View Full Version : Richard Attenborough Dies

25th August 2014, 02:42
One of my favourite actors has died.


25th August 2014, 06:12
One of my favourite actors has died.

I enjoyed the films he was in.
R I P.

Michael Parnham
25th August 2014, 06:18
Great Actor, RIP!

25th August 2014, 09:11
10 Rillington Place - sent shivers down mine spine :yikes:

25th August 2014, 09:28
I hope they show all his films in tribute

25th August 2014, 09:35
Spent the end of his days in a home, stuck in a wheelchair. No matter how much money you make in life, we all get old.

25th August 2014, 09:58
Spent the end of his days in a home, stuck in a wheelchair. No matter how much money you make in life, we all get old.

Living alone makes me wonder what my final years/months will be like :Erm:

As the youngest sibling I could be the last to go?

My feelings now are I would not want to be in a home, but do we realise we are when it comes to it.

My eldest sister has just died in one, at least you are fed and watered but it it depressed me going into the place.
Mick. :cwm25:

Arthur Little
25th August 2014, 11:33
RIP, Richard Attenborough ... his brother, David - the great naturalist - is now the only survivor :cwm24: of three siblings, the youngest, John (an executive in the Motor Trade) being the first to die two years ago.

25th August 2014, 11:35
RIP, Richard Attenborough ... his brother, David - the great naturalist - is now the only survivor :cwm24: of three siblings, the youngest, John (an executive in the Motor Trade) being the first to die two years ago.

A decent innings for them all though. :smile:

25th August 2014, 11:40
Living alone makes me wonder what my final years/months will be like :Erm:

As the youngest sibling I could be the last to go?

My feelings now are I would not want to be in a home, but do we realise we are when it comes to it?

My eldest sister has just died in one, at least you are fed and watered but it it depressed me going into the place.
Mick. :cwm25:

I have a loose plan on this. If I'm knackered, no way do I want to be :censored: my pants in a nursing home watching others die.

I will spend my money on drugs, fags and alcohol and go out with a hooker banging my brains out while playing happiness is a warm gun :biggrin:

Arthur Little
25th August 2014, 11:58
A decent innings for them all though. :smile:

Oh, :iagree: ... ALL of them living well~beyond their biblically-"allotted span" - :olddude: 'Dickie' being almost 91!

And David, at 88, looks in fair shape for a good few years yet. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th August 2014, 20:23
Darn good actor and director.

Folks like him will never be replaced.

I liked a lot of his movies and have them on an external drive.
A couple that really grab me and worth watching over again are Brighton Rock and Flight of the Phoenix. Plenty other great movies but these two stick in my mind for some reason.

RIP Richard Attenborough

25th August 2014, 22:00
RIP a very fine actor and director and not forgetting Life President of Chelsea FC.

Very difficult to choose a favourite as he starred in a few classics, but I did like his portrayal of Christie in 10 Rillington Place.

25th August 2014, 22:50
but I did like his portrayal of Christie in 10 Rillington Place.
One of Fav films of all time - he was chilling and convincing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th August 2014, 10:23