View Full Version : New Year's Eve in the Phills

31st August 2014, 10:03
I have only done this the once,

We was staying at the Marriott and we were watching the fireworks from the balcony with the other guests.

This time I have no idea where we will be and no idea what to expect either.

We are not sure what the family will be doing and they still have no idea that we shall be there for New Year either.

I am not a great lover of New Year's Eve, it's just another day/night for me.

Any thoughts on what might be coming my way other than a bill? :biggrin:

31st August 2014, 11:14
As usual, you will feel as if the 3rd World War is happening around you.

Enjoy, but stay clear of the many bullets also flying around. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2014, 12:53
Following up the advice from Graham, try to avoid the chaos of a street party where it's almost a case of anything goes.
Better a family gathering.
Better still watching from your hotel room balcony :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just my 2 centavos.

Of course if you're a thrill seeker and never experienced the unique Philippine experience at close quarters .....:xxparty-smiley-050:

31st August 2014, 14:19
A reminder....(needs to be full volume). :biggrin:



Michael Parnham
31st August 2014, 19:14
A reminder....(needs to be full volume). :biggrin:




31st August 2014, 21:22
A reminder....(needs to be full volume). :biggrin:




We don't need a fireworks display like the one in London. Every New Year's day, every neighbourhood in Metro Manila is having their own displays. :icon_lol:

31st August 2014, 22:26
I've spent several NYEs in the Philippines. Usually, fireworks, guns and beer are involved!

But I've never seen the Manila streets with less traffic on them than at about 5am on New Year's Day.

1st September 2014, 21:27
My first new years eve in the Fil was spent with my gf in a not so safe part of Taguig in Manila where she was renting. Even the taxi drivers refused to enter that place after dark but she had some relatives living close by so we were safe enough.

She was renting a room above a place used by jeepney drivers who after finishing work slept outside in their Jeepney with a shotgun on the lap.

Anyway new years eve saw these drivers assembling at least a dozen scaffolding poles in an improvised frame pointing up to the sky. They had a large bottle of calor gas rigged up to feed the ends of the pipes and every fifteen minutes or so between the beers and karaoke the bottle was opened, the scaffolding poles became filled with gas and then the fuse was lit. The resulting noise was deafening and the flames shot out of the pipes in the fashion of a battleship broadside.

Crazy! Welcome to new years eve Fil style

1st September 2014, 22:28
Sounds pretty typical . Mad buggers. :icon_lol:

4th September 2014, 11:41
would love to experience New Year over there

4th September 2014, 12:22
We went to rizal park last year and had no trouble. No drink allowed in the park. Great atmosphere.

4th September 2014, 17:21
Rizal Park is a nice place

19th September 2014, 16:04
I'm sure you will have a great time. New Years in the Phil. Is always a big deal and its fun. Just be sure to stay home / in your hotel few hours before 12 that's where people gets absolutely mental. Try to avoid drunk people (streets) as well specially if they offer you for a shot or something. Just say no, no need to be polite unless your with your close family. Other than that, it'll be fun Red Horse..lechon :xxgrinning--00xx3: