View Full Version : Scotland's decision

5th September 2014, 00:24
Very interesting


Arthur Little
5th September 2014, 00:47
Very interesting


It IS indeed ... and my memory stretches 15 years' further back - to the dying embers of Colonial :Britain: - than that of my namesake, fellow Scot and author of the article contained in the link you've posted, Les.

Therefore, I for one, will be voting 'NO THANKS'!

5th September 2014, 10:17
Just been listening to another biased debate on 5 live. They seem to get well educated yes voters v no voter's who have less knowledge and come across badly.
Gives an unfair advantage to yes voters.

5th September 2014, 13:02
Just been listening to another biased debate on 5 live. They seem to get well educated yes voters v no voter's who have less knowledge and come across badly.
Gives an unfair advantage to yes voters.

Typical Biased Broadcasting Corporation

5th September 2014, 14:40
I think the vote will be No. However, I actually hope it will be Yes. That way Labour won't get back in again once the separation happens.

One thing I don't look forward to is the press activity over years following a Yes vote - what we/they do with debt, borders, currency, trade, cross-border health/policing, military (Scottish Army/Navy/Air Force), immigration etc. I'm sure Trident won't actually be a big deal in the end.

5th September 2014, 15:25
I think the vote will be No. However, I actually hope it will be Yes. That way Labour won't get back in again once the separation happens

Every cloud ...! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th September 2014, 09:56
I'm wondering, if there is a 'YES' vote, will the Scottish people be ordered to surrender their British passports - because they won't be British citizens anymore.

Of course Salmond(ella) wants the teenager style independence, where he can have all the trappings, but comes home to do his washing, so he'll probably argue the citizens of his independent country should still have the world-respected (yes, I know, it used to be until certain scumbags in this country abused our name) British passport.

Surely he should have to issue Scottish passports, and............well they might have to get visas to visit Magaluf with the same difficulty people from the Philippines have to get tourist visas to the UK, but hey

Seriously though - what's going to happen there?

Anyway, if there's a 'NO' vote, everyone knows what will happen. Salmond will say, "Oh more people voted 'yes' this time, and we have something to build on, and we'll push for a new referendum next year"............etc

6th September 2014, 10:15
I'm wondering, if there is a 'YES' vote, will the Scottish people be ordered to surrender their British passports - because they won't be British citizens anymore.

Of course Salmond(ella) wants the teenager style independence, where he can have all the trappings, but comes home to do his washing, so he'll probably argue the citizens of his independent country should still have the world-respected (yes, I know, it used to be until certain scumbags in this country abused our name) British passport.

Surely he should have to issue Scottish passports, and............well they might have to get visas to visit Magaluf with the same difficulty people from the Philippines have to get tourist visas to the UK, but hey :anerikke:

Seriously though - what's going to happen there?

Anyway, if there's a 'NO' vote, everyone knows what will happen. Salmond will say, "Oh more people voted 'yes' this time, and we have something to build on, and we'll push for a new referendum next year"............etc

You are probably right - Salmond is too conceited to concede defeat if that's the outcome. But I don't think they can have another vote for years unless it's worth a recount virtually. Tbh, if they said they would push for another vote, I would hope we'd tell 'em to piss off - we will divorce them.

6th September 2014, 12:31
Let the Scots decide - its their choice. On the other hand, if they vote to stay with UK and in our referendum we decide to come out of Europe will Scotland be better off?

Arthur Little
6th September 2014, 12:47
Let the Scots decide - its their choice. On the other hand, if they vote to stay with UK and in our referendum we decide to come out of Europe will Scotland be better off?

:olddude: ... IMO, Andy, we would ALL be better off remaning as one United Kingdom cut free from the shackles that bind us :8_1_215: to the stifling dictates :xxsmilie_auslachen: of the EU.

6th September 2014, 13:00
There are fors and againsts Arthur. I have seen the debates and they were interesting. Its up to you my friend and the other Scottish people to decide. It's a tricky one, Scotland may not have another chance like this.

6th September 2014, 22:26
First poll with the 'YES' vote leading :yikes:


7th September 2014, 07:57

7th September 2014, 08:45
The Yes camp won't win, they'll be hammered by 5% or more according to all other polls.

Michael Parnham
7th September 2014, 08:51
Whatever the outcome it won't be overwhelming!:NoNo:

7th September 2014, 09:05
Whatever the outcome, will it affect ME? I DON'T THINK SO

7th September 2014, 09:57
looks like some labour voters are switching to yes, knowing there will never be a Tory gov in Scotland again.

but at the same time voting yes would make it a ot more difficult for the labour party to win in the UK without the labour Scottish MP's :cwm25:

7th September 2014, 10:16
voting yes would make it a ot more difficult for the labour party to win in the UK without the labour Scottish MP's
Thats the only bit I like about a Yes result:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th September 2014, 10:17
I'm still willing to take bets on this:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I'm 100% convinced the result will be no:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th September 2014, 10:33
I'm still willing to take bets on this:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I'm 100% convinced the result will be no:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ok Les, I give you £10 if its no and you give me £100 if its yes :biggrin: after all, you are
100% convinced the result will be no.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th September 2014, 10:36
ok Les, i give you £10 if its no and you give me £100 if its yes :biggrin: after all you are :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, but I'm no mug either :biggrin::biggrin:

Straight bet only :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th September 2014, 10:45
Worth a read :smile:

In 2012-13 public spending in Scotland was £65.2 Billion. Taxation excluding North Sea Revenues was £47.6 Bn. The gap of £17.6 Bn is quoted as 14% of GDP which indicates that Scotland’s GDP was around £126 Bn. The estimate from the Scottish Government is £132Bn for 2014 (including geographic share of Oil Revenues).
In 2012-13 North Sea Oil brought in around £6.2Bn to the UK and based on a geographic 90% share an independent Scotland would get £5.6Bn of that. The independent Office for Budget Responsibility is predicting that these levels will fall in the years ahead £3.4Bn in 2015-16, £2.9Bn in 2016-17 and £3.2Bn in 2018-19. As a personal note I hadn’t realized oil was such a small part of the total income for the UK.
Assuming the status quo (using figures from 2012-13) then income level for Scotland would be £53.2Bn (47.6 + 5.6) and public spending would be £65.2Bn.
For the whole of the UK GDP for 2012-13 was £1,570Bn so subtracting the £132Bn for Scotland that leaves £1,438Bn. Public spending for the whole of the UK was £731Bn so subtracting the £65Bn for Scotland leaves £666Bn. Total income from Taxation for the UK was £592Bn so subtracting £53Bn for Scotland that leaves £539Bn.
Nearly there….
Scotland population 5.314 Million, income £53.2 Billion so available budget per head is £10,011 per annum
Remainder of the UK population 59 Million, income £666 Billion so available budget per head is £11,288 per annum
Actual public spending per head for 2012-13 is quoted as £8,788 for the UK as a whole and £10,152 per head for Scotland
Finding and interpreting this information is pretty complex so some of my numbers may be wrong. If it’s even close to being right though I will be surprised if people vote in favour as these numbers suggest to me that the economic position of Scotland would decline significantly.

7th September 2014, 10:48
Yes but I'm no mug either :biggrin::biggrin:

Straight bet only :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So you're not 100% convinced then :biggrin:

7th September 2014, 11:07
Whoever would've thought Germany would trounce Brazil 7-1 :yikes:

Too many weird results these days to give you odds.

7th September 2014, 11:14
I don,t think people really understand the full implications of a split. The young ones more so. How an earth can a 16 year old understand what,s at stake here. For a start, many English companies I believe, will relocate south. I think there will be massive job losses all over the place. With only 5 million of a population they will be hard pressed looking after the old people moneywise.

If the currency issue is not resolved, the house prices will collapse and people who thought they were well off will suddenly find themselves poor. The only good thing that might come out of it is they might join the Schengen scheme then I,ll get the missus in quicker lol, then sneak over the border in a rowing boat at Berwick-upon-Tweed, coz they can,t make up their mind if they are English or Scotch lol.

7th September 2014, 11:41
I don,t think people really understand the full implications of a split. The young ones more so. How an earth can a 16 year old understand what,s at stake here? For a start, many English companies I believe, will relocate south. I think there will be massive job losses all over the place. With only 5 million of a population they will be hard pressed looking after the old people moneywise.

If the currency issue is not resolved, the house prices will collapse and people who thought they were well off will suddenly find themselves poor. The only good thing that might come out of it is they might join the Schengen scheme then I,ll get the missus in quicker lol then sneak over the border in a rowing boat at Berwick-upon-Tweed, coz they can,t make up their minds if they are English or Scotch lol
Totally agree Tiger - think it's based too much on flag-waving, Braveheart and I think slightly anti English stance.

I asked a woman about a year ago - she was about 35 a true Celt and she slagged off the English like you would not believe :yikes:

The other 45 or so people I asked - generally over 50 - said definitely NO -they were considered in their opinion.

What's done harm to the campaign is English MPs - and even I admit the Tories have got too much involved and it has looked like we have been telling the Scots what to do.

That's never going to go down well with a proud jock.

I really believe they will live to regret it, but I for one will have no sympathy - you leave the Big Club and you have very little to fall back on. It's better to have the security of the UK behind you.

7th September 2014, 12:03
It seems to me that if it's Yes, they will have the best of both worlds. If their Economy grows, they will make the English very unwelcome as they seem to be doing now. If the economy nosedives, they will flock across our porous border like the rest of the world has done, make a living including Tax Credits and Child Benefits and holiday back in Scotland.

I can't see us throwing the Scots out of England or putting up a secure border.

7th September 2014, 12:31
As it gets nearer, it's going to get dirtier!

Doc Alan
7th September 2014, 12:34
http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/img156_zps8d35f927.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/img156_zps8d35f927.jpg.html)

( From " Private Eye " )

Regardless of how many watched the Independence debates, there’s much more interest now – not just in Scotland – about the outcome of the September 18 referendum.

I’ve already made the case for exempting OUR NHS from any further changes, should there be a " Yes " vote next week. NHS systems have been different across the UK since devolution 14 years ago, but there is still union - in the sense that patients may be treated wherever is best for them without fear of cost. There are excellent healthcare workers and hospitals in all four countries :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Nationalists have set a date of March 2016 to separate from the UK. It’s highly likely, IF there was a " Yes " vote, that this time scale is too ambitious ! Expect long and wide-ranging, probably ill-tempered, negotiations, and changes which would affect all of us :doh.

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/img145_zps9c5676a4.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/img145_zps9c5676a4.jpg.html)

Robert Burns, born almost 200 years before Alex Salmond, was a Scottish Nationalist :smile:! In the event of a " Yes " vote, I guess I will have at least 18 months to spend this note after last week’s visit to the city where I was born, studied, and worked as a young doctor – Glasgow !

I’m no expert, and usually avoid political debate on this Forum, but it does seem that currency is one major issue to be resolved. Of the four options ( currency union with the UK; " sterlingisation " ; separate currency ; joining the euro ) many experts seem to favour union. Independence would be bad for Scotland’s economy and could disrupt the UK’s recovery.

I can’t vote – I chose to live in England. But I very much hope that the Union will be saved. Devolution … yes :xxgrinning--00xx3:! Independence … no :NoNo: !

7th September 2014, 13:38
Most companies who do companies with the EU would have to move south to continue doing so. It will take about a decade for Scotland to qualify to join the EU.

7th September 2014, 13:58
Most companies who do companies with the EU would have to move south to continue doing so. It will take about a decade for Scotland to qualify to join the EU.

They may qualify but Spain has gone on record as saying they won,t acccept Scotland joining and they have a veto,so it will get very interesting for Salmond

Michael Parnham
7th September 2014, 15:00
HRH has given her opinion now, so watch this space! :Erm:

7th September 2014, 15:50
Being kicked out the EU might not all be bad for Scotland you know. In many small communities, the fishing fleet was decimated due to EU regulations, and with all those islands (Including Rockall?), they'd control a colossal tract of sea.

Course, Salmond always wanted an independent Scotland to join the EU - hoping they'd get huge subsidies like Ireland used to do, however that's all dried up and that gravy train hit the buffers years ago.

7th September 2014, 16:44
A separate Panelbase poll for Yes Scotland, which had its groundwork take place between September 2 and 6, showed No leading 52% to 48% when undecided voters were excluded.


7th September 2014, 16:53
Being kicked out the EU might not all be bad for Scotland you know. In many small communities, the fishing fleet was decimated due to EU regulations, and with all those islands (Including Rockall?), they'd control a colossal tract of sea.
The fishing fleet wasn't decimated by the EU, the fishing fleets decimated the stock. :doh

7th September 2014, 18:04
The fishing fleet wasn't decimated by the EU, the fishing fleets decimated the stock. :doh

Also a lot of the quotas given to British fishermen ended up in Spanish hands when they sold out for the money.

Arthur Little
8th September 2014, 14:31
There are fors and againsts Arthur. I have seen the debates and they were interesting. Its up to you my friend and the other Scottish people to decide.

Oh, :iagree:, Andy ... there are, indeed, pros and cons - in the longer term - but it's the latter that is the BIG WORRY, because I fear Scots are being lulled (conned!) into a sense of false security by promises that NO newly-elected purely Scottish Government (of whatever political persuasion!) can possibly DELIVER without the necessary financial resources becoming available through higher taxation from the outset.

8th September 2014, 14:42
Scotland: ‘Yes’ blitzkrieg wipes out ‘No’ lead

In the past four weeks support for the union has drained away at an astonishing rate. The Yes campaign has not just invaded No territory; it has launched a blitzkrieg



Source (http://yougov.co.uk/news/2014/09/07/scotland-yes-blitzkrieg-wipes-out-no-lead/)

8th September 2014, 15:02
I'm getting beside myself with worry.

If Scotland vote for independence Britain won't have a curling team at the next winter Olympics.

8th September 2014, 16:17
I'm getting beside myself with worry.

If Scotland vote for independence Britain won't have a curling team at the next winter Olympics.


Arthur Little
8th September 2014, 16:54
It's a tricky one, Scotland may not have another chance like this.

:gp: ... that's true!

I'm getting beside myself with worry.

:icon_rolleyes: ... as well you might, Fred ... as:

If Scotland vote for independence Britain won't have a curling team at the next winter Olympics.

Goodbye would most likely mean a permanent wave ... a "hair~raising" :yikes: (as well as a straightforward hand~waving :Wave:) gesture ... so it's extremely doubtful the (by then former) British curling team would be too happy about that! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
8th September 2014, 18:09
Goodbye would most likely mean a permanent wave ... a "hair~raising" :yikes: (as well as a straightforward hand~waving :Wave:) gesture ... so it's extremely doubtful the (by then former) British curling team would be too happy about that! :NoNo:

..................................... :yeahthat:! Anyhow ... :anerikke: ... right now, I'm waiting for some bright spark to say, "[I]hair, hair, Arthur"! :Hellooo:

Arthur Little
8th September 2014, 19:12
:gp: ... that's true!

:icon_rolleyes: ... as well you might, Fred ... as:

Goodbye would most likely mean a permanent wave ... a "hair~raising" :yikes: (as well as a straightforward hand~waving :Wave:) gesture ... so it's extremely doubtful the (by then former) British curling team would be too happy about that! :NoNo:

..................................... :yeahthat:! Anyhow ... :anerikke: ... right now, I'm waiting for some bright spark to say, "[I]hair, hair, Arthur"! :Hellooo:

Ach ... :bigcry:

Since it seems my 'little':joke:'s
Again been "lost" on a' you folks,
Thought I'd simply pass the time
Composing yet another rhyme! :wink:

8th September 2014, 19:21
It's weakening sterling ! :mad:

10th September 2014, 11:12
Salmond is drumming up the EuroTrash

The Salmondistas cried ‘Yes’ – in nine different languages: QUENTIN LETTS with The SNP chief's East European army

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2749976/The-Salmondistas-cried-Yes-nine-different-languages-QUENTIN-LETTS-The-SNP-chief-s-East-European-army.html#ixzz3CuFICOrL

10th September 2014, 14:20
So Scotland wants to be independent and yet one of the first things they want to do is to reapply to be a member of the EU so that it can be governed from Brussels!! :icon_lol:

Shetland and Orkney Isles will have the option to opt out, so what happens then? They are still British, and so is the oil?

10th September 2014, 17:11
What a total cock-up. :NoNo:

8% of the UK population in Scotland.

9%+ of UK budget currently spent on them.

Two of their banks bailed out by the BRITISH taxpayers.

An energy industry set up by BRITISH taxpayers. :anerikke:

10th September 2014, 17:18
The Yes voters are absolute fools, they've already got the best of both.

10th September 2014, 17:18
What a total cock-up. :NoNo:

8% of the UK population in Scotland.

9%+ of UK budget currently spent on them.

Two of their banks bailed out by the BRITISH taxpayers.

An energy industry set up by BRITISH taxpayers. :anerikke:

Double blow for Salmond as Scottish finance giant Standard Life reveals plan to move to England as BP rubbishes SNP's North Sea oil claims and calls for 'No' vote

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2750701/Double-blow-Salmond-Scottish-finance-giant-Standard-Life-reveals-plan-England-separation-fears-oil-giant-rubbishes-SNP-s-North-Sea-oil-claims.html#ixzz3Cvju5R8C

Arthur Little
10th September 2014, 17:36
Double blow for Salmond as Scottish finance giant Standard Life reveals plan to move to England as BP rubbishes SNP's North Sea oil claims and calls for 'No' vote

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2750701/Double-blow-Salmond-Scottish-finance-giant-Standard-Life-reveals-plan-England-separation-fears-oil-giant-rubbishes-SNP-s-North-Sea-oil-claims.html#ixzz3Cvju5R8C

:yeahthat:'s nothing new :nono-1-1: ... Standard Life has long-maintained it would relocate its operations south in the event of an overwhelming 'YES'.

10th September 2014, 17:39
:yeahthat:'s nothing new :nono-1-1: ... Standard Life has long-maintained it would relocate its operations south in the event of an overwhelming 'YES'.

Good news for people like me with some pension £'s with SL

10th September 2014, 17:41
Arthur, if all goes tits-up, I for one promise to send you a food parcel . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th September 2014, 17:51
Arthur, if all goes tits-up, I for one promise to send you a food parcel . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Could be an opportunity for an entrepreneur to set up a Balikbayan Box type operation - I can send up to 25kg next day with UK Mail for a fiver :biggrin:


Arthur Little
10th September 2014, 18:18
Arthur, if all goes tits-up, I for one promise to send you a food parcel . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:laugher: ... many's the true word said in jest! :biggrin:

10th September 2014, 22:35
Could be an opportunity for an entrepreneur to set up a Balikbayan Box type operation - I can send up to 25kg next day with UK Mail for a fiver :biggrin:

www.jockbox.co.uk (http://www.jockbox.co.uk)

Hahaha...good one. :icon_lol:

10th September 2014, 22:36
Hmm..maybe I can get work when they re-build Hadrian's Wall. :Erm:

Arthur Little
10th September 2014, 23:21
Hmm..maybe I can get work when they re-build Hadrian's Wall. :Erm:


:yeahthat:'s Graham and his new workmates ... nosey buggers. :laugher:

10th September 2014, 23:36
Arthur.....maybe you should make a bolt for the border gate while you can ! :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
10th September 2014, 23:39
It's weakening sterling ! :mad:He may be small but Raheem's a strong lad. Nothing to worry about. :wink:

11th September 2014, 02:41
Salmond is drumming up the EuroTrash

The Salmondistas cried ‘Yes’ – in nine different languages: QUENTIN LETTS with The SNP chief's East European army

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2749976/The-Salmondistas-cried-Yes-nine-different-languages-QUENTIN-LETTS-The-SNP-chief-s-East-European-army.html#ixzz3CuFICOrL

how can he be a nationalist and be in bed with this lot lol without this lot he would have no chance.what they don,t realise is that lots of them will lose their jobs lol

11th September 2014, 07:53
Well George Galloway has done more than his fair share for the 'NO' vote - unlike the leaders of the other parties :wink:


Go on, Dedworth - give him a bit of "respect"! :biggrin:

11th September 2014, 08:24
Well I was definitely thinking of getting my savings out of RBS this week as have many others but after this latest story I may no longer need to worry..

RBS confirms London move if Scotland votes Yes


11th September 2014, 08:58
What will be very interesting is, after the vote - whichever way it goes - will people (especially 'NO' voters) be classed as scabs?

If it's a 'YES', and things are worse financially, then the ones who wanted to stay together will be at odds with the 'YES' voters. A real hornets nest on its way!

Arthur Little
11th September 2014, 13:37
What will be very interesting is, after the vote - whichever way it goes - will people (especially 'NO' voters) be classed as scabs?

If it's a 'YES', and things are worse financially, then the ones who wanted to stay together will be at odds with the 'YES' voters. A real hornets nest on its way!

Whichever way, it goes, :poke: ...*Scotland will have shown itself to be a "force to be reckoned with" - a proud nation no longer content to be cowed into submission by the old order of things ludicrously dictated by a succession of (predominantly English) Westminster-based parliamentarians domiciled more than 400 miles away from *its southernmost tips - slightly north of Berwick-upon Tweed in the east and just above Carlisle in the west - since 1707.

11th September 2014, 16:16
Don't get me going, Arthur :biggrin:

One could say if Scots are as patriotic as they claim to be most seem to want to move to England at the Earliest opportunity.

We have to put up with plenty of Jocks in Westminster :biggrin:

I still hope it's a 'NO' but Scotland do very well out of the Union :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th September 2014, 20:41
Great news today for the NO campaign, all the talk of banks, etc moving south will scupper that English hater Salmond. :icon_lol:

Scots are 'Canny' and now it's becoming very clear what could happen financially to Scotland. The voters who got carried away by the 'Braveheart' effect will now at last see the truth and vote NO. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A women on Radio Five Live who spoke well said she was worried to death as she has a successful business just south of Scotland, but lives there and she summed it up to my amusement by saying the Educated Scots will vote NO, the uneducated Scots will vote YES. :biggrin:

I think there is something in that! :xxparty-smiley-004:

11th September 2014, 21:02
An absolute disgrace that many Scots in the Armed Forces are not allowed to vote

Military fury over ban on Scottish soldiers based in England voting in next week's historic independence referendum

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2751801/Scottish-soldiers-based-England-barred-taking-referendum-decide-home-foreign-country.html#ixzz3D2UYd7Sg

Cameron was a mug to allow Slippery Salmond to pull strokes like this and giving 16 year old and EuroTrash the vote

11th September 2014, 21:05
Cameron was a mug to allow Slippery Salmond to pull strokes like this and giving 16 year old and EuroTrash the vote

I know it will be close but it's going to be a 'NO'. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th September 2014, 23:08
If it was yes, I've heard it said that the average British rainfall would go down.

11th September 2014, 23:09
A YES vote would also increase the average British life expectancy.

12th September 2014, 00:08

12th September 2014, 11:05
Salmond had today said he is more confident than ever of a 'YES' vote lol of course you are after yesterday's disastrous announcements.

12th September 2014, 11:16
The silly man didn't anticipate that there might actually be some serious resistance to his selfish ego trip...at the appropriate time. :NoNo:

12th September 2014, 11:29
Yep, oh I can't wait to see him magnanimous in defeat lol

12th September 2014, 20:02
North Korea backs Salmond


Arthur Little
12th September 2014, 20:38
North Korea backs Salmond


:icon_lol: ... et tu, Ded ... you also spotted the resemblance! :yeahthat:

12th September 2014, 20:51
It's a bit like the UK Referendum for coming out of Europe, a definite "No, No" once the politicians start the brainwashing. That's if the Tories - by some miracle - get in power again. :cwm25:

13th September 2014, 16:48

Ako Si Jamie
14th September 2014, 13:16

14th September 2014, 14:03
Oh so once again the producers of The Simpsons try interfering in UK politics. Not the first time, as the character Lisa (Annoying self righteous little :censored: ) once called for Cornish independence, evil British Empire out or something.

Well they can say that when they get their colonial :action-smiley-081: 's out of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and end their oppressive rule over the Confederate States of America. :action-smiley-081::action-smiley-081:

14th September 2014, 20:55
Yet their nation of 'mongrels' cling to OUR history and cultural roots. :smile:

15th September 2014, 07:48
It made me laugh. :icon_lol:

16th September 2014, 16:24
Currency is ready for Friday. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


16th September 2014, 16:30
Currency is ready for Friday. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


There ya go!! Job done!!
No more need to replace my old Monopoly money!

16th September 2014, 16:31
I would love to use smackeroonis!! That's awesome Graham :icon_lol:

16th September 2014, 18:51
The term I'm so sick of hearing by Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon his bitch is 'scaremongering':cwm23:

16th September 2014, 18:53
She scares me :omg:

Arthur Little
16th September 2014, 19:50
Whilst I've been as "guilty" as the next in describing Salmond & Sturgeon as being a pair of "cocky wee nyaffs" ... I do feel BOTH deserve admiration for their dogged, unflagging tenacity throughout the entire Campaign. :wink:

Unlike "The Three Musketeers" ... Messrs Cameron, Miliband and Clegg ... whose damn complacence has finally rebounded on them BIG time - as demonstrated by their frequent Eleventh Hour forays to and fro :Bolt: across the Border in a state of sheer blind panic!

Talk about scaremongering! :yikes:

16th September 2014, 19:56
deserve admiration for their dogged, unflagging tenacity throughout the entire Campaign. :wink:

I'd say it's an insatiable desire to get their ugly snouts into an even bigger trough

16th September 2014, 20:13
He is in it for himself - wants to go down as the man who made Scotland independent - self righteous piece of .....

In a way part of me wants to see a Yes vote and watch Scotland go down the financial plughole - Sorry Arthur :xxparty-smiley-004:

Just want to see that smug grin wiped off Salmond's face :censored:

16th September 2014, 20:43
I don't care what the polls say, the bookies are rarely wrong, and the odds have been around 1/4 for weeks for the NO vote. You can get 7/2 for the YES. So, as I've said all along, the NO's will win by at least 5%.

16th September 2014, 21:55
I have always said it's a no vote and not changing my mind :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th September 2014, 22:02
I've always said i ain't bothered, and I think I will be right

Ako Si Jamie
16th September 2014, 22:04
I think it will be NO too. What time Thursday will we know for sure?

16th September 2014, 22:41

Arthur Little
16th September 2014, 22:42
What time Thursday will we know for sure?

Myrna's on duty at the count as an enumerator for the North Perthshire and the Perth & Kinross constituencies - two of Scotland's LARGEST ... :anerikke: ... at least in terms of their geographical landmass - and, according to her letter of appointment, counting should be finished at Bell's Sports Centre in Perth by around 2 o'clock on Friday morning ... and results [there] be known shortly thereafter.

So, on that basis, we're likely to have a fair idea of the way things are heading by breakfast time on my 70th birthday! :wink:

Ako Si Jamie
16th September 2014, 23:03
I wonder what will happen to the Scots living in England if it a Yes. Will they get deported? :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
17th September 2014, 06:21
I wonder what will happen to the Scots living in England if it a Yes. Will they get deported? :icon_lol:

I wouldn't have thought so Jamie!:Erm:

Michael Parnham
17th September 2014, 06:26
In fact, having thought about it, what will happen to Corby if they do get deported? :Erm:

17th September 2014, 19:18
I nearly punched my TV listening to Nicola Sturgeon :cwm23:

She is even worse than Salmond! :censored:

17th September 2014, 19:32
She looks like a plastic doll that has been too close to the fire :Cuckoo:


17th September 2014, 19:56
Sheeeeees a witch:yikes:

Arthur Little
17th September 2014, 19:58
She is even worse than Salmond! :censored:

..................... :yeahthat:'s exactly what my son says also :icon_lol: ... and I agree!

17th September 2014, 20:20
Why did Cameron agree to whoever got at least 51% would be the winner, it looks like it could be close to that number, if it is, then nearly the same number of people voted for the opposite camp :NoNo:

With something so serious as this, I think the 'YES' camp should get 2/3rds of the vote or it doesn't happen. many exams you need 66%+ to pass :cwm25:

The Ipsos-Mori poll for STV puts support for the yes campaign at 49%, compared with 51% for no, excluding people who were undecided.

This is probably the most accurate poll, published this evening.

Well, we will know Friday

17th September 2014, 20:34
Some bookies are already paying out with the NO being the winners.

17th September 2014, 20:47
I feel that Scotland needs a yes vote

17th September 2014, 20:57
Well, if they vote YES, there will never be a Tory Government in Scotland - thou it will be a lot harder for Labour to win in the UK without the Scottish Labour MPs.

But if they vote NO, it will be easier for Labour to win in the UK :wink:

Arthur Little
17th September 2014, 21:19
Well, if they vote YES, there will never be a Tory Government in Scotland - thou it will be a lot harder for Labour to win in the UK without the Scottish Labour MPs.

But if they vote NO, it will be easier for Labour to win in the UK :wink:

:gp:s, Joe ... for some (obscure) reason, Scotland's long been a Labour stronghold.

17th September 2014, 21:36
Look at the table Arthur
Scottish results at UK general electionsand the collapse of the Tories in Scotland since the 1950s and the rise of the other parties..


17th September 2014, 21:50
I really don't get why people are getting bogged down with the personalities. They're only wallpaper that can be changed every 4 years.
It's not about Salmond Sturgeon Brown Cameron Darling or anyone else. It's about do you think Scotlands better in or out.
Sadly I don't get a vote because from what I've heard over the last couple of months I'd vote yes.
That said I agree with the boss at 1/5 with Paddy Power I think the NO's have it although turnout will be very important.
Quite looking forward to tomorrow night on the box as Scotland decides.

17th September 2014, 22:11
British man to win £1 million bet if Scotland vote No in referendum :yikes:

The middle-aged businessman, who is not Scottish, has gambled £900,000, the biggest amount of money ever staked on a political event, on Scotland staying in the United Kingdom


17th September 2014, 22:19
After already placing £600,000 on the outcome of the referendum the customer has now added a further £200,000 to his wager, and stands to collect £1,093,333.33 should the outcome of the poll be a No vote.

So he only wins 93K if they vote no and loses 900k if they vote Yes? I assume that's tax paid?
Doesn't look like a particularly enticing gamble opportunity to me especially as they are allowing 16 year olds the vote.

17th September 2014, 22:24
So he only wins 93K if they vote no and loses 900k if they vote Yes? I assume that's tax paid?
Doesn't look like a particularly enticing gamble opportunity to me especially as they are allowing 16 year olds the vote.

:crazy: To risk £900k, unless he knows something we don't :cwm25:

17th September 2014, 23:00
Some Glaswegians are already making their way to the polling station.....:biggrin:



17th September 2014, 23:05
Some Glaswegians are already making their way to the polling station.....

3 steps forwards 4 steps back!! Funny.
What did the man taking the recording say?
Sounded like a proper foreigner to me!!

17th September 2014, 23:40
I think it is a foreign movie...but with a Glaswegian, would that make any difference ? lol

Arthur Little
18th September 2014, 03:11
Look at the table Arthur and the collapse of the Tories in Scotland since the 1950s and the rise of the other parties..


Oh :yeahthat:'s an undeniable fact ... but it's equally true that Scotland gives more to Westminster than it receives in return. Little wonder, then, that the electorate north of the Border has - since the 1950s - increasingly turned to Labour in the forlorn hope of rescuing Scotland's declining industries and reclaiming at least a proportion of its money - suspected of being used to fill the coffers of the rich :REGamblMoney01HL1: by successive rip~off Tory administrations.

Sadly, as it turned out, Scotland has been deceived on BOTH counts by Labour and Tories alike over the intervening decades ... I mean, does ANYONE really think the MAIN political parties would be so keen to keep the Scots as part of the UK if we're being subsidised to the extent they'd have us believe? :Erm:

Michael Parnham
18th September 2014, 08:26
:crazy: To risk £900k, unless he knows something we don't :cwm25:

It's Les! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th September 2014, 08:37
:crazy: To risk £900k, unless he knows something we don't :cwm25:

All tax free, and easy money if you understand how to read the underlying trends. The Yes vote has NEVER been in the lead and has always lagged by 4% or more. That is a huge gap for a 1/4 shot, and makes it good value.

Scottish TV if it is a YES vote :icon_lol:


18th September 2014, 09:29
My bets these days are in tatters lol

19th September 2014, 04:59
I don't care what the polls say, the bookies are rarely wrong, and the odds have been around 1/4 for weeks for the NO vote. You can get 7/2 for the YES. So, as I've said all along, the NO's will win by at least 5%.

Looks like you're right, scouser Keith, maybe you can give some of your tea leaves to Les

Rep on the way :biggrin:

19th September 2014, 07:16
Looks like you're right, scouser Keith, maybe you can give some of your tea leaves to Les

Rep on the way :biggrin:

I predicted 'NO' all along - check earlier posts :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2014, 07:18
I'm still willing to take bets on this :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm 100% convinced the result will be 'NO' :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Shame no one took the bait :icon_lol:

19th September 2014, 10:28
Common sense prevailed and Arthur and our other Scottish friends won't be needing visas. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th September 2014, 13:19
Sean Connery gets a call from Alex Salmond, who says you ok to broadcast to the nation about 10ish. Connery replies 'Tennish' I know ...... all about the game, try Andy Murray'.

Doc Alan
19th September 2014, 13:35
Common sense prevailed and Arthur and our other Scottish friends won't be needing visas. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

So very true :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th September 2014, 11:44
Seems the genie will be impossible to get back into the bottle :wink:

20th September 2014, 12:20
Now you see reports of everyone falling out :doh

Be careful what you wish for comes to mind :yikes:

20th September 2014, 16:56
Normal Glaswegians ?

Hey Jimmy ! :biggrin:

20th September 2014, 17:00
I'm gutted that the Scots didn't vote YES, as I was planning to move up there for a couple of years, get Scottish nationality, then come back as an "asylum seeker" and get everything for nothing.

20th September 2014, 18:27
:icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st September 2014, 07:25

Recount :biggrin:


So this lady counted 400,000 votes :cwm25: the difference btw the no and yes total votes , i think she would need a bigger desk :wink:

Don't know what she is doing thou, maybe she has OCD or something ??????

21st September 2014, 08:28
There is no proof whatsoever! Surely the person filming just needed to point anything amiss to the officers there.

Just people looking for any excuse.

I posted the above comment on the youtube page itself :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st September 2014, 08:36
I wonder if the ones on the table were counted before they were put on the table so it wouldn't matter which table they were placed on :Erm:

If they had not been counted yet, then who ever was going to count the batches on the table would have noticed some were in the wrong pile, unless they were also in the 'conspiracy' :wink:

21st September 2014, 08:37
Surely to ensure only Scottish people voted, only people with ginger hair got the vote! :Erm: :xxparty-smiley-004:

21st September 2014, 08:40
Surely to ensure only Scottish people voted, only people with ginger hair got the vote! :Erm: :xxparty-smiley-004:

It looks like they rounded them up to do the count :xxparty-smiley-004:

21st September 2014, 09:02
If they had ginger hair then they would be anti-English and would have made the YES votes come out on top :icon_lol:

21st September 2014, 23:38

22nd September 2014, 06:55
Dumb ass Yanks :icon_lol: