View Full Version : Scotland to drive on right.

14th September 2014, 01:58
Scotland to switch to driving on the right if independence given green light


14th September 2014, 08:14
As Scotland won't be in the EU, I hope that they all have to apply for visa's to enter the UK :biggrin:

Arthur Little
14th September 2014, 09:50
As Scotland won't be in the EU, *I hope that they all have to apply for visas to enter the UK :biggrin:

Aye ... well ... *:yeahthat:'s the bit that worries me most!

More :censored: expense. :doh

I definitely won't be losing any sleep over the non-EU membership, though :nono-1-1: ... we'd be better out of it!

Ako Si Jamie
14th September 2014, 10:12
They seem to forget there are far more vehicles/idiots on the road now than 50 years ago when Sweden switched over. :doh

What next? Change of language?

This is turning into a right car crash.

14th September 2014, 10:14
Most of the ones I've seen already drive on the right....:xxparty-smiley-004:

14th September 2014, 12:54
most the ones i see here drive on left front right , all over :icon_lol:

is it not just being petty ,changing the side of road to drive on, a show of ,,,, see we are indipendent:Erm:

Arthur Little
14th September 2014, 19:53
They seem to forget there are far more vehicles/idiots on the road now than 50 years ago when Sweden switched over. :doh

:gp:, Jamie ... :iagree:!

What next? Change of language?

Maybe we'll even revert to traditional Scots' Gaelic as spoken by our distant ancestors ... :anerikke: ... who knows?