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11th September 2014, 07:49
Time heals for a few, but never forgotten.

I can still remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard the radio saying a plane had hit the twin towers.

I bet most of us knows where and what they were on that day too

11th September 2014, 10:05
Had a taxi fare who told me a light aircraft had hit one of the twin towers. I remember what road I was on. Shot off home and watched it all unfold with my mum.

11th September 2014, 10:25
I can also remember exactly what I was doing that day.... watching CNN news on the TV in my house in the Phils, when it started unfolding in front of me as a live newsflash.

Just in a state of shock really. The most incredible thing I'd ever witnessed.

11th September 2014, 10:34
I was sat at my desk in our London office, Radio 1 was on with Mark & Lard hosting the afternoon programme, I remember one song finishing and then silence for about 10 seconds before another one started and then 3 or 4 songs back to back. Knew something was up but had no idea until the announcement.

Fast forward a few years and I had to persuade a police officer to allow me through a cordoned off road to get to the same office. He allowed me through but I had to give a mobile number and was told that if I was called I was to get out quickly. Transpired that there was a fifth London bomb but the suicide bomber bottled it and ran, dumping the bomb about 20 feet from my desk in the shrubbery just next to my office :yikes:

11th September 2014, 11:07
I (along with 4 of my friends/classmates) were in my friend's house for the night doing our school project. I was sitting by their bar in the living room sketching and writing something needed for the project when one of my friends flicked the channel to CNN and we saw the tragedy. We stopped what we were doing and watched the news till the wee hours of the night. We can't believe what was going on and was quite scared about it. :NoNo:

11th September 2014, 17:23
I was 20 foot up a ladder painting a wall at work. Then it came on the radio and off course I didn't get much more painting done as I was too busy listening to the horror unfolding.

Then that evening I went to Reading to watch West Ham lose at football and listened to it on the car radio all the way there.

11th September 2014, 18:51
I was working on a busy ward and I walked through to where the patients were watching the TV and saw one of the plane crashes.

It was weird because it looked like a blockbuster movie but this was real.

It was a huge shock.

Michael Parnham
11th September 2014, 19:18
In the office at work and the wife of my boss called whilst she was watching it on TV giving us a running commentary, we couldn't believe it!:NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
11th September 2014, 23:02
I heard it on the radio while driving. Also remembered the day Diana died too. The day I came back from Turkey.

12th September 2014, 08:40
I was sat in my office in Saudi Arabia when all the staff in the main sales office started clapping and cheering, I was moved out of Saudi within 2 weeks.....:cwm24:

12th September 2014, 08:49
I was sat in my office in Saudi Arabia when all the staff in the main sales office started clapping and cheering, I was moved out of Saudi within 2 weeks.....:cwm24:

What a set of .....:censored:

12th September 2014, 14:06
I was up a ladder glossing fascias and soffits..
My customer called up to me to come down and we watched it on his telly. Only one building was burning, the other had not yet been hit.. I went home, turned on the box and there was only one tower on fire..The other had vanished.. It was surreal.
Absolutely shocking.

18th September 2014, 22:46
I was in Gibraltar and thought it was a tv disaster movie, could not believe so many died on this tragic day.

As you say gone but not forgotten and will live in my thoughts forever.