View Full Version : Tory MP defects to UKIP

28th August 2014, 20:30
Thought I would post this seeing as neither Dedworth nor Simon has. :biggrin:


28th August 2014, 20:33
Good luck to the bloke I hope he wins the by election. He's got the balls to resign from office - unlike the trough feeding Labour career politician in S Yorks

28th August 2014, 20:38
I hope he wins as well :wink:. He's abandoning ship for the right reasons :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Pity you can't see through Cameron and his cronies like the the rest of us can. As for Mrs May I would want to get away from her as well. :icon_lol:

28th August 2014, 20:58
I hope he wins as well :wink:. He's abandoning ship for the right reasons :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Pity you can't see through Cameron and his cronies like the the rest of us can. As for Mrs May I would want to get away from her as well.:icon_lol:

Well, the great British public don't trust Cameron :cwm25:

This morning’s YouGov poll for the Sun has topline figures of CON 33%, LAB 37%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 13%

Les, when do your tea leaves predict the Cons will be in the lead? I've been waiting since Budget Day! :cwm25:

28th August 2014, 21:05
Yes Joe, reading the comments that people wrote in the Mail, it's worrying times for them. :biggrin:

28th August 2014, 21:13
This is great news!

They'll split the right wing vote and neither will get elected! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th August 2014, 21:15
UKIP will take at least 8 seats from the Tories. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th August 2014, 23:30
Another sensible chap. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th August 2014, 08:04
Les, when do your tea leaves predict the Cons will be in the lead? I've been waiting since Budget Day

Much closer to polling day - it will be another coalition government. Tory/UKIP would be good for the country.

29th August 2014, 08:05
CON 33%, LAB 37%
Even taking UKIP into account Labours lead is dropping faster than a whore's knickers :action-smiley-081:

29th August 2014, 08:08
Even taking UKIP into account Labours lead is dropping faster than a whore's knickers :action-smiley-081:

Why? What was it before, Les?

Can you post some where the Tories were in front, Les? :wink:

29th August 2014, 08:55
I'm talking about Labour's lead plummeting not the Tories - and you should know the party in government never leads in the opinion polls :icon_lol:

29th August 2014, 09:07
Good to see an MP having the balls to do the right thing for a change, instead of grovelling to those above him.

29th August 2014, 12:35
Good to see an MP having the balls to do the right thing for a change, instead of grovelling to those above him.

Yep good on him :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th August 2014, 12:38
I see Jeremy Vine and his biased Beeb radio show are trying to wind up UKIP and put their slant on this right now. :NoNo:

I am not interested in the opinion of the bloody BBC !

Arthur Little
29th August 2014, 13:07
Like many like~minded souls ... I voted UKIP at the European Elections in May because of its commitment to taking :Britain: out of the EEC.

Having since heard rumours that its Deputy Leader, Paul Nuttal is in favour of NHS privatisation, however ... I've quickly :Bolt: changed my tune!

So ... :anerikke: ... on that basis ... I hope Tory defector, Douglas Carswell loses at the by-election in October.

30th August 2014, 09:28
A lot of the NHS has already been privatised due to Tory policy Arthur. My dad just had a new lens put in his eye in a private hospital, care of the NHS. This is now commonplace for thousands every day.

30th August 2014, 10:32
A lot of the NHS has already been privatised due to Tory policy Arthur. My dad just had a new lens put in his eye in a private hospital, care of the NHS. This is now commonplace for thousands every day.

:crazy: I wonder what they charged the NHS for that, and how much it would have cost the local hospital to do it, I don't know of any private hospitals that are not for profit :doh

30th August 2014, 11:45
All parties know the NHS as it stands cannot go on, all parties know deep down it has to change, be privatised with all but the poorest having to buy medical insurance for one suggestion - but all parties know whoever is the one to make this move, will be committing political suicide.

I'm just glad I don't have to make that decision, I'd make a rotten politician anyway, because I listen to people, I actually like most people I meet, I live in not the best area of town, and I know what it's like for workers to struggle day by day.
I'm very out of touch with the political elite :wink:

30th August 2014, 11:54
By the way, it's not necessarily my political view, but what I really REALLY don't get, is why UKIP and the Tories are fighting each other.
UKIP want out of the EU. The Tories have promised a referendum on this - it might not go the way UKIP want, but the people will decide (If the Tories keep their promise, and be serious - it would at this stage be very difficult for them to go back on this as they've bleated on about it so much)

The LibDems and Labour are dead against any referendum. All research seems to suggest the Tories lose more votes to UKIP in target seats (Not across the country, Labour lose almost as many votes, but it's target seats which matter). What is likely is the Tories failing to take target seats due to UKIP, letting in Labour who will refuse to allow a referendum.

Political bias aside, the Tories have always seemed to be the worst party for fighting for personal gain, and go hang the consequential damage to the party as a whole.

One of the few things I could say was good about Tony Blair, he managed to stop Labour airing their dirty laundry, and knowing some local Labour members, there was an awful lot of that. He was hated, but they kept it behind closed doors.

30th August 2014, 12:03
Don't forget Cameron is Pro Europe, also UKIP have taken votes from Labour and the Libs, but I think you're right, they've taken more votes off the Tories.

30th August 2014, 13:11
There is no way that any of our major political parties will be having a referendum on Europe within the next 5 years.

You may quote me on that after the next General Election.

30th August 2014, 19:02
UKIP won't join up with the Tories because of Cameron's insults towards them. Besides, the Tories DO NOT want to come out of Europe. Yes, they will give you a referendum, but they will play the scare tactics card so that people will vote to stay in. On the NHS subject, I disagree. I think it doesn't need privatising, it just needs changes to the management. Too many getting too much money. And look after our own instead of giving the illegals treatment for free.

30th August 2014, 19:50
Yes they will give you a referendum

Thank you for that Quote - that's all we want- a choice unlike Labour.
Scare tactics are irrelevant - it's like with the Scots now, they won't leave coz of financial loss.

The Tories will say we will be worse off - that may be true - but I want out and at least I can vote that.

30th August 2014, 21:19
UKIP......... Tory extremists :Erm:

30th August 2014, 22:21
Thank you for that Quote - that's all we want -a choice unlike Labour.

Scare tactics are irrelevant - it's like with the Scots now, they wont leave coz of financial loss.

The Tories will say we will be worse off - that may be true - but I want out and at least I can vote that.

You'll not get a referendum until Cameron has tried to fix the problems with the EU first, he's already been told that not much will change, so how long is going to try and 'fix' it for? :NoNo:

31st August 2014, 00:51
He would try to negotiate better terms - he will get a few crumbs and then ask us what we want to do - that's all I ask for.

31st August 2014, 00:52
UKIP......... Tory extremists :Erm:

UKIP/Tory Alliance I like the sound of - no extremism but certain things would get sorted. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2014, 07:36
Cameron faces Ukip by-election bloodbath: Party set to win first Commons seat after shock poll reveals Farage's staggering 44-point lead over the Tories

More here:-

31st August 2014, 07:45
The Tories have only promised a vote, they have not said that they will abide by it. What will happen is what happened in Ireland a few years ago, that is Cameron's plan.

You get a vote, it is NO. We stay in the EU anyway, but Cameron uses the vote to negotiate. He gets some concessions, and we all vote again. If it's a NO, more concessions, and another vote. Until, like the Irish, we get fed up and vote YES. Cameron has no intention of leaving the EU, and never will. I'm saying that as a Tory voter last time. If you want a definite OUT, then the only option is UKIP. They'll get into power, so again, we will remain in the EU.

31st August 2014, 08:17
The Tories have only promised a vote, they have not said that they will abide by it. What will happen is what happened in Ireland a few years ago, that is Cameron's plan.

You get a vote, it is NO. We stay in the EU anyway, but Cameron uses the vote to negotiate. He gets some concessions, and we all vote again. If it's a NO, more concessions, and another vote. Until, like the Irish, we get fed up and vote YES. Cameron has no intention of leaving the EU, and never will. I'm saying that as a Tory voter last time. If you want a definite OUT, then the only option is UKIP. They'll get into power, so again, we will remain in the EU.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: He said a number of times he's pro Europe, so he would delay any vote for as long as possible, but some in his party have had enough and will defect to UKIP where they will have a vote.

Backing for Ukip in Clacton is at an astonishing 64 per cent, while Tory support has crashed by 33 points.


31st August 2014, 09:52
The Tories have only promised a vote, they have not said that they will abide by it. What will happen is what happened in Ireland a few years ago, that is Cameron's plan.

You get a vote, it is NO. We stay in the EU anyway, but Cameron uses the vote to negotiate. He gets some concessions, and we all vote again. If it's a NO, more concessions, and another vote. Until, like the Irish, we get fed up and vote YES. Cameron has no intention of leaving the EU, and never will. I'm saying that as a Tory voter last time. If you want a definite OUT, then the only option is UKIP. They'll get into power, so again, we will remain in the EU.

That's how I see it Keith. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2014, 10:32
Disagree Keith. I think the Tories have learned that if they promise the vote they will HAVE to give it this time. UKIP will never get into power, their best hope is a strong influence on whoever is in power by being in coalition with them.

It is a bit like the Scots dilemma - I think the same way, that I would like to be out but financially it could set us back - it's so hard to call. The reason I want to be out tho' is - as we always talk about on here - control of our own laws, stuffing Human Rights Bill etc. and Border control.

31st August 2014, 10:37
You're wrong again Les, that's why a Tory MP has switched to UKIP, because even they don't believe him. :doh

31st August 2014, 11:05
The thing is, the Tories are not going to be in power after the next election. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2014, 11:09
Disagree Keith.I think the Tories have learned that if they promise the vote they will HAVE to give it this time.UKIP will never get into power,their best hope is a strong influence on whoever is in power by being in coalition with them.

It is a bit like the Scots dilemma - I think the same way that I would like to be out but financially it could set us back - it's so hard to call. The reason I want to be out tho is - as we always talk about on here - control of our own laws, stuffing Human Rights Bill etc. and Border control.

I would like to see it happen that way Les.

31st August 2014, 11:12
Anyone remember this? http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/269787/David-Cameron-We-ll-never-hold-a-referendum-on-the-EU :icon_lol: :action-smiley-081:

31st August 2014, 11:24
You're wrong again Les, that's why a Tory MP has switched to UKIP , because even they don't believe him. :doh

No, he is more radical than the Tories that's why.

31st August 2014, 11:29
Anyone remember this? http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/269787/David-Cameron-We-ll-never-hold-a-referendum-on-the-EU :icon_lol: :action-smiley-081:

Show me where in that headline he actually says "We'll never hold a referendum on the EU"

What he does say is this "Those are things we will be fighting for, but I don't see the case for an in out referendum on Europe.

"We are in Europe, we have got to make it work for us."

Now things have changed, being in Europe has got worse. Thanks to UKIP it's changed his hand and now he will if in power give us a vote.

That is what I want to see - times change and politicians have to offer alternatives.

He has had to change is mind - that's a good thing not bad.

Labour simply don't and won't change, and that's bad for the public

31st August 2014, 13:21
:Erm: "During Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Cameron, who met with President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy this afternoon, insisted there was "no case" for a vote." - Since then he has changed his mind = U-TURN :biggrin:

I see nothing wrong with policy change, but Cameron has always been a staunch supporter of the EU, which is why he'd never leave it while he was in power, regardless of any vote.

31st August 2014, 19:15
No he is more radical than the Tories thats why.

:laugher: What year is it now 2014, calling Brown, but he's been in power over 4 years :biggrin:


31st August 2014, 19:27
:laugher: What year is it now 2014, calling Brown, but he's been in power over 4 years :biggrin:


He will now put it to the vote if re-elected. Labour won't - simple as that.
That will cost you many votes as it will be played on by the Tories nearer to the Election :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2014, 19:39
It will cost the Tories even more votes because they will not believe him and vote UKIP :wink:

31st August 2014, 19:47
Well let's wait and see - your lot want to keep us in this cess pit of crap!

31st August 2014, 20:48
The Tories promised to get the deficit down. Yet it is bigger than ever, and the government is borrowing more than Labour did. So much for his promise, he lied to us on that.

The Tories will lose at least 500,000 votes due to the bedroom tax. Never mind the fact that government finances are in a mess, the NHS is being trashed, and people on the street have no idea why the Tories keep talking about an economic recovery. :Erm:

Remember, I voted to get rid of Brown last time, this time I vote to get rid of Cameron. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

One day we may get a politician in power who isn't a useless :furious3: with his head on another planet. So, anyone who is a public school boy, and lacks a degree, will get my vote. A real person, in the real world. :smile:

31st August 2014, 21:24
Well let's wait and see -your lot want to keep us in this cess pit of crap!

Yes the Tories really have created the cess pit we're in for the last 4 1/2 yrs :NoNo:

Bedroom tax under threat: Lib Dem MP launches private members' bill to cut back policy


1st September 2014, 08:13
The thing is, the Tories are not going to be in power after the next election. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What odds are you offering on that Keith :Erm:

1st September 2014, 08:38
What odds are you offering on that Keith :Erm:

4/6 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It would take a major disaster for Labour, and something wonderful for the Tories for that to change between now and the election. All the polls, of different demographics, all point to Labour. If you understand how statistics work, that type of reversal is extremely rare.

1st September 2014, 08:41

Rubbish odds for the Tories having no chance :icon_lol:

1st September 2014, 08:52
Rubbish odds for the Tories having no chance :icon_lol:

There are only 2 runners :Erm:

Chelsea v MK Dons would only be around 1/4

1st September 2014, 09:20
4/6 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It would take a major disaster for Labour, and something wonderful for the Tories for that to change between now and the election. All the polls, of different demographics, all point to Labour. If you understand how statistics work, that type of reversal is extremely rare.

I can get 5/4 with Betfair :xxgrinning--00xx3:


1st September 2014, 09:24
Yes but one millipedes moron hopefully will be a none runner.

Arthur Little
1st September 2014, 11:57
:icon_sorry: ... can't envisage 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' as future Prime Minister, somehow.

1st September 2014, 12:20
Vote for me :Jump:

Public school education, 1 'O' level in Maths, grade C GCSE in English, not doing too bad all things considered :wink:

Come on........ Simon for PM :biggrin:

Arthur Little
1st September 2014, 13:15
Vote for me :Jump:

Public school education, 1 'O' level in Maths, grade C GCSE in English, not doing too bad all things considered :wink:

Come on........ Simon for PM :biggrin:

Well ... my three forenames are Arthur James Balfour as were my Dad's. He in turn - third youngest in a family of 11 - had been called after Lord Balfour a distinguished early 20th Century Statesman, much admired by my paternal grandparents who'd [apparently] run out of names by the time of my father's birth in March 1912.

That's where the "connection" ends; my CV for the job comprising:

SCE Higher Grade in English & History
SCE 'O' Grade in Arithmetic

... all attained through attendance at Evening Classes in conjunction with home study when in my 30s and worth bugger all! :NoNo:

Why? Because those once-coveted qualifications were ... :anerikke: ... ten-a-penny by the 1970s and I remained a lowly penpusher throughout my entire working life.

21st September 2014, 15:15
I just checked your CV by the way. Nice job over the years! https://imagicon.info/cat/10-3/1.gif

Arthur Little
26th March 2017, 01:37
Well now ... there's a "turn~up for the book". Just heard on the latest news that Douglas Carswell - the subject of this thread, who defected from the Tories back in 2014 to join UKIP - has since quit the latter, while hoping to be able to continue representing his existing constituency as an Independent Member of Parliament.

Probably there will be some (even many) who will readily criticise his actions. But ... :anerikke: ... as he explained on being interviewed, he'd only split from his original Party due to leading Conservatives (including the then Prime Minister, David Cameron) being staunch Eurocrats.

Whereas, Carswell, was keen for :Britain: to withdraw from the EU. Hence, his principal (arguably, even principled) reasons for allying himself to the Party that was totally committed to UK independence from Europe.

However, as we're all aware, there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then ... not to mention more than a few surprises :grosyeux: along the way!

Added to which, there seems to have been regular, ongoing spats between Carswell's own supporters and those of former UKIP Leader, *Nigel Farage - *who's now claiming Carswell "jumped ship, before he was pushed"!

So, all things considered, Carswell's move ... away from a Party he now believes to be a "spent force", is understandable given that he's confident our nation's future is secure in Theresa May's more than capable hands.