View Full Version : ESOL Level 2

28th August 2014, 17:52
Hi all

MY wife's English is not the best in the world but she got the required pass in IELTS to be here on a fiancee visa. Now we are married and she has her FLR /Resident's permit.

I know she needs another exam for the ILR visa, so I sent her off to enrol at College today. They tested her ability and put her on an ESOL Entry level 2 course. I've got a feeling you need ESOL 3, but I'm a bit confused by it all now. Her FLR runs out 18th March 2016

Cheers Baz

28th August 2014, 18:04
What are her grades/scores in her IELTS for Speaking & Listening? If it's 4.0 and above, no need to retake the English test. She can use that for her ILR application and even for the Citizenship.

28th August 2014, 18:17

Isn't IELTS only valid for 2 years? I thought I read that somewhere? But anyhow, her scores were Listening 4.5, Reading 3.0, Writing 5.5 and speaking 4.0, so I think it's a fail anyway as reading is below 4 ???



28th August 2014, 18:36
The current rules state that for IELTS, with results of at least B1 level (4.0) and above in Speaking and Listening ONLY, UKVI will accept the test certificate even if it's already expired.

Go to this thread http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/48802-Changes-to-knowledge-of-language-and-life-requirements-and-application-details/page3 and read post #65 onwards.

29th August 2014, 16:34
Hi Raynaputi

You are right, I followed your link and also asked the question to the Home Office. Their reply is below:

Your wife’s IELTS certificate would currently be accepted as she has an overall score of 4+.

I cannot confirm that this certificate will be accepted in 2016. You will need to research this nearer to the time.

Kind regards

Gemma Parle
Nationality and Settlement Operational Policy | Immigration & Border Policy | Home Office

Sent: 28 August 2014 19:24
To: Settlement Ops Policy Mailbox
Subject: English test IELTS

Dear Sir / Madam,

May I have some clarification on the use of an IELTS test certificate issued in December 2012, my wife currently has a residents permit which will expire March 2016, the scores on the IELTS are Listening = 4.5 Reading = 3.0 Writing = 5.5 and Speaking = 4.0. the overall band score is 4.5

Is this certificate, which was taken and issued in the Philippines and used for the initial fiancé visa and FLR visa, sufficient for an application being made in 2016 for ILR ?

The email address I used was
