the bullets without having to wrestle with yet more red tape.

:gp:, Jamie ... and a very warm :welcomex: back to the fold! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
24th August 2014, 00:37
Salamat Arth.

What was it like in Perth when St Johnstone won the Cup in May? I bet it was buzzing!

Arthur Little
24th August 2014, 00:53
Salamat Arth.

What was it like in Perth when St Johnstone won the Cup in May? I bet it was buzzing!

Yup ... it sure was, mate! "O' When The Saints Go Marchin' In" took on a whole new significance, culminating in the jubilantly triumphant team being driven around the streets of the City Centre - atop a gaily decorated float - proudly holding aloft, :Hellooo: the :icon_win:, the following afternoon.

24th August 2014, 01:10
Hi guys,

Has this bill been actually passed?

24th August 2014, 02:32
Hi guys,

Has this bill been actually passed?

Dont think so.. Pretty sure it needs to be read by the senate.