View Full Version : I hate Filipino doctors!

29th August 2014, 11:52
Excuse my little rant...

After originally being told Harlene couldn't have an x ray for TB because she was pregnant causing her to do the Sputum test which we won't get the result until start of October. She was then told last week by her doctor that she didn't realise Harlene wanted it for a spouse visa application. So she agreed to write a letter to allow the TB screening. However Harlene went today to get the letter and the doctor said that she would only write the letter if she was present at the screening. this is impossible as it is 10 hours drive to Manila for the screening.
So now where I was ready to send the final docs to Harlene for the spouse visa application on Monday, we now once again have to wait until October for the Sputum test results. We was hoping Harlene was going to be here for Christmas, as her doctor has already said she wont allow her to travel after 7 months pregnant, and only if she travels with me.
So now we are hoping and crossing everything that the visa application we will be done and dusted within 2 months, although we know that is very unlikely!

Looks like Harlene may not even be here for another 9 months yet as she wont be able to travel just after giving birth and I will have to sort out a passport for baby first too.

Ok rant over!

29th August 2014, 12:33
Maybe the Doc is looking for money, now that she's detected there is a foreign 'ATM' involved. :NoNo:

29th August 2014, 14:12
Maybe the Doc is looking for money, now that she's detected there is a foreign 'ATM' involved. :NoNo:

Must be honest and admit that was my first thought too

29th August 2014, 14:26
Maybe the Doc is looking for money, now that she's detected there is a foreign 'ATM' involved. :NoNo:

Must be honest and admit that was my first thought too

Well Harlene said no to her and told me when she got back.

I told Harlene we will just have to wait and keep everything crossed. But it's not looking good

29th August 2014, 15:39
How awful for you. How about speaking with another doctor at another practice?

29th August 2014, 15:53
How awful for you. How about speaking with another doctor at another practice?

She has spoken to a doctor in Manila when she was last there. That doctor refuses point blank to allow her the x-ray.

The one in her home town, I believe the only OB doctor in quite some distance, is the one saying only if she comes to Manila to watch they do the x-ray properly!!! I guess she was hoping Harlene would say go ahead. But like I told Harlene, I am pretty sure the ones doing the TB screening know what they are doing and don't need somebody looking over there shoulder.

I honestly cant see a reason for her doctor to be there other than like has been said, to get paid for it. Although nothing has been said about payment, I am sure it would have been had I agreed. The worst thing is, this is the same doctor that will have to sign Harlene off to be able to fly. She has already said she won't allow her to fly unless I am with her. Now whereas I sort of agree with this, I had planned on putting her on Philippines Airlines and meeting her at the other end. I am sure if anything was to happen in those 14 hours or so in the air that they are trained for it.

Nothing I can really do apart from vent my anger here (sorry) I was hoping she would have been here by now... and had been telling people she will be here by Christmas at the latest hopefully.... it just looks like this isn't going to happen, and through no fault of our own.

8th October 2014, 19:33
Well Harlene has her VFS appointment on Friday and still hadn't heard from the TB place about her Sputum results.

So I emailed them last night and got a reply back in the early hours. They obviously wouldn't give me the result, but did say Harlene can go in and get her Certificate on Thursday morning.... Cutting it fine, but unless I am interpreting it wrong, the Sputum test came back fine.

Harry T
9th October 2014, 09:57
good luck slip, i hope everything works out for you both.

9th October 2014, 10:10
Well Harlene has her VFS appointment on Friday and still hadn't heard from the TB place about her Sputum results.

So I emailed them last night and got a reply back in the early hours. They obviously wouldn't give me the result, but did say Harlene can go in and get her Certificate on Thursday morning.... Cutting it fine, but unless I am interpreting it wrong, the Sputum test came back fine.

Certainly sounds promising, doubt they'd be issuing a certificate if she had failed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2014, 12:21
Just got a text from her, No problems, negative result :smile:

Michael Parnham
9th October 2014, 12:23
Just got a text from her, No problems, negative result :smile:

Great news Slip, move forward now! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2014, 13:58
Just got a text from her, No problems, negative result :smile:

Onwards and upwards :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2014, 14:42
Just got a text from her, No problems, negative result :smile:

Congrats. One worry out of the way ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th October 2014, 21:37
Hmm Philippino Doctors, now there's a thought.. Went to Maasin to see the Heart specialist there, nice bloke, said my missus could go to Cebu to have a Heart Valve opening thingy opp (150,000). Gave us the paperwork, and off we went. Got to the Hospital, they knew I was on my way, very nice to me....then said the price would be 600,000 peso's..When I told them I had not got that kind of money, he just walked out of the room and we never saw him again. She later went for one of those Government sponsored loans, but they already knew about her and refused her...We should be very thankful about the NHS over here...

13th October 2014, 10:13
It seems you made the mistake of showing your foreigner face. :NoNo:

Good luck with restoring your partner to good health. Maybe at a later date in the UK ?

13th October 2014, 13:12
It seems you made the mistake of showing your foreigner face. :NoNo:

Good luck with restoring your partner to good health. Maybe at a later date in the UK ?

I've talked to her about that...but in the illogical pinoy was, she is not bothered no more..She really has accepted whatever fate bestows upon her..I feel very humble when I talk to her...I know I'm the western man who is more intelligent, Wealthier, superior..blah,blah and all that rubbish...but her smile and her faith in her God, and the pain she went through having our gwapo little boy and all with that angelic smile on her face, puts me well in my place...:smile::smile:

13th October 2014, 14:48
I understand. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

( I too have a 'gwapo little boy' with a Filipina mother... except he's 21 now :icon_lol: )

13th October 2014, 15:38
jejejeje....my missus is 22 and I'm 65...:censored: a lot of people off back here in the UK...I just tell them honestly to their faces....Your Just Green eyed Jealous..:Cuckoo::biggrin:

Michael Parnham
13th October 2014, 19:58
jejejeje....my missus is 22 and I'm 65...pisses a lot of people off back here in the UK...I just tell them honestly to their faces....Your Just Green eyed Jealous..:Cuckoo::biggrin:

Same age gap as me and my Maritess! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th October 2014, 10:10
Has the word " Maritass" the same meaning as "Asawa"? because here in Leyte they speak Visayan and that's what I call my missus. I take it your Gwapa Maritass is not from Leyte...:biggrin:

Michael Parnham
14th October 2014, 10:39
Has the word " Maritass" the same meaning as "Asawa"? because here in Leyte they speak Visayan and that's what I call my missus. I take it your Gwapa Maritass is not from Leyte...:biggrin:

Maritess is from Siquijor, Visayan also! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th October 2014, 14:01
Maritess is from Siquijor, Visayan also! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think I've done a Bloomer here....Maritess is your Asawa's name? Ako feel boang Plonker...:icon_lol::icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
15th October 2014, 18:32
I think I've done a Bloomer here....Maritess is your Asawa's name? Ako feel boang Plonker...:icon_lol::icon_lol:

Your forgiven:wink: