View Full Version : Forum harmony

27th August 2014, 12:26
Typing as I think, so please excuse the lack of a well constructed rant.

1. Let's all try and remember where we are and the one thing that brings us all here, Filipinouk :xxgrinning--00xx3: says it all really doesn't it :Erm:

2. Politics: We all have our opinions, some agree and some don't and admittedly I'm one of the first to bite but sometimes it's better to bite your tongue rather than have a kneejerk reaction.

3. Religion: Again different opinions and all valid. Can we try and not confuse race with religion and then bring xenophobic attitudes into discussions :Erm:

There seems to be a lot of back-stabbing going on at the moment, and for this forum to grow surely we should be encouraging new members rather than pushing the existing ones away. :smile:

Only 2 more points:-

Keith, I'm surprised you haven't made any comments to what's going on, but there again, maybe you're biting your tongue - in which case you have my admiration - it's not something I could have done.

Fred, post some more jokes for goodness sake, we all need a good laugh. :biggrin:

27th August 2014, 12:36
Separate politics/religion section required.

We all have opinions. Without differing ones there would be no freedom or justice in this world...only apathy and tyranny.

27th August 2014, 12:46
Something I suggested the other day, but apparently I'm always wrong.

27th August 2014, 12:48
He's gone now Les.

Maybe Keith will organise a little moaning and groaning section for us old fuddy duddies :biggrin:...minimum post count required. :wink:

27th August 2014, 12:57
Horrid racist Gra with his kids...:smile:



27th August 2014, 13:13
Horrid racist Gra with his kids...

Sorry Graham..That picture will not do at all!!..
Do you have something a little more incriminating?

27th August 2014, 13:37
Sorry...no. :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th August 2014, 13:42
Sorry...no. :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

And you had BETTER not!!


27th August 2014, 13:51
Politics and religion, always turns from debate into arguments. :cwm25:

27th August 2014, 13:57
politics and religon, always turns from debate to arguments. :cwm25:

No it doesn't :wink:

27th August 2014, 14:02
Keith has lots of things to do than comment on politics and religion all the time. :xxaction-smiley-047

In fact, no one should even be talking about religion here, as has always been what he kept on saying in the past. But a few are still posting it! :doh

As for me, I'm done with all the bitching and ranting here about politics and religion. :thumbsdown:

27th August 2014, 14:08
Keith has lots of things to do than comment on politics and religion all the time. :xxaction-smiley-047

In fact, no one should even be talking about religion here, as has always been what he kept on saying in the past. But a few are still posting it! :doh

As for me, I'm done with all the bitching and ranting here about politics and religion. :thumbsdown:

My advice would be to put these topics in another section that those willing to partake in either Politics or religion will have to sign up for..Any new topics that do not adhere will be moved there by Admin or mods.
Job done IMO.

27th August 2014, 14:13
No it doesn't :wink:

Oh yes it does :icon_lol:

27th August 2014, 14:55
We don't need another section as religion is generally avoided on here, although obviously with the UK being a Christian country (not), and the Philippines Catholic, it will be mentioned now and again, but it is not allowed to be a thread topic.

As for politics, it's all a joke, and should be treated as such.

If we start deleting/editing/closing threads when people have different views, people would complain. If we let people bitch, people complain. It is difficult trying to find the middle ground, as it needs to be done on a thread by thread basis.

27th August 2014, 15:34
Oh yes it does :icon_lol:

Behiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind you!!!!!!

27th August 2014, 20:56
Not everyone on here is part of the Daily Mail / UKIP brigade, but sometimes it appears otherwise!

As for religion, it is a difficult topic. We can't even agree about it in our own house! But I'll continue to post about religion where it is relevant to a particular topic.

However, I like the idea of a secular forum. It's a shame our schools can't be the same. :wink::biggrin:

27th August 2014, 21:19
As long as everyone understands that I am always right, even when I am wrong, everything will be just fine. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
21st September 2014, 19:59
This is the only forum I post on now. Apart from political threads getting overcooked at times and the odd wayward comment from members and forum henchmen alike :wink:, it's pretty much spot on at the moment. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
22nd September 2014, 06:33
I think it's pretty well balanced, nothing to worry about really and after all we are adults so we should be able to handle any topic that arises, I'm well happy! :xxgrinning--00xx3: