View Full Version : What's FilipinoUK for?

3rd November 2007, 17:25
Im just wonderin if is this forum is for filipinos who are in UK and want to meet other filipinos or, Filipinos in Philippines who wants to meet brits to be in UK, or filipinos in UK who wants to brag their brits husband/fiance and tell the entire world how they miss the phils or all of the above..:cwm12:

Just askin, :Erm:

3rd November 2007, 17:30
Im just wonderin if is this forum is for filipinos who are in UK and want to meet other filipinos or, Filipinos in Philippines who wants to meet brits to be in UK, or filipinos in UK who wants to brag their brits husband/fiance and tell the entire world how they miss the phils or all of the above..:cwm12:

Just askin, :Erm:

This link may provide some clues:

http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php?t=3890 :CompBuster:

3rd November 2007, 18:39
Im just wonderin if is this forum is for filipinos who are in UK and want to meet other filipinos or, Filipinos in Philippines who wants to meet brits to be in UK, or filipinos in UK who wants to brag their brits husband/fiance and tell the entire world how they miss the phils or all of the above..:cwm12:

Just askin, :Erm:

Where have you been hiding...???:Erm::Erm:

3rd November 2007, 18:59
As its run by A Brit Husband in a Brit/phill marriage that might give a clue.

3rd November 2007, 23:03
Morocco :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd November 2007, 23:20
Use your common sense before asking silly questions.
Members here know why this forum exists...:rolleyes:

3rd November 2007, 23:39
why is everybody being so rude to this guy :( he only asked a question!

3rd November 2007, 23:48
If it ain't too obvious for you Mr. Nosy Londoner it could be all of the above--it is free I reckon and it is free to speak our minds out here, rant and brag and yeah, tell people how much we miss home. Stay a bit and browse more, that way you'll understand the forum better. Good evening and enjoy the fireworks!

3rd November 2007, 23:50
Read before posting and you will realise whats this forum for and why its been made...:Hellooo:

"Ignorance breeds criticism":butthead:

3rd November 2007, 23:52
"Ignorance breeds criticism":butthead:

Phew that's a strong phrase Erve hehe!

3rd November 2007, 23:57
Im just wonderin if is this forum is for filipinos who are in UK and want to meet other filipinos or, Filipinos in Philippines who wants to meet brits to be in UK, or filipinos in UK who wants to brag their brits husband/fiance and tell the entire world how they miss the phils or all of the above..:cwm12:

Just askin, :Erm:

i don't know why others why people are being unpleasant to u mr London ...

i think it is pretty much everything u listed :)


3rd November 2007, 23:58
"Ignorance breeds criticism"

not always ...
sometimes intellectual honesty does :D

3rd November 2007, 23:58
"Ignorance is no excuse"

Well London Nose, for sure nobody force u to become a member here..and I am sure again that before u decide to register here u read a lot of stuffs here already and know that this site is a well of knowledge and information about the UK stuffs..and the answer to ur question is right in front of ur nose already ..

U can start reading post here now if u want..

4th November 2007, 00:00
girls. am i missing something? is it a filipino thing? what did this guy say to annoy u all?

4th November 2007, 00:02
I think there is nothing wrong to ask questions- but when you do, bear in mind you'll get reactions from all the members, be it positive or negative. That's how this forum works...

4th November 2007, 00:03
girls. am i missing something? is it a filipino thing? what did this guy say to annoy u all?

That isn't "annoyed" yet Tom...wait til you see one really annoyed Filipina:D

4th November 2007, 00:09
u know wot i mean, it's just that most of the people have had quite a negative reaction to this guy, and i just can't see why! lol

i have seen a really angry filipina ... it scares me

4th November 2007, 00:10
girls. am i missing something? is it a filipino thing? what did this guy say to annoy u all?

hiya son,

we're not actually anoyed at him, its just that he's not using his common sense..:doh:doh

he's been a member here for quite sometime still he doesnt know what's this site for?

i guess I need to rephrase his question...WHY ARE U HERE LONDON NOSE?AND DECIDE TO BE A MEMBER?

and pls dont say its about filipino thing..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th November 2007, 00:13
i just think we need to be more patient with him coz others like guests here may have the same question and they deserve to hear a good and proper answer :)

4th November 2007, 00:19
son let me ask u a question..

if u buy a certain item or become a member of a certain organization or group, havent u made a research what is the fuss all about?

4th November 2007, 00:20
Hmm I don't know really about this London_nose guy, i don't give a damn what he been saying here. But I followed some of his post and his sounds a bit cocky to me. And he always complaining that he couldn't find a filipino people here; that hes been alone for ages and wanted to have a good time with a fellow filipino but the problem is, he can't find one. Complaining about anything here in the UK....and blah..blah..blah..

If thats the case, why not go back to where you came from..there you have loads of filipino friends and you can have a good time anytime you like. Don't moaned too much about the system here in the UK because thats the way it is, you are just an alien here. And if you can't find a filipino friends, why not try to be friend with the other nationality,,english perhaps, surely they are just like filipinos who knows how to have a good time. :Erm:

4th November 2007, 00:23
son let me ask u a question..

if u buy a certain item or become a member of a certain organization or group, havent u made a research what is the fuss all about?

yes mommi, i did, and you do too ... and most will ... but SOME people won't do this, but is it not nice to be kind to everyone? :)

4th November 2007, 00:28
hey son,like Erve's have said i do followed all his post..

and how could u be kind to the people when u always hear them complaining with what they have?aren't they know the word, SATISFACTION?

funny, his post has gone along way already..and only u son are defending for him:)

4th November 2007, 00:34
i do agree with the point that if someone comes to this country and is complaining about this country they should leave this country and go back where they came from hehe! i agree on that point from Erve!

but ... just because i am the sole person "defending" this guy does not make him indefensible :)

and ... i'm not defending him, just asking why people should reply in such a mean way to questions that aren't mean :)

:D do u understand my meaning?


4th November 2007, 00:42
Ive been reading all the post above and glad that most of the members here are honest to goodness..

they dont need to answer u with long replies,they can make u realize what the world is in just one word or one liner.

the lesson of the story: USE UR COMMON SENSE

4th November 2007, 00:46
or ... "next time u got a question, PM someone"

4th November 2007, 01:00
Hmm I don't know really about this London_nose guy, i don't give a damn what he been saying here. But I followed some of his post and his sounds a bit cocky to me. And he always complaining that he couldn't find a filipino people here; that hes been alone for ages and wanted to have a good time with a fellow filipino but the problem is, he can't find one. Complaining about anything here in the UK....and blah..blah..blah..

If thats the case, why not go back to where you came from..there you have loads of filipino friends and you can have a good time anytime you like. Don't moaned too much about the system here in the UK because thats the way it is, you are just an alien here. And if you can't find a filipino friends, why not try to be friend with the other nationality,,english perhaps, surely they are just like filipinos who knows how to have a good time. :Erm:

Well put

I hate the way Brits who go abroad and moan its to hot to cold compared to the UK (well don't go there) its not like Britain, everything is different they speak funny etc.

If i go Phill or anywhere away from the UK, I respect the countries ways I might say why does this happen but i don't expect to only socialize with brits (i don't just socialize with indigenous brit people here so why would I abroad?)

No harm in me speaking to Brits abroad or Phills if a phill here in the uk. But to just seek out people from a certain background alone seems strange to me.

4th November 2007, 01:04
i agree totally with that :D

4th November 2007, 10:03
R 2 B Jesus now......I didn't realise ALL Filipina's bled at the same time every month!! :icon_lol:

but is it not nice to be kind to everyone? :)

Tom.....Hitlers mate! :D

If thats the case, why not go back to where you came from..
Erve, the new BNP candidate :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th November 2007, 11:36
Well, Well, look at this, im not actually surprise of all negative reactions here, this just mean reality bites, the locals actually find my question literally that they give me links whats the purpose of this site, but for those who are so called true blue filipinas missing their countries hahahaha... it really hit them hard. common sense is not the issue here, this just shows that all the "true blue filipinas" (where's the filipinos btw), were here for the sole purpose of you know what... well this is a forum so i think i have the liberty to speak my mind, again i ask questions and you show reactions i wonder why.

im still looking for beer buddy, but now hopefully those real OFW's. hahahah peace all.

4th November 2007, 11:51
im still looking for beer buddy,.

As long as you're not looking for a 'bum buddy', you need to visit the Catholic Priest forums for that :icon_lol:

4th November 2007, 12:17
london, u do realise that the primary aim of this site is to assist and advice british guys and their filipina gf/fiancee/wives don't u????

It is a spinoff from filipinaroses.com which is a dating site ... and if u look at the list of topics on the home page/index, it will tell u exactly what it's all about.

If u are just here to make people angry, sure you'll get some of that too --- until u make keith angry, then he'll ban u! hehe!

so, in short, London, if you're looking for friends here in ur adopted country of UK, then please do be friendly. If u are looking for confrontation ... i know certain bars u can go to -- where a confrontation is guaranteed ;)


4th November 2007, 12:24
This is the most interesting part in a forum,
ok lets disect your reaction 1 by 1

I don't know really about this London_nose guy, i don't give a damn what he been saying here. But I followed some of his post and his sounds a bit cocky to me.

you find me cocky, can you post a link pls that i brag anything in here, i guess i read some cockiness from some members here but no one shows their reactions.

he always complaining that he couldn't find a filipino people here; that hes been alone for ages and wanted to have a good time with a fellow filipino but the problem is, he can't find one. Complaining about anything here in the UK....and blah..blah..blah..

when did i complain??, im actually trying to find one, looking for one is not complaining my dear, and im just here for less than a year not ages, you are wrong again.. where are you getting your idea???

if i remember correctly i post something about what i wont miss here in UK, it aint complaining hahahaha...

And If thats the case, why not go back to where you came from..there you have loads of filipino friends and you can have a good time anytime you like. Don't moaned too much about the system here in the UK because thats the way it is, you are just an alien here. And if you can't find a filipino friends, why not try to be friend with the other nationality,,english perhaps, surely they are just like filipinos who knows how to have a good time.

well going back in phils is for sure, Getting a non filipino friend is easy as 1-2-3, i exactly know how system works here, but theres nothing like when you are talking to someone from your own country, and at least we are talking politics and family not about material things we have back home.

again, im not trying to be a devils advocate here, but most of you having the same reactions just shows one thing. mostly are guilty of of what im trying to imply. peace all.

4th November 2007, 12:27
again london
read what i said just before ur pointless rebuttal


4th November 2007, 12:29
Ya'll turning into gung-ho Yanks.....every time we here a USAF plane approaching from RAF Valley, we dive in the bomb shelter :D

4th November 2007, 12:29

4th November 2007, 12:34
london, u do realise that the primary aim of this site is to assist and advice british guys and their filipina gf/fiancee/wives don't u????

It is a spinoff from filipinaroses.com which is a dating site ... and if u look at the list of topics on the home page/index, it will tell u exactly what it's all about.

If u are just here to make people angry, sure you'll get some of that too --- until u make keith angry, then he'll ban u! hehe!

so, in short, London, if you're looking for friends here in ur adopted country of UK, then please do be friendly. If u are looking for confrontation ... i know certain bars u can go to -- where a confrontation is guaranteed ;)


Hi Buddy,

again, its not my intention of making others angry, im just speaking my mind like somebody else, if others are getting hit by my opinion then i guess its not my fault, as long as im careful with my words and i comply with the rules i dont think ill be banned, not unless im being taken persoanlly :ARsurrender:

4th November 2007, 12:38
hiya son,

how are u?

4th November 2007, 12:38
well, that's completely up to keith, he's the arbiter of who gets banned and who doesn't

but, my 2 cents is when u say things like "i can see u true-blue filipnas are only here for one thing" ... they're gonna get angry, and . . . .hmmm we do respect all those who have "respected member" after their name. :)

we will respect u, but it is earned ...

so in short

please don't try to stir up this forum, coz the gals here are sharp :D:D:D

4th November 2007, 12:39
hiya son,

how are u?

hey mommi, i'm fine :)

i think i understand ur point from yesterday on this topic ;)


4th November 2007, 12:40
are u sure London Nose u are complying with the rules here?

have u tried using the search button so u can find the answer to ur questions?well if not u'd better do it now..

4th November 2007, 12:41

i told u..I am glad u understand now..:)

4th November 2007, 12:41
coz the gals here are sharp :D:D:D

Hey you calling Keith and the mod team a bunch of girls :Cuckoo:

4th November 2007, 12:49

if the cap fits rob darling! ;)

4th November 2007, 12:50

i told u..I am glad u understand now..:)

hehe mommi

thanks ;)


4th November 2007, 12:54
WOW!!! Can't believe what I'm reading here - and I thought it was such a nice place lol.:)

I must have really missed something.

However, one thought springs to mind - I posted this a while ago but I think it needs repeating.

Here goes:
About 2000 years ago there lived a guy who just went round telling people to be nice to each other.
They killed him.


4th November 2007, 12:55
oh no son, u call Rob ur darling?

4th November 2007, 12:55
so, Al ... you are comparing jesus and london nosey? ;)

(ya ya al, i know what u actually are saying hehehe)

4th November 2007, 12:56
oh no son, u call Rob ur darling?

im confused mommi,
i need therapy!

4th November 2007, 12:56
nice post Prof AL..just hope it won't happen again..

but I am sure it will not because that guy here learned already..he he he:)

4th November 2007, 12:57
lets wait for his reply haha

4th November 2007, 13:00
just let me know son, when do u want to start the therapy..

i just hope Mark havent read it..he he he:)

4th November 2007, 13:01
haha! lol!

thanks mommi

4th November 2007, 13:05
I Find this site because of this link http://www.pinoyminimall.co.uk/acatalog/links.html

hence my initial thread is in tagalog, but then again as i keep on browsing i realise the purpose of the site, but what really makes me start this thread is when some cockiness was being brag and non a single Filipinas reacted negatively, instead everyone seems to be enjoying it, well again its your opinion so i respect it, now im showing my opinions seems mostly are affected. admit it or not reality bites. so i guess its time for me to say shut up though im starting to enjoy my posting now. but when everyone else are angry with respected status (i guess respect doesnt ***********.com where you can really speak you mind.

4th November 2007, 13:06
my lips are sealed..he he he:)

4th November 2007, 13:08
hiya London,

can u share with us the link that there's a thread when some cockiness are being brag and no filpinas here reacted negatively and seems enjoying it..

4th November 2007, 13:12
To put it simply - I think that we should avoid confrontation and nastiness if at all possible.

I have met, here in the Phils. this time, Fred, Maria, Shelly, Grace, Grace's cousin (sorry Grace, her name slips my mind,) Ricky and Ging. A nicer bunch of people you could not hope to meet. I have just got home from a very tiring day travelling from Cebu City - and this was the first post I read.

Needless to say, the tone of it has upset me a bit.

God bless everyone.


4th November 2007, 13:18
Well, Well, look at this, im not actually surprise of all negative reactions here, this just mean reality bites, the locals actually find my question literally that they give me links whats the purpose of this site, but for those who are so called true blue filipinas missing their countries hahahaha... it really hit them hard. common sense is not the issue here, this just shows that all the "true blue filipinas" (where's the filipinos btw), were here for the sole purpose of you know what... well this is a forum so i think i have the liberty to speak my mind, again i ask questions and you show reactions i wonder why.

im still looking for beer buddy, but now hopefully those real OFW's. hahahah peace all.

So many of the filipinas on this site are here in the uk and you object to it. Because they are not real OFW's?

Like you hating much about uk and your here only for the money you earn (fair enough know many brits who do the same abroad) i hate much about the Phillipines the corruption, the bigoted attidutes of people who only want to speak to their own kind and not intrested in other cultures or beliefs which i have found widespread.
As much as i dislike the brit abroad who wants to live in a mini britain surrounded by their own and doesn't imerse themselves in the culture of the place they have choosen to live in.

Thats why many of the british dislike some of the immigrants who come here and dont try to intergrate, those who don't try tend to be the intolerant people i find.

4th November 2007, 13:21
very well said Prof..

I am glad u enjoyed ur stay here and also meeting nce friends here in the forum..

Regards to Ms. Hannah..

4th November 2007, 13:25
To put it simply - I think that we should avoid confrontation and nastiness if at all possible.

I have met, here in the Phils. this time, Fred, Maria, Shelly, Grace, Grace's cousin (sorry Grace, her name slips my mind,) Ricky and Ging. A nicer bunch of people you could not hope to meet. I have just got home from a very tiring day travelling from Cebu City - and this was the first post I read.

Needless to say, the tone of it has upset me a bit.

God bless everyone.


The majority times i belive the same but if people critize your wife as not having as much right to be here as him (well thats how i read it between the lines) then i will argue my point.

Al you may find your self biting your tongue when you meet some sections of the phill comunity here in the UK who will look down at your Wife and then complain about the way they are treated here by others:doh

Maybe they need to learn tolerance.

Glad your having a great time in phill:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th November 2007, 13:41
...then i will argue my point.
I'd just hit them :D

4th November 2007, 13:55
oh no son, u call Rob ur darling?

So Kimmi, you are BigToms mother? Jeez, now I'm confused. :cwm24:

4th November 2007, 13:59
u need therapy also Rob?:)

4th November 2007, 14:10
rob, we're a family here at filuk ;) lol

4th November 2007, 14:14
The majority times i belive the same but if people critize your wife as not having as much right to be here as him (well thats how i read it between the lines) then i will argue my point.

Al you may find your self biting your tongue when you meet some sections of the phill comunity here in the UK who will look down at your Wife and then complain about the way they are treated here by others:doh

Maybe they need to learn tolerance.

Glad your having a great time in phill:xxgrinning--00xx3:

This is exactly my point, i know exactly that most of the couples here are binded with love and respect, but when you have been here in UK and what you miss is being senorita/senora in phils how, many drivers drive your cars how many maids serves you and what brands of clothes you are wearing, its so pathetic, thinking that most likely they dont have it if not because of their brits husband. this is what i want to remind in the community over here, being here in UK and finding your future doesnt give you a license to tell others that you miss this back home.

nuff said. im out here.

4th November 2007, 14:18
bye bye nose :)

4th November 2007, 16:22
London nose. the forum is for having a nose around! Simple as that. Talk about cat amongst the pigeons today.What are you lot like!

4th November 2007, 17:09
This is exactly my point, i know exactly that most of the couples here are binded with love and respect, but when you have been here in UK and what you miss is being senorita/senora in phils how, many drivers drive your cars how many maids serves you and what brands of clothes you are wearing, its so pathetic, thinking that most likely they dont have it if not because of their brits husband. this is what i want to remind in the community over here, being here in UK and finding your future doesnt give you a license to tell others that you miss this back home.

nuff said. im out here.

No i was talking about OFWs looking down at my missus actually. Nurses and others who don't think she has the right to be here.

Anyone who shows off or braggs to me is an idiot whether they are from.
Trust me i have seen enough OFWs trying to show off when i have travelled to phill in fact more than Brit/phill couples, who are normally penney pinching.

The end of your post says doesn't give them the right to say i thought they all had freedom of speech:Erm:

4th November 2007, 17:11
I'd just hit them :D

With your rhymth stick:Erm:

4th November 2007, 17:35
I can't decide whether this guy is nosey or just picky? Either way, he's snot being very nice when he accuses members of bragging. He should wake up and smell the coffee, not get all sniffy when people respond. I see he's running now.


4th November 2007, 18:55
I Find this site because of this link http://www.pinoyminimall.co.uk/acatalog/links.html

hence my initial thread is in tagalog, but then again as i keep on browsing i realise the purpose of the site, but what really makes me start this thread is when some cockiness was being brag and non a single Filipinas reacted negatively, instead everyone seems to be enjoying it, well again its your opinion so i respect it, now im showing my opinions seems mostly are affected. admit it or not reality bites. so i guess its time for me to say shut up though im starting to enjoy my posting now. but when everyone else are angry with respected status (i guess respect doesnt ***********.com where you can really speak you mind.

Ok Lets start all over again so that once and for all people here at least understand my predicament.

1. I join this site because i thought this is a site for FILS in UK who want to get in touch with other Filipinos.

2. Realising that the site actually is intended for other purpose so i just occasionally visit it for some interesting topics.

3. The bragging and showing off started, i find it hey this is so pathetic that i want to puke, but realising that im a newbie here i waited till someone who has a respected status at least reacted on the post. for crying out loud no one seems to care instead its getting longer and longer,

anyway this is a forum so again its their right to do that, so i started a thread that somehow i know have some pinch, viola! a lot of reactions though others don't want to accept that fact, and try bashing the threads with its Read before you POST thingy :BouncyHappy: i become cocky, started complaining, picky and nosy, ok fine if thats how you find me then so be it.

now somehow some members thought im belittling filipinas here esp those who has a local husband, believe me, no pun intended, if for some reason i offended you i apologize, i came from a country(not phils) where discrimination is a mortal sin so im not in liberty to belittle anyone. The real OFW's im talking about is to those Filipinos/Filipina who still remember hows the "normal" life in phils is thats why they are here working and sacrificing their own families back home,

if others still cant find the bragging im talking about so be it, it just mean its either you didnt read it or you find it normal and not bragging at all esp for those who are here long enough and totally forgotten how difficult life in Phils is thats why they miss it so much!

ok peace to all.

4th November 2007, 19:16
Ok Lets start all over again so that once and for all people here at least understand my predicament.

1. I join this site because i thought this is a site for FILS in UK who want to get in touch with other Filipinos.

2. Realising that the site actually is intended for other purpose so i just occasionally visit it for some interesting topics.

3. The bragging and showing off started, i find it hey this is so pathetic that i want to puke, but realising that im a newbie here i waited till someone who has a respected status at least reacted on the post. for crying out loud no one seems to care instead its getting longer and longer,

anyway this is a forum so again its their right to do that, so i started a thread that somehow i know have some pinch, viola! a lot of reactions though others don't want to accept that fact, and try bashing the threads with its Read before you POST thingy :BouncyHappy: i become cocky, started complaining, picky and nosy, ok fine if thats how you find me then so be it.

now somehow some members thought im belittling filipinas here esp those who has a local husband, believe me, no pun intended, if for some reason i offended you i apologize, i came from a country(not phils) where discrimination is a mortal sin so im not in liberty to belittle anyone. The real OFW's im talking about is to those Filipinos/Filipina who still remember hows the "normal" life in phils is thats why they are here working and sacrificing their own families back home,

if others still cant find the bragging im talking about so be it, it just mean its either you didnt read it or you find it normal and not bragging at all esp for those who are here long enough and totally forgotten how difficult life in Phils is thats why they miss it so much!

ok peace to all.

So you know the poeple who miss phill because their familes are there and most of the Filpinas on here are probably like my wife who sends most of her spare cash home and biggest expenditude after that is for phone calls home.

Yes she misses home because of the foods, places, smells and the people she knows and loves. Whats wrong with that?

Can you highlight where the people brag on here? many of the filpinas work harder here than in Phill fulltime jobs, no maids to help with house work. People in phill are amazed we do most of the work on our houses oursleves and have no maids or what have you.

Maybe you have an easy life looking for beer buddies but wife like others is constantly worrying about family back in phill and has openly said her life would be easier and simpler in phill than here.

Last question do you actually know any of the people on here?

4th November 2007, 19:44
1. My maids laying my boxers and trousers and shirt on the bed in the morning.

2. "Sir Good morning, Tea or Coffee" ?

3. Breakfast in the Gazebo laid on by the maids.

4. My driver bringing me the Manila Bulletin at 8am.

5. A Mango shake placed at the occasional table after breakfast.

6. Sitting reading the political commentary waiting for Madam to put on her face to go downtown.

7. Going to SM City for lunch at Shakeys or Bobs.

8. Mojo's at Shakeys.

9 Extra Mojo's at Shakeys.

10. Internet browsing in the afternoon, while Madam goes around, leaving hubby to take coffee at Bo's coffee house or Bobs Cafe.

11. Meeting up with Brit expats at Foreigners bar for Premiership football on Star sports whilst enjoying a few San Miguels, and taking the p.....out of everything that doesnt work in the Phils.

12. Eating out at the Thai Buffet downtown area, for P190.00 a head.

13. Saturday Mornings with my barkada at the firing ranges, shooting and a few soft drinks and snacks.

14. Sleeping off my hangover after going out with my barkada to xxxx bar downtown and then running the gauntlet of my wife's reklamo..at the amount of time spent drinking.

15. Sitting out watching the sun go down at the other side of the world, sipping on a ice cold San Miguel and putting the world to rights with my Filipino freinds.

16. Sleeping in bed with nobody outside having a fight or falling over in the street, or sound of police or ambulance sirens.

17. Having a foot massage and foot spa whilst I am reading the paper.

18. Having a cousin come over and give me a full body massage, and a head hot oil massage.

19. Sending my driver down to Jollibee for a family meal of burgers fries, and ice creams for everyone at the house.

20. Finally - Snuggling up to a sweet smelling babe who just came out of the shower fresh wearing Narcisso Rodriguez...aahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hey ! who could leave all this....and you want to come to UK ? huh ?

well i guess i surrender, if this is not bragging i dont know what to call it then.

andypaul i totally understand you and your wife, again im not generalizing the members here thats why i always use "some" not all.

4th November 2007, 21:27
lol i think u need a sense of humour?and that post was suppose to be funny(well i think so).

so u really think every gf or wife as a maid back home with a house paid for by there brit husband then they brag to every one about wat they got! lol

and i thought it was the poor relatives taking advantage of them after they know they got a brit bf or husband?
or better still the poor lazy relatives taking advantage of there brothers or sisters or any relative they have after they got a good job!

4th November 2007, 21:37
lol i think u need a sense of humour?and that post was suppose to be funny(well i think so).

so u really think every gf or wife as a maid back home with a house paid for by there brit husband then they brag to every one about wat they got! lol

and i thought it was the poor relatives taking advantage of them after they know they got a brit bf or husband?
or better still the poor lazy relatives taking advantage of there brothers or sisters or any relative they have after they got a good job!

Well put

4th November 2007, 23:43
London_Nose .....bad example mate, that was 'HUMOUR' .....something we have plenty of, unlike the Yanks who have their heads shoved so far up there :action-smiley-081: they can't move the jaw to smile :D

Boy, I'm glad YOU lot aren't on my sales staff, I'd have gone bankrupt yonks ago :icon_lol:

Bonfire night on the 5th....save the Catholic priest from a burning this year.....we'll torch a forum member instead.....I vote JOE :Hellooo:

5th November 2007, 00:42
can i vote for Tommison?:)

5th November 2007, 00:48
well London, i guess U'd better find a forum or rather made a forum for urself wherein u can put all ur HUMOUR and ur own BRAGGING style(if that's what u call it..)

and now I understand that's why up to now u can't find a good mate there..

Goodluck on ur search for a beermate..

5th November 2007, 00:52


5th November 2007, 00:52
I vote someone hire a lechonero and we cook a baboy


5th November 2007, 01:25
a baboy as in lechon baboy?he he he:)

5th November 2007, 03:06
can i vote for Tommison?:)

mommi ... u want me burned?! hehe :omg::omg::yikes::yikes::omg::omg:

Pepe n Pilar
5th November 2007, 06:07
Hi London_Nose, i' ve been reading all posts in here and have noticed you as a new member and have no restrictions on whatever you want to say or ask. That's good as you have said everyone has the right to speak what's on their mind but, you also have to accept whatever comments you may receive may it be bad or good. May i know what do you mean of this phrase? "this just shows that all the "true blue filipinas"(where the filipinos btw), were here for the sole purpose of you know what............Will you elaborate on that please?.
And lastly you want to know what is this Filuk forum for? Well, the answer is the name of the website answers for itself.

Pepe n Pilar
5th November 2007, 06:29
WOW!!! Can't believe what I'm reading here - and I thought it was such a nice place lol.:)

I must have really missed something.

However, one thought springs to mind - I posted this a while ago but I think it needs repeating.

Here goes:
About 2000 years ago there lived a guy who just went round telling people to be nice to each other.
They killed him.


Hahahahahaha i like that joke Allan. BTW, nice to read a post from you again.:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Pepe n Pilar
5th November 2007, 06:34
I like your joke Allan... Nice to read a post from you again. I hope you enjoy your stay here.:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:
Regards to Hanna.

5th November 2007, 06:39
mommi ... u want me burned?! hehe :omg::omg::yikes::yikes::omg::omg:

Tom ....'tol(bro.) maybe kimmi voted you to be BURN WITH LOVE :rolleyes:Happy Guyfawkes:)

Pepe n Pilar
5th November 2007, 06:51
This is exactly my point, i know exactly that most of the couples here are binded with love and respect, but when you have been here in UK and what you miss is being senorita/senora in phils how, many drivers drive your cars how many maids serves you and what brands of clothes you are wearing, its so pathetic, thinking that most likely they dont have it if not because of their brits husband. this is what i want to remind in the community over here, being here in UK and finding your future doesnt give you a license to tell others that you miss this back home.

nuff said. im out here.

You are correct at this point London_Nose. I knew a guy who left Philippines for the U.S.A. then worked as a taxi driver in his friend's company. He can't accept the fact that he is a driver, and back home he has 11 househelpers (2 drivers incl). So he came back to the Philippines.

5th November 2007, 08:36
I like your joke Allan... Nice to read a post from you again. I hope you enjoy your stay here.:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:
Regards to Hanna.

Thanks Shelly. I have had a wonderful time here. Sadly, it will come to an end this week - I fly back to the UK on Friday.:bigcry:

Hanna sends her regards to you as well.


5th November 2007, 10:27
mommi ... u want me burned?! hehe :omg::omg::yikes::yikes::omg::omg:

hiya son,

like leah have said i just want u to be burn with love..and I am sure u really need that since u will be coming here in december to be with Mar..:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp::icon_lol:

5th November 2007, 10:42
London_Nose .....bad example mate, that was 'HUMOUR' .....something we have plenty of, unlike the Yanks who have their heads shoved so far up there :action-smiley-081: they can't move the jaw to smile :D

Boy, I'm glad YOU lot aren't on my sales staff, I'd have gone bankrupt yonks ago :icon_lol:

Bonfire night on the 5th....save the Catholic priest from a burning this year.....we'll torch a forum member instead.....I vote JOE :Hellooo:

sorry scouser keith, but the effigy of a shell suite wearing scouser was torched last night :cwm23: while we :xxparty-smiley-050::Beer::UpYurs:

as for London_nose, its the tone and words you use 'brag' i've not seen any of that on here :Erm:, have you got any examples ??, also you mention 'scold' your wife or g/f, not a word i ever use, do you mean verbally abuse or physically beat her ?, another thing we don't do :NoNo:, good job your in london, if my wife could get you , you be flat_nose or broken_nose :cwm24:.. just watch the words you use.. :D

5th November 2007, 10:50
good one Joe,i guess Id better call ur wife now and tell her about this Big nose..he he he

anyway, happy birthday to ur son..:)

5th November 2007, 11:13
thanks Kimmi :xxgrinning--00xx3:

yes little joe is 1 today :xxparty-smiley-050::Jump:

most of the time he's :CompBuster: the house up , terrorising the poor dog :cwm24: , he dosn't crawl anymore, just walks and even tries to run :icon_lol:

5th November 2007, 11:15
wow, how time flies..before its ur mom who's saying those words..

and now it's ur turn already..he he he:)

5th November 2007, 11:48
Bragging doesn't exist here. it's in friendster....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th November 2007, 11:58
Whoa! It's hot in here..

Easy guys, we don't want this kind of discussion here, don't we?

It's Christmas soon, we should talk about celebrating and exchanging gifts :icon_lol:

Mrs Daddy
5th November 2007, 11:58
oh dear dear i have read all this thread here and i was surprise i dont know what to say I am overwhelmed:)

5th November 2007, 12:08
Ooops, i just realized i might have given a different meaning. i just know some people who brag in friendster, doesn't mean people from filipinouk forum who have friendster accounts...

5th November 2007, 12:12
hehehehe! lol :D

i was thinking ... i only brag on my friendster about my gwapa mar! lol hehe

5th November 2007, 12:17
1. My maids laying my boxers and trousers and shirt on the bed in the morning.

2. "Sir Good morning, Tea or Coffee" ?

3. Breakfast in the Gazebo laid on by the maids.

4. My driver bringing me the Manila Bulletin at 8am.

5. A Mango shake placed at the occasional table after breakfast.

6. Sitting reading the political commentary waiting for Madam to put on her face to go downtown.

7. Going to SM City for lunch at Shakeys or Bobs.

8. Mojo's at Shakeys.

9 Extra Mojo's at Shakeys.

10. Internet browsing in the afternoon, while Madam goes around, leaving hubby to take coffee at Bo's coffee house or Bobs Cafe.

11. Meeting up with Brit expats at Foreigners bar for Premiership football on Star sports whilst enjoying a few San Miguels, and taking the p.....out of everything that doesnt work in the Phils.

12. Eating out at the Thai Buffet downtown area, for P190.00 a head.

13. Saturday Mornings with my barkada at the firing ranges, shooting and a few soft drinks and snacks.

14. Sleeping off my hangover after going out with my barkada to xxxx bar downtown and then running the gauntlet of my wife's reklamo..at the amount of time spent drinking.

15. Sitting out watching the sun go down at the other side of the world, sipping on a ice cold San Miguel and putting the world to rights with my Filipino freinds.

16. Sleeping in bed with nobody outside having a fight or falling over in the street, or sound of police or ambulance sirens.

17. Having a foot massage and foot spa whilst I am reading the paper.

18. Having a cousin come over and give me a full body massage, and a head hot oil massage.

19. Sending my driver down to Jollibee for a family meal of burgers fries, and ice creams for everyone at the house.

20. Finally - Snuggling up to a sweet smelling babe who just came out of the shower fresh wearing Narcisso Rodriguez...aahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hey ! who could leave all this....and you want to come to UK ? huh ?
well i guess i surrender, if this is not bragging i dont know what to call it then.

I do!!

Utopia !!


I think you need to find a dictionary with a clearer definition!:NoNo:

Don`t worry..It`s not your fault.

5th November 2007, 12:17
Haha...the culprit has gone hiding.

btw, u quoted me here mr London-bignose.

I don't know really about this London_nose guy, i don't give a damn what he been saying here But I followed some of his post and his sounds a bit cocky to me.
you find me cocky, can you post a link pls that i brag anything in here, i guess i read some cockiness from some members here but no one shows their reactions.

Cocky and Brag have completely different meaning.
Cocky---> means overly self-assertive idiot or London_bignose guy.
Brag----> is a boastful talk but you sounds like one though.

Anyway have a good life in London :rolleyes:

5th November 2007, 12:26
are u in the marines erve?

5th November 2007, 12:38
fred "or sound of police or ambulance sirens.", :cwm23: yes nearly every night, the other night or should i say 3am in the morning they woke little joe up :furious3:. no need for it ...

hahaha utopia :D, how long will it last til you've got nothing to do and your bored to death, and having nothing to moan about :icon_lol:... long may your regin last thou :xxgrinning--00xx3:

along but a bit of a funny joke on BRAGGING\BOASTING

Dave was bragging to his boss one day, "You know, I know everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone, and I know them." Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, "OK, Dave, how about Tom Cruise?" "No drama, boss, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it." So Dave and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom Cruise's door and Tom Cruise shouts, "Dave! What's happenin?? Great to see you! Come in for a beer!" Although impressed, Dave's boss is still sceptical. After they leave Cruise's house, he tells Dave that he thinks him knowing Cruise was just lucky. "No, no, just name anyone else," Dave says. "President Bush," his boss quickly retorts. "Yup," Dave says "Old buddies, lets fly out to Washington." And off they go. At the White House, Bush spots Dave on the tour and motions him and his boss over, saying, "Dave, what a surprise, I was just on my way to a meeting, but you and your friend come on in and let's have a cup of coffee and catch up." Well, the boss is very shaken by now but still not totally convinced. After they leave the White House grounds he expresses his doubts to Dave, who again implores him to name anyone else. "The Pope," his boss replies. "Sure!" says Dave. "My folks are from Germany, and I've known the Pope a long time." So off they fly to Rome. Dave and his boss are assembled with the masses in Vatican Square when Dave says, "This will never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye among all these people. Tell you what, I know all the guards so let me just go upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope." And he disappears into the crowd headed toward the Vatican. Sure enough, half an hour later Dave emerges with the Pope on the balcony but by the time Dave returns, he finds that his boss has had a heart attack, and is surrounded by paramedics. Working his way to his boss'side Dave asks him, "What happened?" His boss looks up and says, "I was doing fine until you and the Pope came out on the balcony and the man next to me said, "Who the :censored: that on the balcony with Dave?"

and i'm waiting for elvis to come and sing at little joes birthday party, hope hes not late !!

5th November 2007, 12:56
i'm waiting for elvis to come and sing at little joes birthday party, hope hes not late !!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU:xxparty-smiley-050:! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY:xxparty-smiley-050:, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE JOE!:Hellooo::xxparty-smiley-050::Jump::cheeky-smiley-024::REDancedancer08:



5th November 2007, 12:56
are u in the marines erve?

Erve is scary sometimes, wouldn't want to mess with her!

5th November 2007, 13:00
I agree Rob!:icon_lol: Peace Erve!:ARsurrender:

And Welcome back Peanutz!:Hellooo:

5th November 2007, 13:10
And Welcome back Peanutz!:Hellooo:[/QUOTE]

Hey you LadyJ! Thanks, been quite busy with things and settling in to this new country, new culture and new ambient takes a lot of my energy. I do peek here often but had not much time to stay longer as I wanted. Hope everythings fine with you and to your love ones, I hope to catch up with everyone again. Hugs and Kisses:Hellooo:

5th November 2007, 13:29
welcome back Peanutz..Ive read some of ur posts..:)

5th November 2007, 13:35
welcome back Peanutz..Ive read some of ur posts..:)

HI there Kimmi, thanks a lot for spending time reading my posts. I have read some of your posts too. Have a great day!:)

5th November 2007, 13:39
good luck on ur driving Peanutz, i am sure u will get used of friving with the right seat..he he he:)

Pepe n Pilar
5th November 2007, 13:43
Have a safe trip to U.K. Prof. Allan. Hanna will miss you. It won't be long you both will be together again.

5th November 2007, 14:31
i'm waiting for elvis to come and sing at little joes birthday party, hope hes not late !!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU:xxparty-smiley-050:! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY:xxparty-smiley-050:, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE JOE!:Hellooo::xxparty-smiley-050::Jump::cheeky-smiley-024::REDancedancer08:



thanks peanutz, little joe said in his baby lingo, that you don't sound as good, but your better looking than him :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

and he thanks you :Rasp:

5th November 2007, 15:17
hahaha utopia :D, how long will it last til you've got nothing to do and your bored to death, and having nothing to moan about :icon_lol:... long may your regin last thou :xxgrinning--00xx3:Joe.
Im still wondering if the honeymoon period has ended yet??
When did you ever hear me moan?
(except whilst being just another innocent hard working victim in the UK)
Honestly..I`m loving every damned minute I`m here..
If I ever have to go back then I`ll give another definition to the word "moaning" in a special thread just for you.
Happy Birthday too your littl`n BTW.. Just buy him a cheap toy police car from me..Sound effects completely free..(batteries unnecessary )

5th November 2007, 16:46
HI there Kimmi, thanks a lot for spending time reading my posts. I have read some of your posts too. Have a great day!:)

oh dear peanutz we missed you here in the forum, where have you been? anyway welcome back

6th November 2007, 02:09
welcome back Peanutz..Ive read some of ur posts..:)

hey mommi kimmi, sorry i didn't introduce 2 of the really special mates i have met here ...

here goes

Ate Geri (aka Peanutz) ... Meet Mommi Dr Kimmi :)

Mommi Kimmi ... Meet Ate Ger (aka peanutz) :D

it's like a reunion of my Fil UK friends :D


6th November 2007, 02:33
oh thats alright son, ive been reading some of peanutz's posts before and i can say she's really nice..

I am glad that she's also one of ur bets mates here..:)

6th November 2007, 02:42
oh thats alright son, ive been reading some of peanutz's posts before and i can say she's really nice..

I am glad that she's also one of ur bets mates here..:)

yep she is a really great gal :)

you and her would make great buddies :D

6th November 2007, 03:17
Happy Birthday Little Joe!!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

(Weren't you once in Bonanza?:xxgrinning--00xx3::Erm::Erm:)


6th November 2007, 08:35
Hi guys! I must have missed something on here...whoaaaaa happy birthday lil Joe (although it's one day late)!!! Hope the party went well:xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Ohh you've all gathered here...Peanutz and Alan and the rest of you great people... big hugs to all and a great day looming ahead to everybody. Sunshiny day perhaps:rolleyes:. Hope it doesn't change into gray one....:D:D:DPeace brothers and sisters!!!

6th November 2007, 09:32
Hope he got the normal Manc pressies for his first birthday, a handgun and a bag of meth :yikes: :icon_lol:

6th November 2007, 14:31
Hope he got the normal Manc pressies for his first birthday, a handgun and a bag of meth :yikes: :icon_lol:

yes he did, he knows how to shoot scousers, where it hurts :action-smiley-081:, and as for meths, if he ever touches any of that :censored:, and i'll be the one buying a gun :NoNo:

6th November 2007, 14:37
hehe well said

i hope the party went great joe

7th November 2007, 16:17
WOW!!! Can't believe what I'm reading here - and I thought it was such a nice place lol.:)

I must have really missed something.

However, one thought springs to mind - I posted this a while ago but I think it needs repeating.

Here goes:
About 2000 years ago there lived a guy who just went round telling people to be nice to each other.
They killed him.


He was killed by the people who worship his Father

7th November 2007, 17:41
The lad that started this thread has had his London_nose put out of joint....:D

Kinda gone missing..........:NoNo:

7th November 2007, 21:12
He was killed by the people who worship his Father

woooooooowww! lol

i think this one deserves it's own topic :D

7th November 2007, 22:03
The lad that started this thread has had his London_nose put out of joint....:D

Kinda gone missing..........:NoNo:

Probably bumped into some Scousers :BlueTeamEnforcer:

7th November 2007, 22:09
hmmm i wonder what u are implying robbo! lol???

7th November 2007, 22:27
hmmm i wonder what u are implying robbo! lol???
His own death by blunt bricks :Bricks:

7th November 2007, 22:29
His own death by blunt bricks :Bricks:


7th November 2007, 22:30
blunt bricks sounds like a really dirty innuendo! -- or ... it would if it wasn't so ... well, blunt :D hehehe

8th November 2007, 02:02
i remember the song, "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down..london brige is falling down....."

is it the same with the Big Nose in London?

8th November 2007, 02:24
"clive's fair lady" hehe

8th November 2007, 02:51
oh i forgot the last part son?he he he

8th November 2007, 02:56
glad i could finish it for u momma!

8th November 2007, 02:59
ta son, appreciate it so much..he he he:)

8th November 2007, 03:01
you're welcome mama chick! lol

8th November 2007, 03:14
u'd better go to bed now son..it's too late there..

8th November 2007, 03:16
ya! i'm just calming down after my nice chat with mar on the phone :)

i am so in love with her hehe!